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Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 12:34am by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Oasis Troilin & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Briefing room
Timeline: Current

Xavier walked into the briefing room, the table was set, pads handed out to each department, at their usual spot. Plus additional, as there were a few extra officers coming. Although Sky was on Mat leave... she wanted to attend, considering the nature of the mission, she may be needed anyway. Walking over to the replicator, he ordered himself a coffee, and walked over to the window.

Kay was one of the first ones in in her role as acting chief of security. She was in those stages were she wanted to do everything perfect. She nodded at the captain surprised she had beat everyone here.

Sky arrived at the briefing, offering Kay a warm smile as she took a seat next round from Xavier. She was tired, and still feeling somewhat fragile, plus it was an odd feeling being away from the twins, but she had asked to be included.

Milton came in with a cup of Java in hand; the strong Hazelnut aroma from the mug. Anyone that knew Milton would realize he did not do replicated coffee in the morning. He needed a jolt as Jenn Jenn had been fussy and Milton is getting used to a 3 month old in his routine now. Heading to sky he lean over her shoulders as a sign of family affection.

"How is my Favorite New mama?" He winked when she looked up. "Hope they give you some reprieve?" Glancing at the Captain he nod. "You doing okay Captain?"

Sky offered Rutherford a warm smile. “I think tired is putting it lightly, thankfully I have a wonderful family who have been helping me.” She smiled at Xavier.

"Shes a wonderful mother as we all knew she would be." Xavier replied returning the smile. "Our previous son was... much different considering the species difference. I look forward to this round."

Tony walked in as well she had been busy with paperwork in her office and had just finished something before heading over. By now she knew it took a while to gather all officers for a briefing.

The doors opened as Tony and Diana entered the room. Since the last time they were on board the briefing had been slightly renovated. Taking their seats. Tony had a pretty good idea why he was here, but Diana was a bit nervous while unsure why her presence was required.

For those who'd been aboard more than... a day, frankly, it would be strange to see Etan tar-Lexros walk into the Briefing Room in the middle of the pack. He was usually here first, and would have been racing Kay here this time. But he walked in with a length of ODN patch cable coiled over his shoulder, and a PADD in hand. It wasn't that Ops was short-handed by any stretch, but Etan had realized, he liked getting his hands dirty. Between that and the help from Kay and Sky, who'd become more friends than counselors, he'd gained a great deal of confidence. It still left him one of the Fleet's greatest nebbishes, but there was a glimmer of normalcy there now. He walked in and walked to the replicator, manually keying in a combination. When his drink appeared (something which shimmered between bright pink and deep blue, and was definitely caffeinated), he sat down and looked at the briefing PADD.

Troilin usually had better luck catching open doors; not this time , she entered with a Cup of Joe in one hand and her PADD in the other. Hair in a neat Ponytail; fitted Flight Suit with Flight Jacket in Fleet Jacket colors. Her eyes behind reflective Aviator Sunglasses, she was ready for the day it seemed.

Well aware of her own Center of Gravity she strode with poise to the nearest chair and placed her PADD and Mug on the table looking about those Gathered,

"Top of the day to you ." The reflection of each person's face in the lens as she panned the room. "I hope you all are well?" Keeping her 'Heritage to a minimum as she is not a counselor nor anything of the like, she is not a fan of the 'Ambient noise an Empath heard at all times.

Sky offered a warm smile as she greeted the woman she had yet to meet. “Yes, Thank you.”

"Ok, we are almost all here? Who else are we missing?"

"I think we are all here." The first officer said.

"I agree." Milton added.

"Very well... first of all there has been some changes in the crew and command structure. We have lost a few officers, most temporarily, welcoming back a few. Lt Diane Morrison, who will be the assuming her role as assistant chief counsellor, currently taking over for Lt Jansen-Carey until her maternity leave ends, and Lt Commander Tony Johnson... our new chief strategic operations officer." He paused, looking around the room. "Doc RJ is now Lt Commander whether he wants that to reflect in how we address him I will allow him to address that. As he is also the new Second officer of the Resolution. Given our new assignment is to the 29th fleet... our main assignments will be those of search and rescue." He took a pad from the table. There were a few changes once again. "It seems Lt Jacen Rendar has been reassigned to the USS Evolution..." He paused. "Commander Stoffels, and Commander Milton, please remain after the briefing..." Going through the list some more... "Lt Commander Rinne is off getting debriefed about the new enemy we are facing... in her absence 1st Lt Kayleigh London will be assuming her duties. Marines, isn't quite security bz-ut I am sure if she can make a transition from marines to counselling... a move to security will be a piece of cake."

Kay tried not to wince and keep her face passive. She was not finding it that easy.

Sky offered Kay a smile, she had no doubt Kay would do well in her new role. She also offered Rutherford a congratulatory nod and smile.

"I am quite comfortable with Doc or Doc Milton if you are comfortable."Milton added. "I think only Brass and Official Fleet shin-digs should have the Commander Milton thing."

As ever, Etan spoke up for Kay. "Sir, Ops is supporting Security through the command change. It's been smooth from our perspective so far. Lieutenant London continues to have our full support."

Kay felt herself blush at Etan's praise. He was such a nice guy, she was so glad she befriended him.

"Now since that's out of the way, our new mission, seems to be made for us apparently. Considering, our past missions. Our experience in dealing with rescues has earned as the reassignment. Our ship will be leading a small fleet to the Chin Tok A system. The seventh fleet is amassing outside the system in order to take the system and hopefully what seems to be a dominion communications array that the federation has learned is on one of the planets there. Once the battle is complete, and the system clear, we go in for survivors. Our second objective is to determine what ships are salvageable, and which are headed for scrap. That's where you Lt Tar-Lexros... come in..."

Etan had heard about Chin'Tok'A, the battles there. He consulted his information and found little that pleased him. "Sir, we'll research Chin'toka in more detail. But my team aren't combat personnel - nor am I. But I'm certain that between Medical, Science, and Ops, we will do everything in our power."

"Very well Lt. We are due to be at starbase to rendezvous with the other ships in two days time... We leave in six hour, anything you need to do here on Earth, finish it up, it may also be a while before we make it back..."

Toni nodded. She would be heading back to her family one more time and it would be hard saying goodbye this time.

Milton had better give his Bride time to bid farewell to her Kin and then if he did not Tell Mamaw good-bye he was going to be quite the bit in trouble himself.

Etan thought for a moment, and then looked down. "Sir, I apologize, I may need to delay the launch by ten minutes. I need to visit the ambassadorial corps in San Francisco." For Etan, who'd not touched down dirtside since Lantea, that was a big step - and his visit there indicated that it was related to his family.

"If I may." Troilin began. "There are some last minute supplies that were not able to be here; some by a mere three hour window that were cancelled. Could a Command Staff recut an order for those supplies that are here before they are rerouted?"

"I Can help yo with that Lieutenant." Milton spoke. "Will be good for me to get into the habit of checking and all.

"Thank you Commander... I mean Doc." Troilin has spoken with the dock about a project so the adding of the formal was harder to recall than just 'talking to him.

"If theres nothing else..." Xavier replied stacking his pads. "Commanders Milton and Stoffels remain, everyone else. Dismissed."


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