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Unexpected changes - part 2

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 3:39pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Ready Room

Heading from her office alongside Kay, the two headed for the bridge and Xavier’s ready room. They would soon be heading off ship to visit Tal’vi but she wanted to sort out Kay’s problem first. Arriving at the ready Room door Sky looked towards Kay.

“Ready?” She reached out her hand and pressed the chime.

"I have to be." Kay said feeling nervous.

Xavier had just been going over the crew, going over their mental capabilities. The next mission would test those and he didnt want to push anyone who couldnt handle it, into the scenario."

Walking in Sky offered her husband a warm smile. “Do you have a moment? We...” She motioned to Kayleigh. “Need to talk to you.”

Sky took a seat to take the weight off her back. “Kayleigh is feeling very upset about her move away from Assistant Chief of Counselling.”

Kay cringed a little at the directness of her boss. But waited to hear what the captain had to say.

Xavier noted it on a pad. "I understand. But part of my job as Commanding Officer is to take the officers I have, and determine where they may be a better fit. Seeing as she was a marine, and we don't have a marine unit onboard. Considering our new... designation. Marines aren't likely to be coming onboard any time soon. Security is something I thought personally she would welcome, because although it is different than the marines, it is still somewhat similar."

"You could have talked to me about it beforehand." Kay said. "See if it is something I would want,... sir."

“Kay was under the impression that she’d done something wrong, that I’d requested her removal from the department” Sky explained. “I have suggested that perhaps she could remain listed as part of the Counselling department, as a secondary position?”

"Nothing she has done is wrong. In fact, with the departure of Commander Rinne for the next few weeks, I was hoping she could keep security running."

"You what?" You didn't tell me that!" Kay felt panic and pride at the same time.

"Commander Rinne is off ship, debriefed about the Dominion, and their tactics... until she returns, the department is yours."

"I have never worked in security. Are you sure?"

Sky offered a warm smile seeing Kay brighten up. “I think he’s very sure” she grinned at Xavier.

"If needed you can help out in counselling. We are officially a search and rescue ship."

"Thank you." Kay said. "I heard about that and with Sky being on maternity leave the assistant chief may need the help. I am always available." She offered.

"Then I would not hesitate to communicate with her, in order to keep appraised."

"Yes sir. Will do." Kay said feeling a lot better now.

"Anything else Lt." He turned to Sky.

“No Sir” Sky smiled as she sensed Kay was feeling better about her move. “Thank you.”


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