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New Family Fix-It Girl

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Ensign Larissa Milton

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Captain Ready Room


The assignment was under her specialty; and it is not like she is not aware of the Captain's name or relationship to her New Husband, but never having been 'Introduced Formally' before being given a worksheet with the Captain's computer connection having glitches that the remote diagnostic showed not to be mechanical but programming put Larissa's name on the repair bill.

The bridge was much larget than she really expected, she noted in passing while walking from the Turbo Lift towards the Ready Room, how well the programming seemed to flow as the various lighting of the paels showed no red distinctions. she tried to keep her awe in check and had her small bag of tricks slung like a purse over her left shoulder.

Stopping at the Ready Room she smoothed her skirt; glad she wore tights to be more formal as she is meeting the Captain for the first time. A tug on the jacket for final touch before ringing the chime and being allowed access.

She entered wit permission and stopped at his desk, meeting eyes with The Captain before she spoke.

"Ensign Larissa Ri... " She hesitated just an instant due to nerves. "Milton coming about a problem with the Computer interface Captain?"

"Impressive, I just mentioned to him how there was a few issues. I expected a few days, especially since its not considered urgent." He replied. "please have a seat." He pointed with the prosthetic that the doc had come up with after the mentarin mission. One mission that he had heard was still holding strong, with the pact with the klingons, having remained strong. Even during their brief yet bloody war with them. "

"There is also an Availability matter, if the person that can fix it is deep in requests then longer..." Larissa smooth her skirt before taking a seat. "The Analyst who works from her quarters has a more 'Open' schedule as I can prioritize and Captain is Priority." She reply. "Call it making your needs important over the routine Sir."

"An ops officer at my beck and call, now I do see benefits in that. But lets set the professional dialogue aside. Lets talk about you. Quite something for the doc to fall head over heels over someone... its usually myself that does that."

"T-that was mutual I think." She placed her kit beside the chair and had her hands properly in her lap. "It would be a fun discussion as to whom fell faster or harder." Adding to her statement. It took us both a little off guard Captain."

She look up to meet his eyes.

"If you do not realize, RJ has a waay of kindness you do not often see and cannot resist you know."

"I have seen that, obviously not in the same light... but I have seen it."

Fighting a Blush Larissa continued.

"Swept me off my feet with the little things he did..." SHe said "Jennifer was nothing of a thought to him; most men hear Baby and off they run. "After I told him I had a daughter his reaction was wanting to meet her." SHe smiled. "Who could resist that?"

"If someone can accept someone elses kid. That is a huge plus."

" That was the clincher, especially when it did not seem he took time to think, he just accepted, and his charm in general was...magic."

"Well he deserves the happiness... and it seems he is... happy doc, means less harrassment from the doc to the crew." he replied. "How are you dealing with his promotion."

"He was reluctant to tell me; tried buttering me up up and all." Larissa blushed a bit. "I knew a Doctor would be a trial but when he said #rd in command I nearly choaked." Looking the Captain in the eyes and holding the gaze. "He might one day Commad a ship; I figured that out in that second, and decided to play it by ear."

Relaxing a bit she nod.

"The added time away is not great, but he makes our time together so.... loving and I know Jennifer and I are all his focus when together.... I can share him a bit with the ship I suppose."

"I promise the time away will be not more than it needs to be ensign."

"Rissa, please." Larissa added. "Family and friends call me 'Rissa' and RJ has always talk of you as .... Family."

"Well the feelings mutual... Xavier is the name, and i would be offended if you didn't use it." He replied with a smile. "The next mission I know will need your expertise, I can't go into details, your chief will brief you when its time."

"This ship has certainly added action to y life." She giggled. "Met the man I married on an away mission and the mission to come I will play a more active part to it. Makes my duties on the Palomino seem... boring." Winking to the Captain. "Once the new little ones are under wraps and Sky is up to it I look forward to meeting your family; Milton talks of you quite often, I admit to deing curious Xavier, and My little girl is just 3 months older than your newborns. I-I could swap Mommie things with Sky if you do not mind?"

"I am sure she would love that."

Larissa beamed a little, it would be good to talk 'Mommie to Mommie' is something she had been lacking. The chance to not be the only one with the thoughts and feelings; like minds and experiences.

"Once things calm a little I will make a point to stop by and make introductions." She nodded. "She is lucky, she had your family and even RJ to help."

"Well, I believe the entire ship is lucky to have an officer like the Doc..."

"Can I take a bias vote on that?" Larissa teased. "He has been good to me and Jenny though." Pausing for a second to think. "You know I feel bad for taking up a ticker of your time, I should be looking to the problem."

She smiled a bit.

"If ya give me a min or two in the Captain's chair; might say in a small way. I'll get you back up and right in no time."

"Very well its yours... just don't get any ideas." He grinned as he leaned back. "I've got things to work on here, so its the best time."

"Thank ya Mate." Larissa said casually as she removed the unit. "Family only get best service." She took her bag from beside her."try have it back within the hour, barring serious problems."" She made her way out of the Ready Room.

Xavier watched her leave. Thought for a moment, about how things has changed for everyone on the ship in a short amount of time. Then continued with his pad.

Ensign Larissa Milton
Computer Specialist.

Captain Xavier Carey
Commanding Officer


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