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Unexpected changes

Posted on Thu May 16th, 2024 @ 12:33pm by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Counselling Office
Timeline: Current

Arriving at what was Kay’s Office, Sky popped her head inside to see if there was any sign of Kay. “Knock, knock” she offered a smile as she saw Kay.

Kay did not smile back, she was clearing out her counselling office. "What do you want?"

Sky didn’t need her empathic senses to tell how Kay was feeling. “I only recently heard about your transfer, I came to see if you were alright, which you’re obviously not. I’m sorry I didn’t know!”

"You are the bloody boss! What did I do wrong? I thought I was doing a good job. This was to be my punishment, not being shoved off to bloody security and I am losing the assistant chief position as well." Kay had been steaming for a while and was beyond angry by now.

“Yes I am the boss, but I had nothing to do with your transfer from the department! I had to read it on a PADD along with the rest of my mail from Starfleet!” Sky sighed. “If I’d known I could have pleaded your case with Starfleet, I will be noting my dissatisfaction in my report.”

"It sucks." Kay growled. "I did everything I could and again I get punished. You know I am coming to the point were I am really wondering why the hell I keep trying."

“You’re not being punished, at least not as far as I know” Sky sighed. “When you first came here you weren’t even sure you wanted to be a Counsellor, you’ve done really well since then.”

"The deal with my colonel was that I had to finish a succesful tour in counselling and behave myself, then he would think of letting me back in the corps. I haven't finished a tour, and I don't like security. The captain did not explain why he is doing this, I thought he liked me. And Tony is not here."

Sky nodded. “So you’ve already spoken with Xavier? Did he give you any explanation as to why you’re being moved departments?”

"He said a lt Morrison was coming back and I was no longer needed as a counsellor. That was all."

“Right now there’s more than enough room for an extra Counsellor, especially with me going onto maternity leave.” Sky paused, she didn’t like seeing Kay upset over this but at the same time Xavier was the Captain and his decisions were usually final.

"At the bottom of the barrel." Kay grumbled. "I think I will go on shore leave now and drink myself stupid. What is the point of not doing it. It's not as if I will be rewarded for it."

“Kay...don’t. I’m sure Xavier has given plenty of thought to putting you where you are. He doesn’t just move people willy nilly.” Sky tried to offer a supportive smile. “As I said I’ll see what I can do.”

"I will wait a day." Kay said. It was clear that she was very much distressed.

“Kay come and sit down” Sky motioned to the sofa. “I can feel how angry and upset you are about this, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help sort it out.”

After a little hesitation Kay came over and sat down, she wiped away a stray tear angry at herself for crying.

“Don’t be angry at yourself” Sky offered an understanding smile. “There’s nothing wrong with crying.”

"I am a frigging marine." Kay grumbled. "I should not cry over silly orders."

“You’re a human being too Kay” Sky offered a comforting smile. “You have feelings, you’re not a robot. I’d be upset too in your place.”

"I just want to know what I did wrong." Kay suddenly wailed. "Why? I was doing my best."

“Listen to me.” Sky gently placed her hands on Kay’s shoulders. “You have done NOTHING wrong. You’ve proven yourself to be a very capable counsellor and I, for one, am proud to have you as a member of the department. As such I will be requesting that you remain listed as a Counsellor alongside your other duties.”

"But the captain, he did not explain, did not ask what I wanted. Maybe he hates me, sees me as a burden." Kay started to hyperventilate. "I need a drink."

Sky nodded. “Just relax, I’ll get you some water.” Sky stood up to go get some chilled water. Returning a short time later with two glasses. “Here you go, now sip it slowly and relax.”

"I'm sorry." She whispered a little later. "It just makes me feel so insecure."

“Don’t apologise, it’s fine” Sky offered a warm smile. “You’ve just gotten settled in, and now you’re being subjected to more upheaval. I completely understand.”

"I have always coped with situations like this by drinking and brawling." She confessed to Sky. "The urge to drink myself into oblivion is really great right now. It was what I was planning to do after working out."

“Might I suggest you take out your frustrations on a sparring partner in the holodeck instead?” Sky smiled. “If you want to drink go for the synthahol instead, no hangover afterwards.”

"You think I haven't tried that! And I haven't drunk real alcohol for months, it is just not the same for me it is a stress reliever. I was coping without it but now, I just feel like I need it to cope."

Sky nodded. “You don’t need it Kay, you’re better than that. You know you are.” She offered a caring smile.

"Am I? The captain doesn't seem to think so."

“I think he does” Sky offered a calming smile. “He sees the potential in you Kay, why else would he reassign you? If he didn’t want you here you’d be packing to depart not just swapping department.”

Kay could not deny that Sky had a point there. "Ok. But he has a funny way of showing it." Suddenly she could not hold in a giggle. "I hope he is better at it off duty."

Sky grinned. “Trust me Xavier is the most caring man you could ever wish for. He may keep his emotions to himself on duty, but he doesn’t otherwise.”

"You could fool me." Kay mumbled.

Sky offered an understanding look. “I know it’s difficult Kay, if needs be we can talk to Xavier together.”

"Wouldn't that be awkward for you?"

“Maybe a little, but I am the Chief Counsellor.” Sky offered a warm smile.

"Ok. I am willing to give it a try." Kay finally said.

“Excellent!” Sky smiled. “We could try now if you like, or maybe later on?”

"I will lose my nerve if we don't do it now."

“Okay then” Sky nodded. “Let’s go see Xavier and see what we can work out.”


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