Lieutenant JG Elena Ramirez

Name Elena Colón Ramirez

Position Group Commander

Second Position Chief Support Craft Pilot

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Earth
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 146lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Slim, toned and tanned. Slender frame and slight curves. Long black hair often kept in high ponytail or braid. Starfleet & Flight squadron tattoos on her shoulders. Prefers tanks and sweats with sneaks to anything else. Often seen with her flight suit tied off at her waist and a white or gray tank top. Has a variety of sizes of gold hoop earrings so she can always wear a pair.


Spouse Commander Leon Marquez (deceased)
Children N/A
Father Carlos Ramirez
Mother Angelina Fuentes Colòn
Brother(s) Pascal, Gilberto, Osí
Sister(s) Isabel
Other Family Maternal grandparents, maternal uncles,
Paternal grandparents, paternal aunts & uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elena likes things straightforward and simple. She promotes honesty, acceptance and trust among her coworkers and peers. She abhors bullies. She does everything for her family because they are her everything. She used to dance and party but hasn't since the passing of her husband 4 years ago.
Strengths & Weaknesses Forward, open and honest. She stands up for and protects others. She places her family first in her life which often causes problems with her other relationships. She firmly believes that everyone is fundamentally good and deserving, thus she is sometimes seen as naive or gullible. She's very patient but she also keeps her injuries bottled up. When she lashes out, it's explosive. She's also been known to be a Daredevil at times.
Ambitions She wants to be remembered as s good person. She w
ants to live up to her late husband's expectations. She wants to raise a child. She wants to become an Admiral
Hobbies & Interests Capoeira, swimming, beaches, dancing, yoga, meditation, activism

Personal History (To be filled in later)
Service Record (To be filled in later)