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Almost Didn't Make It

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Morrison Quarters

OOC: *Take place before Welcome Back...Again*

Tony entered the Resolution with his duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Past couple of months undercover with the Maquis was a serious assignment. Mentally he knew that it would be a difficult task, betraying so many people. Which in all honesty, he didn't have an issue with. But the look on his own brothers face when the truth came out that he was undercover the whole time was a tough pill to swallow. Even though his brother was locked up for his crimes. At least he was still alive. The two of them and a few Maquis cells were all that survived the onslaught of the Dominion.

After several days of ducking, dodging and hiding they eventually made their way back to Federation space. The Maquis Fighter limped to DS9 where they spent the next week being debriefed. Then they were transferred to Starfleet Command for an even more thorough debriefing. When it was all said done, Daniel was taken to the New Zealand Penal Colony to serve a 6-year sentence. The next stop for Tony was not the Resolution as he had hoped. But Starfleet had felt that with his previous work in security and operations, along with his time dealing with weapons and tactics. A quick training in Strategic Operations would be fitting, especially with the Dominion threat on the horizon.

Now he found himself back on the Resolution, responsible for putting a brand-new Department together with the Klingons continuing to be an issue and the inevitable conflict with the Dominion looming in the background. These things were all important, but none of these issues were more important than him getting to see his wife again. A few months, while undercover the two decided to tie the knot and get married. Probably wasn't the best time to do so, but it was at that moment neither of them wanted to go another day without being husband and wife. Continuing down the corridor, Johnson stepped into the turbolift and requested to be taken to the junior officer's quarters. Arriving at his destination, he pressed the chime to the door.

Diana Morrison hadn't been expecting a visitor and naturally wondered who had shown up to her doorstep. Opening the door, she definitely surprised and grinned from ear to ear at the sight of her husband. Immediately the counselor found herself jumping into his arms. "Your extremely late."

"Sorry babe," Tony said while embracing his wife. "After eavading the Dominion, Starfleet insisted on keeping us from communicating with the outside world until they were officially done."

"So, Starfleet has everything they need?"

"Yes, they debriefed me on all things Maquis. Including my experience with the Dominion. Honestly I'm surprised we managed to get away."

"Assuming Daniel didn't take the news well?" she inquired.

"He tried to kill my ass with his bare hands when he found out," Tony admitted. "I left that one out during my briefing with Starfeet for obvious reasons."

"They asked quite a bit to ask about the Maquis once I returned," Di spoke. "I didn't have much to report about the Dominion. How many actually survived?"

"Not much at all. If safe to say that the Maquis are likely done for good."

Diana took a moment to give those lost a moment of silence. Even though they were sent to spy and give
intel back to Starfleet. But they made friends and got to know a good portion of them. There were so many times that she wanted to tell them to abandon the Maquis. But duty kept her from breaking cover and trying to save them from the inevitable.

"Babe are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she answered. "The fact that so many of them are now dead is a bit shocking."

"I know," Hunt agreed. "They went from winning to being massacred. No one saw it coming."

"So are you officially back in the Res? They did fill your spot, during your absence."

Johnson chuckled. "I was reassigned as the Chief Strategic Officer. Going to miss security, but I have a feeling that this will definitely lead to getting my own command one day."

"Make it a point to hold still for a while," Diana suggested. "I need for us to remain here for a while. No more transferring or special long-term assignments.

Tony nodded in agreement. Walking over the couch, they say side by side. "I have no intent on leaving your side anytime in the near future. With that said we need to get you out of these quarters and into myt place." Leaning forward, he kissed his wife.


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