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A few changes

Posted on Fri Jul 22nd, 2022 @ 1:07pm by Captain Xavier Carey

Ok, first of all, I will be sending out jps to most that need it, and there will be a change to the departments...

Security and Tactical, I have always had it combined on all my sims... mostly, because getting the amout of players, was hard. Seeing as we have ample writers. I am going to split the department. My original plan was to always have a split department when the war came along, as it would allow a battle in space if the security officers were on an away team.

An explanation... well, say we have two away teams, security chief is on one, assistant is on another, or off on another mission. Romulans decloak, would you want an inexperienced tactical officer left behind because he was just not included in the away team. Ive always liked the idea of having it separated. With the security chief being able to train, and get security for the ship and crew. While the tactical makes sure our ships weapons and shields are operating properly. Which would be alongside, Ops I believe, think, tuvok and Kim.

Commander Soran will remain Security, training the crew running drills, and making sure the crew is safe.

Commander Tony Johnson will be the Chief Tactical Officer. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Tony Johnson, Michael (Other Michael) wrote for him when the Resolution first started, as the chief security/tactical officer, due to RL issues, he took a step back, but is back to write. His other character, Lt Diane Morrison, is our assistant chief counsellor. He also wrote on the original Resolution sim, years ago, and I believe the sim ended while he was first officer, and Mieke was CO...

Security will still have a station on the bridge will be located behind tactical.

So here are the changes thats going to be taking place:

Chief Security
Lt Commander Soran Wagnor
Assistant chief security
Lt Aalis Rinne

Chief Tactical
Lt Commander Tony Johnson
Assist chief tactical
Lt Talsi Carey


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