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Wed Dec 4th, 2024 @ 9:06am

Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey

Name Sky Jansen-Carey

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Romulan
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 8”
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Sky is an attractive young woman. She has long brown hair which covers the pointed ears of her Romulan heritage. She believes in keeping fit and keeps up a physical exercise routine to keep herself looking good.


Spouse Xavier Carey
Children Chloe and Connor (twins - newborn)
Father Unknown
Mother Eva Jansen
Brother(s) Lucas Jansen
Sister(s) None
Other Family Talsi Carey (Xavier’s current wife)
Various extended family on Betazed.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sky is a friendly, welcoming young woman. Raised by her mother and knowing nothing about her father, Skylar was raised aboard various starships and Starbases so is used to the Starfleet life.

On a personal note Skylar has numerous hobbies, she's very sociable as would be expected of a Counsellor. Born with her Betazoid abilities she's used to having to put a lot of work into controlling her senses. Being part Romulan she has the pointed ears of her heritage but knows very little about her own people, or who her father is.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Telepathic (line of sight or touch)
Strong Willed


Empathy & Telepathy can be difficult to control.
Ambitions Sky is a dedicated Counsellor, her only ambition is to be the best Starfleet Officer she can be and for her mother proud. Though she would like to find out more about the circumstances of her conception.
Hobbies & Interests There are a whole host of hobbies that sky enjoys. She likes reading, real books not the version on a PADD, as she likes the feel of paper as she turns the pages to read. She also loves spending time on the Holodeck revisiting her favourite worlds.

She has an interest in cooking and loves to bake especially making cakes.

Personal History Sky was born at Starfleet medical, the blend of Romulan and Betazoid genetics had made her mother's pregnancy a difficult one especially given that Romulans normally have green blood like their distant relatives the Vulcans. With the incompatibilities making work for the medical personnel caring for her mother it wasn't surprising that Skylar was eventually delivered early by emergency c section.

With her abilities developing earlier than they should have sky was ferried to Betazed to learn control from the experts there but she has still had periods of hospitalisation throughout her life for the stress involved.

At the age of sixteen Sky returned to Betazed to enrol at the University there studying Psychology and Counselling. She was a well liked student and did well in her studies, showing a natural affinity for Counselling.

After graduating Betazed University Sky applied to Starfleet Academy sponsored both by her mother and the CO of her mother's ship. Thrilled to be accepted she dedicated herself to her career showing an aptitude for Operations Management but her heart lay with Counselling. She graduated the Academy four years later with honours.

Sky has served aboard three starships to date, her career may be young in terms of a lot of Officers but she has shown the skill and desire to push her career to where she has wanted it to be, making Assistant Chief Counsellor just three years after graduating from the Academy.

She has now accepted the position she always wanted as Chief Counsellor of the USS Resolution.

In an unusual turn of events Sky has entered into a relationship with Xavier and Talsi Carey, becoming a third partner in their relationship. Unfortunately her first attempt at carrying a child for Talsi resulted in a miscarriage, but she fell pregnant with Xavier's children. During Shoreleave at Starbase Pegasus Sky finally married Xavier, becoming the second Mrs Carey.

Service Record 2360 - 2362 - Betazed University (Psychology track)
2362 - 2366 - Starfleet Academy (specialising in Psychology & Operations)
2366 - 2367 - USS Pegasus (Counsellor)
2367 - 2368 - USS Washington (Counsellor)
2368 - 2370 - USS Palatine (Counsellor/Asst Ch Counsellor)
2370 - 2372 - USS Wildcat (Assistant Chief Counsellor)
2372 - Assigned to USS Resolution