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Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 12:45pm

Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels

Name Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 1.85
Weight 86
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color brown


Father Richard Stoffels
Mother Alexandra Sorrel
Brother(s) Michael

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tony looks like a tough no-nonsense person. Hard to get to know. Inside she is shy and hurt once too often. But she is very good at hiding that. Once you get to know her she is a loyal friend. She can be a very good friend when you get past her defences. Compassionate in her work.

Tony is very proud but weary of people talking about her father. She wants to make her own reputation. She is a strikingly handsome tall women who wears her hair clipped short. With beautiful grey/blue eyes.

Personal History Tony was born on Earth as the eldest child of Richard Stoffels and Alex Sorrel. She was the eldest of three children, she has two younger brothers Michael and Robert. Her father is a distinguished Marine General. And her mother is also a high ranking officer in the marine corps.
A bright child she went to Oxford university at the age of 16. She did well there at the academic level. In her third year she had an affair with a fellow student which entered in disaster as he left her.

Because she saw Starfleet as her other calling she entered the academy after university. She did not want to become a marine like her father and later her brothers because of her fathers reputation. It is bad enough being in the fleet. He is a great war hero.
Service Record Civilian 2359-2364 Oxford University Student
2364-2365 Starfleet Academy Student
2365-2366 Starfleet Academy Student
2366-2367 Starfleet Academy Student
2367-2368 Starfleet Academy Student
2368-2370 Starbase 114 Counsellor
2370-2372 USS Gettysburg Counsellor
2372-2373 USS Gettysburg Counsellor
2373-2377 Uss Resolution Assistant Chief Counsellor
2377-2380 De Ruyter Chief Counsellor
2380- USS Resolution Chief Counsellor
2382- USS de Ruyter Chief Counsellor + second officer filling in at end of tour
last year USS de Ruyter Second officer

Needs to be rejigged