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The USS Nelson and Chin'Toka

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:14pm by Ensign Gregory Turner
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:54pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: USS Nelson

The USS Nelson rocked as it continued to take on fire. Starfleet was doing everything in their power to take the Chin'Toka system. And has much of a fight that the Nelson put into this battle, it was no longer in this fight as the captain called for all hands to abandon ship. Ensign Gregory Turner and a small group Enlisted personnel down the corridor towards that the escape pods. Not only did they have to deal with the ship falling apart around them. But now there were reports of Jem'Hadar on board.

"Ensign, tricorder is picking up several combatants' heading in our direction," the crewman reported.

Turning his attention to the few security personnel with him, he signaled for them to take up a defensive position. "The rest of you get to the escape pod. We'll hold the Jem'Hadar back giving you all time to get the wounded on board."

Just as the group began moving, they started taking on fire from the Dominion. Immediately Turner and his team returned fire in an attempt to cover up the escape of the other people. This had been the first time, the Ensign had face the Jem'Hadar, but it was clear that they lived up their reputation. There was no fear, and they didn't hesitate to push forward.

"Let's fall back to another position," Gregory called out. As they began moving, one of Petty Officer's was took phaser fire and went down. With hole in his chest, he was clearly dead on the spot.

"Ensign we made it to the escape pod," a voice spoke over the comm.

"That's our cue to join them." Pointing his phaser at one of the manifolds, he fired causing a brief explosion directly in front of the enemy. Turning the team began running down the corridor. The ship continued to break out in fires through the corridors. Even with the ship falling apart and on its last leg, the Dominion insisted on trying to take prisoners of those left behind. Turner had heard what the Dominion did with their prisoners. Used them for combat training for the Dominion. As much as he would enjoy going several rounds with the Jem'Hadar. It ultimately was a no win scenario. You simply fought until someone eventually got the best of you in your weakened state.

As the turned the corner one of the crewman felt a sharp pain enter his ribs. Looking up at the reason for the sudden pain, which a Jem'Hadar solder. The young man was stabbed several more times before going down. Before the soldier could relish the victory, Gregory bashed him over the head several times with his rifle. A couple of more Jem'Hadar joined in on the fighting as the two groups began to brawl in the corridor.

A minute or so later, which felt like an eternity passed by. The Ensign looked over at his left arm. Somewhere during the hand to hand combat his arm got burned from one of the manifolds exploding. He looked at the two remaining survivors. "Let's continue moving."

As they reached the escape pod another warning sounded over the comm regarding the pending destruction of the USS Nelson. The corridor behind them exploded as the entered the pod and ejected themselves from the Steamrunner class starship. The survivors stared at out port hole as the USS Nelson was broke apart as it exploded. Sitting at the controls, Turner guided the ship away the battle that was still taking place. From what he can tell the Dominion and Federation ships were somewhat matched. And at this point, it was hard to determine who would win this battle when it was all said and done.


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