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Staying in the loop

Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 1:44pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Current

Now she was at home with the twins, Sky was doing her best to get some rest. Even though modern medical tech aided much faster healing than in Earth’s past, there were side effects of having a caesarean delivery. She was still sore and doing too much was definitely out of the question, with Chloe and Connor both fed and asleep she was doing her best to grab some sleep on the sofa.

Xavier walked into the door, and looked in the corner noticing Sky on the sofa instead of the bed. Given her ordeal, a regular bed was brought in until she recuperated, where the three of them could share, although Tal found it even more restricting than clothes, she chose to remain in the bed she was accustomed to, but insisted Xavier stay with Sky while she recuperated. They would have their own time, when Sky was asleep, or out with the kids.

"How are the little ones." Xavier inquired as he gestured for her to sit up so she can lay on him.

Moving to sit up so Xavier could sit down, Sky waited for him to sit before lying herself gently against him. “They’re fine, feeding well and sleeping a lot, which is kind of a blessing as it gives me time to rest as well. I can only imagine what women used to go through during recuperation before our current level of med tech, I’m sore enough and doing anything that involves using my stomach muscles is totally out of the question right now.”

"In time." Xavier replied as he placed his hand on her stomach. "There is no rush."

“I know” Sky sighed. “I just feel out of the loop. I’m used to attending the staff meetings, and having my duties, not lying around falling asleep.” She shook her head.

You will be included don't worry. The next mission, we may need you and anyone else with counselling experience."

Sky nodded, but couldn’t help but wonder how she was going to manage both work and the twins. “What is our next mission?”

"Rescue the survivors, and determine the capabilities of those ships disabled and destroyed in battle. Which hasn't happened yet. But... its for a strategic location, we are expecting lots."

Sky nodded. “I certainly hope we’ll have some backup counselling staff, or a good medical ship to send them onto.”

"The Resolution is now considered a medical/first response vessel... although technically not a medical ship, its starfleet’s way of saying... we aren't afraid to fight even when we rescue kinda thing, I think."

Sky nodded again. “Sounds interesting. Plus it’ll be safer in a way, given that we’re a ship with families onboard.”

"So far, there isn't any talk about removing them yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if they do eventually."

“I hope not!” Sky looked distressed at the whole idea. “I don’t want to be separated from the twins, or from you and Tal.”

"It will happen should they deem it necessary. If you need to be off ship for a little while. then for the sake of our kids you will."

Sky nodded. “Only if there’s no other choice, I don’t want to put our children in danger.”

"Good. So we are settled. You ready for bed?"

Sky nodded. “Definitely! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this tired before.” She offered a wry smile.

"Very well." He replied standing, then reaching down, lifting her up. "Take a few hours, I got this."

“Are you sure?” Sky offered a concerned glance. “You’ve just got in from work, you need to rest as well.”

"Its fine..." He reassured her, "get your beauty sleep."

Sky nodded as she held onto Xavier as he carried her. “Alright, thank you Imzadi.”


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