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Talsi/Tony: Not as awkward

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 10:01pm by Lieutenant Talsi Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: various
Timeline: during birth of twins

Tal walked out of the sickbay. Paused a moment. "You think they will be alright?"

"Yeah. Women have been doing this for a while and in a sickbay they can help out in case of emergencies. We have a good doctor on board. It will be fine." Tony assured the other officer. "Come on, want to go for a drink?"

"Sure station or on the ship?"

"Up to you." Tony said. "It depends on how close you want to stay to sickbay I guess."

"I believe they are in good hands, lets head to the station, theres someone I want you to meet."

"Oh?" Tony was intrigued. "Lead the way then."

It didn't take long before the two were off ship and onto the station, and as they approached the promenade there was a tall, blue cadet in the middle of the restaurant

Tony followed Talsi's lead and wondered if this was the person Talsi wanted her to meet.

The blue officer, looked back, a smile appeared, his long tail whipped around and wrapped around his torso. "Mom... I wasn't expecting you for a few more hours. Hows dad?"

"He's fine, your second went into labour early, which is apparently expected with multiple births. So the Commander here, and I were going to go to a bar." Turning, "Commander Stoffels, this is Tal'vi. Xaviers and I's son."

"I..." Tony was flabberghasted to say the least but got herself together quickly. "Tal'vi it is so great to meet you. I have heard a lot about you. Alhtough your mother could have warned me it was you we were meeting. Call me Tony off duty."

"I apologize Commamder, Ive been told its disrespectful to refer to someone other than rank, especially when you are a cadet."

"Off duty it is not a problem. Believe me, I grew up in a military family. We hate it being called sir and ma'am off duty." Tony chuckled.

"Very well... Tony." Tal'Vi replied hesitantly.

"Good man. So how long are you here for?" She asked.

"Theres some talk about cadets moving early to postings." He replied. "I may be heading out on a ship, Ive already requested it not be Resolution... too many Na'vi on board that ship that one can handle im hearing."

Tony laughed. "That would not be a problem. Your .... mother is an excellent officer. We are glad to have her." She hoped she was using the right pronouns as it always confused the hell out of her. "But I can understand that. I chose navy instead of marines to create some distance from my parents."

"Its more of a... wish to make my own mark in the fleet instead of having Dad behind me literally at each turn."

"Yeah that would be tough. In my case I would never have been sure if I got a posting or promotion on my own or if my dad had anything to do with it. Believe me, I get it."

"Glad someone does. My classmates think I am crazy for not wanting a galaxy class starship... sure it will fit my height and build. But I don't want preferential treatment because of those. Or the fact that I am only two of the species that we know of."

"You will get your chance." Tony said. "And don't let anyone treat you differently." She warned.

"Thank you." Talvi replied. "But heading out on the ship, isn't for a while, I have requested leave for the next few weeks on the resolution."

"Getting to know the new family." Tony said. "And it will be good to spend some time with your parents." She noticed how quiet Talsi was and looked at her.

Tal turned, "Sorry Commander, just... eyeing the steak over there... my senses tell me its the real deal... and I haven't had any since we ran out a few weeks ago."

Tony had to laugh. "So why don't we have something to eat, before you do something not becoming an officer."

"That would be a wise idea." Talsi replied looking at the choices of eateries.


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