
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 10:39pm

Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels)

Name Moxley Robert Sorrel (Stoffels)

Position Marine

Second Position Marine

Rank Field Marshal

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 84

Physical Appearance

Height 1.84
Weight 80
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Lean and good looking even at his age. He looks like he is in his early sixties.


Spouse Marguarite Alexander-Sorrel deceased
Children Alexandra Sorrel - Stoffels
Peter Robert Sorrel
Gabriel Sorrel deceased
Father Robert L Sorrel
Mother Virginia Fairfax
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Virginia Rose
Other Family Grandchildren and mistresses

Personality & Traits

General Overview From a prominent, rich and influential american southern family. Old money and aristocratic. Old fashioned but honourable and lives to his own code of civalry
Strengths & Weaknesses Honourable, honest

Grouchy, can be narrowminded, old fashioned
Ambitions getting back into the service
Hobbies & Interests american history
collecting american civil war books and artifacts

Personal History Grew up with very strict parents. Had very little choice in what his career was going to be. Never said a word against his own father who was abusive and drank too much.

His marriage was an arranged one with a scion of another old family. They were never very happy. After the birth of her third child Marguarite started drinking and had an affair with one of Moxley's best friends. He never forgave her and they divorced after his own father had died.

Has had many mistresses after that but not a steady relationship. His youngest son of whom he was most proud was killed in action.

Has difficult relationship with both remaining children. Pete because he chose to be a doctor and not a soldier. Alexandra as he does not think women should be in combat.

Gets on well with his son in law who is a four star general.
Service Record Climbed through the ranks at record speed. Served as a combat marine and in staff functions. Retired as a five star marine general and a legend in the corps. He was known as a tough bastard but always fair and that is why his officers and men did like serving under him.