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Welcome Back *Backpost*

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 5:14pm by Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Counseling Offices

OOC: Takes place before Special Arrivals.

Diana made her way into the counseling offices. Things were exactly how they were when she left a few months back. It was good doing something different the last few months, but in all honesty, she was just glad to be back home. Rounding the corner, she walked up to the Chief's Counselors door and pressed the chime.

Sky was sitting sorting through a pile of PADDs when the chime rang. “Come in.” She smiled warmly as she looked up to see Diana entering the room. “Diana! Welcome back!” She motioned to a seat. “Please sit down.”

Entering the room, Diana quickly took a seat. "Thanks. It's good to be back."

Sky offered a warm smile. “Can I get you anything to drink? Or to eat?”

"Green tea please."

Sky nodded and slowly got up from her seat to go get them both drinks. “You’re return couldn’t have been better timed, I’ve dropped back my hours for maternity leave so I’ll be available mainly for emergencies. Not that I’ll be avoiding being on the bridge.” She smiled as she returned with their drinks, placing them down on the coffee table. “I’ll go stir crazy if I have to sit in my Quarters all day long!”

"Clearly I have been gone way too long," Diana replied accepting the drink. "You have a baby on the way and about to head out on maternity leave. Guess congratulations are in order. When are you due?”

Sky smiled. “Actually it’s babies! We’re having twins, a son & a daughter. As for when they’re due, it’s around 4 weeks but with it being twins it’s hard to be exact.”

"Double congratulations are in order," she chuckled. "I have been gone far too long."

Sky smiled warmly. “Thank you, but with war looming it worries me just what kind of future we’re all facing. Nowhere will be safe.”

"So how is Starfleet wanting to handle families being on board? Are they considering having them leave the ship?”

“I don’t think they could guarantee anyone being safe” Sky shrugged her shoulders. “All I know is my family are going nowhere! Where Xavier goes we all go, at least I know my children are safe if they’re with me.”

Diana nodded. "Nothing like the love and strength of family."

Sky nodded. “You may wish to talk to Kayleigh London, she’s finding it hard having been reassigned away from the Assistant Chief Counsellor role.”

"Do you feel that would be helpful right now?"

“Possibly” Sky nodded. “What I have arranged, is that she’ll stay listed on the department as a Counsellor should we need her.”

"You can never have too many counselors on a ship this size," Morrison responded. "Especially with everything about taking place."

“True” Sky nodded and smiled. “Plus while I’m on maternity leave it’ll all fall to you. Having some extra help would be good.”

"And don't hesitate to ask for help. I know that your one to try and do it all yourself."

“That I am” Sky nodded and smiled. “It’s a habit, one that’s hard to break, but I’ll try I promise! I’ll probably be glad of the break from time to time.”

"Is there anything specific I should know or direct my attention to?"

“Good question” Sky passed across a PADD. “Given everything Tony’s family have been through I’ve been trying to help as best as I can. She may appreciate time to talk, the same goes for Kayleigh.”

"What happened?" Diana inquired.

“Tony’s family were, and still are, under threat. She nearly lost several family members in an assassination attempt, they’re in protective custody. It’s been hard on Kay as well, she’s been struggling not that she’ll admit it. It’s all in the secure files anyway.”

"I can reach out to Tony. But Kay might not be up for seeing me considering everything that's taking place with her being moved into security."

“Oh! Before I forget” Sky smiled. “Kay is being kept on the staff roster as a Counsellor, should she be needed in my absence.”


“Anyway I won’t keep you, you’ll have your hands full catching up with everything.” Sky smiled.


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