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Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 5:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Strategic Operations Office

Commander Johnson was getting situated in his office and things was finally just coming together. This was the first time that the Resolution was getting a Strategic Operations Department, so everything here was getting put together from scratch. As important as this Department would be, it was also one of the smallest if not the smallest on the ship. But in order to get this thing truly up and running, Tony needed someone who could trust and depend on. That's when the chimed on his door went off. "Come on in."

The door opened as Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet entered the room. "You wanted to see me Sir?"

"Yes Goda," Johnson answered. "Get you something from the replicator and have a seat."

Walking over to the replicator, Goda requested a cranberry juice then had a seat across from the Commander. "First of all, welcome back."

"Thank you, it's good to be back. But to get straight to the point. The reason I called you here was to offer you a position in my department as a Strategic Operations Officer."

Bhalet was clearly surprised by the offer. "I have to admit that I am surprised by this offer."

Tony smiled. "You shouldn't be too surprised. I have always been impressed by your work. Even when I over you back in security. Also as the Strategic Operations Officer you would be the next in charge after myself. Not only would this be a big help for me, but this would open more doors for yourself."

"Does the security chief or the Captain know of this offer your making me?"

"I ran it by the Captain and he was good with me making this offer to you," Tony answered. "Its a great opportunity and like myself, I don't think he would want you to pass on a move that would be great for your career."

Goda smiled. He had almost forgotten how thorough Commander Johnson could be. It was something that he was happy to see regularly while they worked in security together. Also Johnson was right, he had been thinking about leaving the security department for quite sometime now. Not because of anything wrong with the department. But it was time for his career to progress in another direction. When he first enlisted into Starfleet, he wanted to travel and perhaps have a long career in security. But in recent years, he began to want more.

"You were the one who convinced me to being a Warrant Officer," Goda spoke. "And it was indeed one of the best choices in my career. It opened up a whole new set of doors for me. So, I will definitely follow your lead on this journey with this new department."

Johnson nodded. "Thank you for accepting the offer. I could definitely use your mind and skills. There is a war around the corner and the Resolution will need us at our best."

"So where do we start?" the Warrant Officer asked.

Walking over to the big monitor on the wall, Tony turned it on displaying the Federation that shown Federation and Cardassian space. "This is where we start."


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