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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 12:45pm

Lieutenant Commander Aalis Rinne

Name Aalis Saito Enos (A-leece Rin) Rinne

Position Chief Security

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 155
Hair Color Dark Brown/Almost Black
Eye Color Light Brown
Physical Description Aalis has the standard cadence of Trill spots down both sides of her body. Faded scars mar her right hip and thigh down to her knee and are more prominent when she sports a tan. Her mid back length dark brown to black hair usually is in a tight bun, coiled french braid, or tight braid staying within regulations unless she is off duty. While lithe, she does keep in top physical condition and her muscles will pop when under tension.


Spouse Geiger (Enos) Zaal (35 - Joined)
Children Lonén Enos (5)
Father Ionatan (Saito) Tupi (Joined) - Deceased
Mother Rani Saito (67 - Unjoined)
Brother(s) Nioclas Saito (30 - Unjoined)
Other Family Gabriele Saito (27 - Human - Sister-in-Law)
Masten Saito (4 - Human/Trill - Nephew)
Nega Saito (2 - Human/Trill - Niece)
Leofric Enos (72 - Unjoined)
Odona Enos (67 - Unjoined)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aalis is usually a quiet watcher. She honed these skills after working security at the diplomatic complex on Earth while her husband worked at the Academy. While she is more towards spotting issues, reporting issues, and diffusing situations, she leaves the detective work for those that do the investigations. She is fiercely protective of her family. Her husband and her have made a wonderful team making sure what they needed for their lives was provided to them, even if they come in and out of the path of danger.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Highly intuitive
Able to work under pressure

Not a great filter when it comes to saying things on her mind
Knows no limits (even though she really has them)
Loses track of time easily
Ambitions Raising her son to be a responsible child, and to enjoy her family time while growing both her husband’s and her careers. They are hopeful to grow their family as they have been letting life organically go for them.
Hobbies & Interests Bladed weapons, hand to hand combat, energy and projectile weapons, swimming, rock climbing, star gazing.

Trained in communications and as a field medic.

Personal History Aalis was born on a deep space station. She grew up learning how to survive on the fringe of habited space controlled by the Federation. They never really had any skirmishes, as they were nowhere near the Cardassian space. However, during the war, resources were still limited. While her father was an engineer and her mother a scientist, she had no desire to start her life trying to get into the ridiculous candidate program as she had always wanted to be a security officer for the Federation.

When she was seventeen, she applied for the Academy and was accepted before her eighteenth birthday. She celebrated her birthday during orientation week of the Academy on Earth. Her Academy days were pretty lackluster as she stuck to her books and her training to become an officer.

Upon completion of her cadet cruise on the USS Tian, she was offered a position on the USS Chalinze. A team lead position opened up on the USS Oberon so she applied and was accepted for the position. She spent a year on the ship before she met Geiger, a fellow Trill. While they knew of each other on the ship, they really didn’t get to know each other until they met a year after she transferred aboard the ship. They hit it off right away and were nearly inseparable. Geiger with being a weapon’s specialist then transferred out of Engineering and started becoming a liaison to the Security department. As his family was still on Trill, they ended up going back home to get married shortly before their transfer to the Bellapheron. Here they remained for a year prior to the Battle at Wolf 359. The battle was a major changing point for a lot of Starfleet Officers, Aalis included. Due to her being joined prior to her injuries being healed, she wasn’t stable enough to get the shrapnel and burns along her right hip healed. As the Rinne symbiont was teetering, it was everything they could do to save the symbiont. While she has had the opportunity over the years to get the scars removed, she kept it as a mark of pride, and remembrance of how bad things had gotten and how far they had come together as one as Aalis Enos became Aalis Rinne.

After the Battle of Wolf 359, Aalis was joined to the Rinne symbiont. Due to their injuries during the destruction of the Bellerophon, Geiger and Aalis decided to take half a year off to allow Aalis to train on Trill with the Symbiont and for them to recover. During this time, she became pregnant with Lonén. They decided to extend their medical leave until after her maternity leave was over.

Upon re-entering starfleet, Geiger was assigned to the Ohniaka III Research Station. The assignment only lasted a year and they then were reassigned to Jupiter Research Station, as they wanted to be closer to the core Federation planets to raise their son. They left a couple of months before the station was attacked and all hands were lost.

They split their time between the Jupiter research station and Earth. Home for them was on Mars. Lonén usually went to daycare on Earth, and then went to school at Jupiter. When the Battle for Sector 001 happened, Aalis and Geiger realized that being close to the center of the Federation didn’t mean anything for protection against the evils in the galaxy. Aalis had been getting restless anyways and wanted more than watching diplomats on a regular basis. Also, since Lonén was five, they wanted him to experience the Galaxy first hand, and what better way than to get back out there and travel. She applied for a family position on the USS Resolution and was accepted.

Rinne Symbiont:
Mehmut Rinne
Joined at 21, Deceased 62 (2133-2195)
Mehmut was a successful test pilot for the Trill society and ended up working through a myriad of different technologies. He was widowed when his wife was visiting the Earth embassy on Vulcan when the bombing incident happened there. They never had any kids prior to his wife’s Nerial’s death. He was in the hanger when an experimental engine failed and ignited combustible materials.

Sari Rinne
Joined at 23, Deceased 93 (2195-2288)
Originally trained to be a diplomat, she was one of the ambassadors that spent time with the Klingons prior to the Federation-Klingon War in 2256. When the first attacks happened, she was evacuated back to Trill where she decided that the confrontation was too much for her and she decided to enjoy early retirement, enjoying her two children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Yonina Rinne
Joined at 24, Deceased 81 (2288-2345)
Yonina was an astronomer that ended up having three kids. Early on in her life, she used to travel to see different astronomical feats, documenting them as part of a small scouting science team. When she fell in love with one of the fellow scientists, they both decided to retire back on Trill and teach at the Commission and university. She lived to see grandchildren being born and spent her time on Trill for the latter half of her life.

Alistair Rinne
Joined at age 21, Deceased 43 (2345-2367)
Alistair served as an Engineer in Starfleet until his untimely demise at Wolf 359. As an Engineer on the USS Princeton, he succumbed to his injuries after the destruction of the Borg Cube.

Aalis (Saito Enos) Rinne
Joined at age 26, under emergency conditions post Wolf 359. She was one of a handful of Unjoined Trill that served in Starfleet that were compatible in the area. The first person chosen for the joining ended up not being compatible with Rinne. Aalis was the next one on the list and was chosen to join Rinne. She melded well with the symbiont and has had no ill effects from the emergency joining after the one that failed.
Service Record 2358-2362 - Starfleet Academy
2632-2362 - USS Tian, Cadet Cruise
2362-2363 - USS Chalinze, Ensign, Security Officer
2363-2366 - USS Oberon, Ensign, Security Officer
2366-2367 - USS Bellapheron, Ensign, Security Officer
2367-2368 - Medical Leave of Absence
2368-2369 - Ohniaka III Research Station, Lt. JG, Security Officer
2369-2373 - Diplomatic Complex, Lt. JG, Security Officer
2373- - USS Resolution, Lt Security Officer