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Family {Backpost}

Posted on Sun Jun 2nd, 2024 @ 6:58am by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: undisclosed
Timeline: after mission

Tony was sitting in the conservatory enjoying the sun without the heat as the glass enclosure was airconditioned. The last couple of days had been draining. She had sat at uncle Pete's bed praying that he would wake up. He had sat with their kids as they were impatient to be out of bed and held them when they cried because of the pain. And then she tried to reason with her grandfather, weak as a kitten, but full of ideas of revenge. This was one of the first times she had taken a moment for herself and just sat and relaxed.

“Penny for your thoughts” Sky smiled warmly as she entered the room, having returned as she’d promised.

"Hey." Tony smiled as her friend came in. "Just taking a moment for myself. It's been hard. But how about you, how was the visit?"

“Actually it was pretty good” Sky smiled as she walked over to a seat and sat down. “It was nice to meet Tal’vi. I never imagined I’d be a stepmother, let alone a mother to twins!”

"It must be strange having a grown up son all of a sudden. For both of you."

Sky nodded. “Very strange! So how has it been with your familywhile I’ve been gone?”

"Hard." Tony had to admit. "It is so hard to see them like this. And granda, well granda is not making things easy."

Sky nodded. “He’s part of a generation that prides itself on being tough skinned and hard working, it’s not easy for him. It’s difficult for all of you, and being isolated in this place isn’t helping matters.”

"I wish we could take them all with us and keep them safe." Tony sighed. "I hate them havinig to live like this. Especially the kids."

Sky nodded. “I don’t know what would be safest for your family Tony, there are a lot of risks being aboard a Starship or Starbase. There are always people coming and going, it would complicate safety aspects.”

"Yeah, I guess. It's the way I grew up you know. Heavily guarded always. It's not always nice." She wiped a tear away. "It will be so hard leaving them. But mum and dad are close and Nick. It would just be nice to have everyone in one place."

Sky nodded. “They must have considered the options when they moved your family here, it’s obviously safe here because it’s so secluded.”

"I guess you are right." Tony said with a depressed look that was so not her.

“I know it’s hard Tony, but it’s about to get harder.” Sky sighed. “We’re facing the very real possibility of war, and that terrifies me!”

"You should stay here." Tony said softly. "Nobody would blame you."

“Definitely not” Sky shook her head. “I want to be with Xavier and Tal, no matter what I’ll be at their side. Besides in war nowhere will be safe.”

"That is so true. More civilians die in war than soldiers." God it was all so depressing. Tony just sighed not able to pull herself out of her funk.

“Tony listen to me” Sky offered her friend a caring smile. “Your family will come back from this, better and stronger than they were before. You have to be strong, and have faith.”

"Sometimes it is just so hard to keep strong and to keep strong for everyone round me."

Sky nodded. “I understand. Keeping strong for everyone else is difficult enough, you need to take time for yourself as well.”

"When? Last shoreleave I was looking after you and now... I can't leave them like this but I am tired, Sky. I had hoped to have a few carefree days."

“Then take a few carefree days!” Sky smiled. “You deserve it. I can organise a Counsellor from Starfleet to look after your family. Someone that can be trusted with your family’s safety, after all what good will you be if you’re burnt out?”

"They don't trust many people here." Tony said. "Those who are guarding them."

“I can arrange for someone who’ll pass security checks” Sky smiled. “If I could stay myself I would, but with the twins being so close to their time I can’t risk it.”

"I will think about it." Tony was not decided yet. It was hard to turn away from family who needed her.

“Take what time you need my friend, I understand” Sky offered a warm smile as she adjusted her posture to get more comfortable.

"I'd best be getting back." Tony heaved herself to her feet. "Thanks for stopping by."

“Tony, wait..” Sky moved to stand up pausing as another lot of false labour pains kicked in, they were becoming more frequent as the end of her pregnancy was approaching.

"Are you ok?" Tony sprang to her feet. "Sit back down, please, I can get a tricorder."

Sky waved off the concern but took a seat nonetheless. “I’m’s just false labour pains...” she offered Tony a smile as the sensation ebbed away. “It’s getting more frequent now, I don’t think the twins plan to stay hidden four much longer.”

"You have to let Kay take over. You can't keep working in this state."

“I don’t plan to” Sky offered Tony a smile. “But I don’t think it’ll be Kay anymore, Diane is returning to the ship as Assistant Chief Counsellor.”

"Did Kay do something wrong?" Tony asked as this was news for her.

“Not that I’m aware of” Sky shook her head. “I just received news that she’s being transferred to another department.”

"Away from an assistant post without knowing why." Tony whistled. "She is not going to be happy about this."

“I know” Sky nodded. “She was doing so well considering she didn’t really want to be a Counsellor when she was first assigned to the department. She’s been a huge help.”

"So you did not ask for a transfer? I know she doesn't like working for security. This was not my doing and Xavier did not tell me anything about it."

Sky shook her head. “I didn’t have anything to do with it. I’ll speak to Kay when I get back.”

"Good. I would like to stay on here for a few days, they need me. So if you could deal with Kay."

“Of course” Sky nodded. “I’ve got more time on my hands now I’ve dropped back on my duties so that’ll help.”

"Good. I think I will stay on and help my family as long as I can. Heaven knows when I will see them again."

Sky nodded. “That’s a good idea, take what time you need there’s no immediate rush right now.”



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