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Some use for spare Fighters

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 11:12pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Oasis Troilin

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Ready Room


Troilin had the 4 PADDs under her arm as she made her way to the Ready Room, she had scheduled some time with the Senior Command Staff; The Doctor had already kind of agreed to the proposal; though he did have reservations about the idea in a more practical sense; he knew it could be done just always looking out for the health of his patients had him questioning the idea.

It is a simple plan to use the reserve pilots as part of the recovery efforts. It would mean some Replicator time invested to create new parts yet Troilin hoped they might see how it would be a good investment of time and effort.

She rang the chime and waited to be allowed access; once inside seeing the Captain and the Executive Officer staring at her; the validity of her idea was in question.

"Captain, Commander …" She greet. "And you Doc, I thank you all for the time to put this plan out for your inspection." She went to offer each a PADD. "I will not take up a lot of time; just give an overview of a resource I think will be handy for our missions."

"I am curious to see what you have come up with." Tony said with a smile which she helped would help put the lieutenant more at ease.

Xavier sat the pad down. "I always prefer it coming from the mouth, rather a pad Lt. Please explain... im sure the pad will answer any questions I have afterwards."

"It is a simple idea that has been used many times." Troilin began. The Torpedo casings have been for burials in space; there was an incident where it was used for transit with modification, and I was thinking they can be utilized with minor mods to be used to transport the remains."

SHe looked at all the Command Staff.

"There are reserve pilots to cover any losses during combat operations, and Fighters to boot. The Torpedo casings are able to be mounted to the wing pylons; one on each, for torpedo runs. They greatly hamper maneuverability , but since we are not in combat they can be used in support of the shuttles ferrying between Resolution and off-site operations. Also these can be used for small cargo or equipment runs as well. Since the reserve pilots are basically on the ship with no Combat Rotation they can be used freely to support other operations."

WIth that she smiled and waited remarks.

"That, seems like a great use of the fighters we do have, you have to go ahead for everything you need, since we are still at base... I am sure you can get help there too." Xavier replied as he finally picked the padd up. "Any other department, I am sure will be willing to help with that... along side converting the extra cargobays into triage centres."

"Good job, lieutenant." Tony said. "We need ideas like this."

"Thank you Commander." Troilin started. "I have a schedule for continous Air Patrol while on station with wider pattern to give Early Warning also."

"Thats wise, we have a briefing on the next mission, I would like to be present for tomorrow. Your services will be needed I believe."

"I will be there Captain." Troilin agreed. "My birds are at your service."

"Great, we will see you there." Tony added.


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