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Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 11:02pm

Ensign Gregory Turner

Name Gregory Turner

Position Security Officer

Second Position Tactical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 210
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Muscular and athletic build


Father James Turner
Mother Claire Turner

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hardworking, but can easily be considered a laidback kind of person. As a child whose father was a professional fighter, Gregory was encouraged into training and pushed to be number one. This led to the belief that winning was considered one of the most important things in life. It was during his time in the Academy when he realized that winning wasn't everything.
Hobbies & Interests Boxing, wrestling, working out in the gym, dom-jok, basketball, swimming

Personal History Gregory was born in Memphis, TN. His parents James and Claire Turner were hard working people, who taught their son about what was important in life. At an early age Gregory took up boxing and wrestling while participated in many tournaments. It wasn't until he was twelve, when he decided to join Starfleet. During a field trip to the academy is where he met many different types of students who told him stories on where they were from, which inspired the young man to explore space.

Upon graduating high school, Gregory immediately went into Starfleet Academy After the first four months at the academy, Kayla his girlfriend from highschool called the relationship off. Even though he was hurt deeply by the break up, Gregory eventually moved on and succeeded by majoring in the security/tactical field. During his time in the Academy, Gregory participating in the wrestling and boxing teams winning several awards. After, graduating from the academy, Gregory and Kayla had run into each other at a restaurant in San Francisco. After a few days of talking they decided to give their relationship another chance. Gregory was assigned to DS9, while Kayla accepted a job on a science expedition. His assignment DS9 was short lived due to the Dominion taking over the station. With the rest of the Federation personnel, he had abandoned the station. When the Defiant immediately met with the rest of the fleet. Ensign Turner and several other Starfleet personnel were reassigned to various other ships among the Fleet. He found himself assigned to the USS Nelson a Steamrunner class starship.

Upon arrival, the Ensign found himself eager to learn what his new department entailed. Ensign Turner had only been assigned to the USS Nelson when it went into battle in the Chin'Toka system. Even though it was a win for the Federation forces, the USS Nelson was destroyed, except for a handful of survivors from the crew and himself. After being recovered by the USS Resolution during a salvage mission. Turner was reassigned to its crew.
Service Record 2369-2373: Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2373-2373: Ensign, Security Officer, Deep Space Nine/USS Defiant
2373-2373: Ensign, Security/Tactical Officer, USS Nelson
2373-PRES: Ensign, Security/Tactical Officer, USS Resolution