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Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 11:31am

Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros

Name Etan tar-Lexros

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Atreonid / Efrosian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Slight and bronze-skinned, Etan is of about average appearance for an Atreonid of his age. His cranial bulges are less pronounced than older members of his species, and his white hair and beard are neatly trimmed within Starfleet regulation, which is the biggest deviation from his species' norm.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Oreled tar-Lexros
Mother Ameeta tar-Lexros
Brother(s) Krien tar-Lexros

Personality & Traits

General Overview Etan is a tinkerer and a technician. He joined Starfleet with the intent of helping fix ships, and now finds himself in the beginning of one of the greatest conflicts the Federation has ever faced. His inherent idealism and earnest belief in the principles of the Federation will hopefully not be destroyed in the years to come.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
An inquistive and technical mindset
A diplomatic demeanor, thanks to his family background
Being focused on making things work, rather than making himself look good.
A sense of pride in the work he does.

Not the strongest leader, more likely to make important decisions by committee rather than take decisive action
Often gets stuck "in the weeds", more focused on minutiae than the bigger picture.
Doesn't delegate well on technical tasks, but overdelegates social tasks - and not always to the best people.
Ambitions Etan has two ambitions in his life and will often report one or the other depending on when he is asked.

First, his ambition from the time he was young was to open up a small repair shop for civilian vehicles, either on Atreos IV (AKA Efros Delta) or somewhere else in Federation space.

Second, the ambition he's picked up since joining Starfleet is to become a full member of the SCE, helping to design operational equipment for all the ships of the Federation Starfleet and their allied minor fleets.
Hobbies & Interests Invention, kitbuilding, and tinkering are Etan's three biggest hobbies. He's probebly the only Atreonid who's built ships in bottles, and he has several holodeck programs which involve him acting as a mechanic for various machines.

Personal History Etan was born on Atreos IV / Efros Delta, the homeworld of his species. From the time he was young, he showed a high degree of mechanical aptitude, which his parents and the community of his upbringing sought to foster. His parents were part of the Federation diplomatic corps, and this meant that Etan often was aboard starships, where he fell in love with all the intricate systems at play which both kept the complement alive and propelled the ship through space. By the time he was a teenager, he'd already proven a fairly sure hand at minor repairs and was a cornerstone of his community, keeping their equipment working without needing additional supplies or support. Unfortunately, he wasn't the most communicative young man - because his parents were apt to do the talking for him, he spent the majority of his time focused on projects, rather than interacting with other people of his age. He's been left without too many personal ties to his community as a result, but doesn't seem to be hurt by that fact.

Joining Starfleet seemed like the natural progression for Etan, and so he joined up. Rather than pushing his way out into space by enlistment, he decided to go for a commission, passing the basic officer's assessments for Engineering and Operations without too much trouble. His prior experience in repair and maintenance served him well, as he'd been instrumental in upgrading the ODN network for his town alongside more official workers, and had done vehicle repairs as well. Those strong fundamentals carried him through service on cadet tours, though his capacity to serve as an officer in a command role was severely called into question by his instructors in their notes about him. Still, with his technical skill, and his eagerness and ability to learn, they hoped that he would pick up the ability to lead and communicate along the way, to develop a clearer voice of his own rather than being accustomed to being talked over. The need for new ships and new equipment trumped that, as the loss of Admiral Hanson, 40 starships with almost all hands, and Captain Picard forced the Academy to graduate some people who might have otherwise been given enlistments, and to grant honors just so that they would get people into the command track sooner. Unfortunately for him, Etan was a beneficiary of this unwarranted generosity, graduating with honors for his technical aptitude and put into service immediately.

The USS Cannonball is an Ambassador-Class ship, with all of the ungainliness of that transitional class between the earlier Excelsior and the later Galaxy. That made it the perfect playground for a young officer eager to find things to fix. Considering the greater situation and opposition like the Borg, the continuing threat of the Cardassian DMZ, and the Maquis resistance movement, which has had growing support from Starfleet personnel - in a time when Command desperately needs all of Starfleet unified to face the brewing storm, the Cannonball seemed unrealistically peaceful, a ship assigned to patrol the relatively calmer Klingon Neutral Zone for the purpose of scientific survey and humanitarian aid. Still, it was a show of force along the border, and could have been on the front line if a new Federation-Klingon war had broken out. Service was stressful at times, but Etan didn't seem too badly affected by it. No one outside of Etan is sure whether it's because he deals with stress well, or because he simply wasn't aware of anything beyond wiring diagrams, schematics, and parts in need of replacement, repair, or adjustment. When other crew were moved off the Cannonbal to more dangerous postings, Etan was made Assistant Chief of Operations. His one major innovation to the ship's process was to add a ticketing system for outside requests, making repair requests slightly more difficult for those outside of Operations, but keeping a better workload for those in his department. The Chief of Operations for the ship commended him for championing the policy and helping organize a department whose personnel had been reduced to one-third of its former complement.

At the end of a successful five-year tour, the Cannonball was put in to Starbase 5 for refit. Due to the fact that it would take almost 6 months, the majority of the non-command staff were moved to other vessels. As the Resolution was lacking a Chief of Ops, the young lieutenant was selected for that duty.
Service Record 2363: Joined Starfleet, enrolled in Starfleet Academy for four-year officers' course.

2364 - 2366: Studied at Academy, Operations / Engineering track, served cadet tours with distinction.

2367: Graduated Academy with honors, Operations / Engineering track, commissioned rank of Ensign.

2368: Assigned Operations Officer, USS Cannonball (Ambassador Class), rank Ensign.

2371: Promoted to Assistant Chief Operations Officer, USS Cannonball (Ambassador Class), rank Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

2373: USS Cannonball Five-Year Mission completed, ship put in for refit and repairs. Assigned, Chief Operations Officer, USS Resolution (Galaxy Class), rank Lieutenant