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Another Replacement

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 8:42pm by Ensign Cobal (Johnson) & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: The Bar- Starbase


Kay said nursing an alcohol free beverage at the bar. The events of the past couple of days were still sinking in. First the change in departments and then the realization that she was filling in for the chief of security while she had never worked in security ever. How as that going to go. Would the other chiefs accept her? And how about the security personnel? It made her very nervous in fact.

The doors opened as Ensign Cobal and Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet entered in the bar. It was rare to get a chance to visit an actual bar, but they indeed planned on getting the full.

"There's our new Chief of Security" Goda spoke. "And she doesn't look too good over there."

Cobal looked over there. Honestly, he had been a little upset with some of the decision making. Yes, he was just in the Academy a little over a year ago. But he did have experience in security. But the one thing about him, he always followed orders from those assigned over there.

Goda walked over with Cobal in tow. "First Lieutenant how's it going this evening?"

Kay was a little startled. Nobody was in uniform and she had no idea who the two were, although they obviously recognized her. Which made it even more embarrassing. "Uhm fine, fine. Can I get you something to drink. I am sorry, your names have slipped my mind."

"I'm Ensign Cabal and this is Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet," Cabal introduced the both of them. "We are part of the security team that you're taking over."

"Ah... well only until the chief gets back." Kay added quickly. "It's nice to meet you. And I hope you won't mind telling me a bit about the department and the staff." This was still pretty awkward for her. She came from a different department altogether and was a marine.

"I would say the Department is very resilient," Cabal answered. "But you're going to be our third department head in about a year's time. So once again we'll have to adjust to a new style of leadership. It just feels like when you figure things out, it automatically changes up. No offense to you or your style of leading, but naturally change is coming for the department."

Etan walked into the bar, not concerned with the reactions from others as he carried the most recent technical journals under his arm on a PADD. Just because he was usually unofficially the ship's nebbish, that didn't mean he was a teetotaler. He looked around, and saw Kay with some of the Security officers. She was taking over the Security team, and he was wondering if they would have any need for the Ops team to help support the transition. He walked over, ordering a syntheholic Old Fashioned, booting up his PADD. He looked over to Kay and the security team, remaining quiet and letting her handle her new team.

"Look guys, I am only filling in till the chief gets back." Kay explained. "So I want to make as little waves as possible and change as little as possible." She felt out of her depth here and knew she needed the support of her team if it was to function at all. So she could not help but throw Etan a pleading look.

Goda noticed the look. "Lieutenant please join us." He reached over and pulled up an extra chair.

Etan nodded and joined them with a smile, looking at Kay and nodding when he recognized her need for help - this was part of what he was here for; even if it was the hardest part of the job for him. "Uh, thank you, Mr. Bhalet." He looked at the two men and at Kay, and with another mouthful of synthehol in him, he decided to speak his mind a bit. Kay would probably recognize the changes in him from the awkward nerd she'd first met aboard the ship. A few scrapes and brushes with death had toughened him up a bit; and this was a situation where everything was running according to plan, as long as everyone actually followed the plan. "First Lieutenant London may have saved all our lives on Lantea by alerting the Captain to what was going on; she's done similarly before that, too. You all have the full support of Starship Operations during the leadership transition, I'm certain there won't be any issues. I'm not very familiar with Security's day-to-day procedures, admittedly. We have Ops team members who are, though. They'll be standing by to help. If there's anything that needs to be changed in written protocol and procedure, I'll make sure training materials are available."

"Security is at the ready to do our part," Cobal spoke. "Just a little consistent direction is needed."

It was odd to see Etan stand up for a friend, he wasn't usually the kind of person who'd speak up. But he cared about Kay. With the way his mind worked, she could be certain that he earnestly believed she'd saved his life - and potentially the whole ship. In a sense, this was also an Operations matter - crew operations fell into his wheelhouse as well. He looked over at Kay with the most reassuring smile he could muster - his confidence only held up for so long at a shot, unfortunately.

Kay was touched at how Etan had stood up for her. She knew that sort of thing did not come easy to him. "I am sure that between us we will manage that. You guys let me know how things are run and I will try not to change anything." Just having a friend here made her feel more confident.

Goda smiled. "So how about another round everybody?"

"Alright." Tony said feeling a little relieved.

Waving the waiter over, Goda requested another round of whatever everyone in the group was having.


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