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Welcome back... Again

Posted on Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 10:03pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Ready room

Xavier sat in his centre seat, going over reports, the latest casualty reports of the ongoing conflict. The Klingons were a great ally to have, but it didn't seem to be enough. The Dominion had the upperhand in almost every battle the past couple of weeks, and the ones that were won, wasn't much of a win considering the losses that were incurred.

The doors to the turbolift opened as Tony Johnson stepped onto the bridge. It had been way too long since he had last been on the Resolution. He was happy to be back, especially with everything that taken place on his assignment with the Maquis, dealing with the Cardassians and then the Dominion. "Captain."

"Commander, Welcome back... please have a seat." He gestured to his right side where the XO position was situated. "New position as well. Hopefully this time, you get to stay a little bit longer."

"That is definitely the plan." Tony sat down next to Captain. Honestly, I was hoping to return to security, but I was offered this position which was a good change of pace. Plus, I was concerned about issues taking the place of my replacement. I hear she's been doing an excellent job."

"She has... shes been given temp leave for a debriefing on the new enemy, their tactics we have seen so far. How to possibly deal with them."

"I had the pleasure of dealing with the Dominion firsthand. And I can tell you they're no joke whatsoever. Not a single bit of fear or doubt in the Jem'Hadar. And they are extremely brutal. They're not the type to just surrender when defeated. I believe that would fight to the death."

"Reminds me of Klingons..." Xavier replied. "I highly doubt we can do what we did with the klingons."

"Very similar," Tony spoke. "But Klingons can at least be reasoned with to a certain extent. Jem'Hadar are programmed to take orders from the Vorta. And the Vorta will allow as many of the Jem'Hadar to die in battle just to get the job done."

"That will be a problem." Xavier agreed as he pondered.

"Is there word on where the Resolution will be assigned during all of this?" Johnson inquired.

"We will be running rescue operations, and determining, the reparability of the disabled ships, following a battle for the Chin'Tok'A system. We have been assigned to the 29th fleet as flag ship, they wanted one with experience, and considering most of our missions were rescue missions, it fit in line with the need. Also, the galaxy class shows we may be able to rescue, but we also have the ability to fight if needed."

Tony simply nodded. "When do we head out?"

"We have a meeting first thing in the morning... then we head out to starbase 578, while we wait until the battle is over... one way or another..."

"Regarding my new assignment with Strategic Operations," Johnson. "I would like to request that Goda Bhalet be transferred over Sir? I know for a fact that he has been looking for a change and wanting to add more to his career resume. Plus he would be perfect for me getting this new Department up and running."

"If he is willing then go ahead. Choose your people the way you deem fit."

"Thank you, Sir."


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