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Thu Jan 16th, 2025 @ 6:08pm
Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)
Name Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)
Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Betazoid/Trill | |
Age | 30 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5’ 7” | |
Weight | 126lbs | |
Hair Color | Mousey Blonde | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Kiara is an attractive young woman. She has long hair and brown eyes. She uses her long hair to cover deep scars on the side of her neck and parts of her body bears yet more of the same. |
Spouse | None | |
Father | Joral Rahl (unjoined Trill) | |
Mother | Deanna Rahl |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Kiara is a genuinely warm and friendly young woman. She’s a rarity amongst the Trill being only half Trill and not a full blood, she’s something of a medical curiosity being one of the first half Trill to be born. It’s unknown if she’ll ever be suitable to be a host even though she possesses the internal Trill ‘pouch’ for a symbiont. She’s kind, caring and fun loving too. She’s very self conscious of the scars on her body from her time as a victim of a psychotic colonist. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: - Line of sight/touch Telepath - Empathic - Strong willed - A Dedicated Officer - Can handle Klingon weaponry particularly the bat’leth Weaknesses: - Still traumatised by the fact that she killed a man who was attempting to force himself on her. She still bears the physical scars as well. |
Ambitions | Kiara wants to find a true place to call home. She’s served aboard several Starships but has yet to find one that she feels truly at home onboard. She also wants to find herself someone to share her life and have a family with. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Kiara has a whole host of hobbies from collecting souvenirs to playing cards. She enjoys reading (real books not on a PADD) watching movies, jigsaw puzzles, music, and plenty more besides. She always willing to try new things. Her most unusual hobby is fighting with a bat’leth. Something that took her interest as it’s one hell of a weapon for self defence. |
Personal History | Kiara was born at her family home on Trill, her mother had suffered a difficult pregnancy due to various factors and it was advised she be planetary bound for her baby’s birth. Growing up amongst the Trill Kiara was something of an oddity, one of very few if not the only half Trill to exist. Moving onto her Father’s ship when she was five opened up a whole new world to Kiara. Visiting planets and Starbases she was completely fascinated by everything she saw. She continued to explore with her parents until she was ten when her Betazoid abilities decided to manifest considerably early leaving her mother to take her to Betazed to learn control from the experts there. It was a stressful few years of hard training but she eventually learned to fully control her abilities. Kiara remained on Betazed, enrolling at Betazed university at the age of sixteen to study Psychology. She was a dedicated student and proved herself to be a natural in her field, graduating with the highest honours two years later. Expressing a wish to join Starfleet Academy She was sponsored for entry by her father and was enthralled to be accepted. She followed the medical track in her mother’s footsteps. It wasn’t until Kiara joined the USS Winchester that she faced a nightmare that she is still coming to terms with. After the rescue of a survivor from a mass slaying she became a new victim for him, she was tortured and forced to defend herself when he attempted to force himself on her, using his own knife to stab him which in turn lead to his death. The ensuing trial found her innocent, the death attributed to self defence but she still has nightmares. She took a year off her career to have skin grafts on some of her scars and to consider her future before deciding to return to Starfleet. |
Service Record | 2361 - 2365 Starfleet Academy 2365 - 2368 USS Essex (junior medic) 2368 - 2370 USS Winchester (nurse) 2370 - 2371 Personal leave 2371 - 2373 Assigned to USS Crazy Horse (nurse/medic) 2373 - Assigned to USS Resolution |