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Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 8:08pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Talsi Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Oasis Troilin & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Conference room
Timeline: Current

Xavier sat down at the end of the table, the reports were in, the fleet had no choice but to engage the enemy a little earlier than expected, and now the reports coming in. It was devastation to say the least, on both sides. The battle did turn out in their favour, but the cost was extremely high.

With Sky still on mat leave, she was officially out, but seeing as keeping her out of the loop, would not help in any way so, she was invited, and Lt morrison Johnson would represent the counselling department.

The door open as Tony Johnson and Diana Morrrison Johnson entered the room at the same time. Both carried PADDS, ready to take notes. Diana really wasn't sure what to expect from her end of things. Taking a sit, she prepared to hear the news.

The Chief Strategic Officer on the other hand, already had been receiving intel and there still was much coming in. Starfleet pulled out a much needed win, but unlike Jem'Hadar there were many friends and families lost. Taking a seat, he simply nodded to his wife who looked a little nervous being at the so call big table. "Captain."

Troilin entered the conference room with a tea in one hand with her padd in the other. She had her stats and facts ready to relay as she took a seat.

"Greetings everyone." She said to all in the room.

Toni nodded. She had been in the room from the start as the first officer. Kay came hurrying in just now slightly out of breath.

Etan was doing everything he could to keep his head down about the war, but it was hard. Message traffic and news across the Federation was overwhelmed by information about the various conflicts, and deaths. He didn't know what the diplomatic situation was, either - and didn't want to ask anyone about it. He sat down at the briefing table, holding a PADD with outlines of the ship's status on it. Having sat, he looked up at the Captain and nodded. "Sir."

Milton entered the room with Mug in one hand, tablet in the other and wearing the Blue overcoat of medical.

"Getting last moment preparations ready; Captain, Commander. Glad to see everyone is awake at this hour." He lightly joked as he took his seat on the opposite side of the XO.

Sky entered the room just as Rutherford commented on the time. “I’m awake at all hours of the day and night these days.” She offered a smile as she took a seat. She was just there to hear what was being said, at least that way she could stay up-to-date.

Xavier turned around, and brought up the screen. "Out of 225 federation, and 125 klingon ships involved in the battle, 43 managed to survive. None made it out without battle scars... we have Three galaxy class had to separate, some had to be evacuated post battle, and are now floating in space... thousands dead... just on our side... The other side... fared worst obviously being on the losing side." He shifted uncomfortably. He did have people in the cardassian government he considered friends. That was before the new government of course.

Hearing the Captain say thousands, cause Diana to wince a bit. In her studies, counselors trained to give and hear such news. But it was never easy. Her husband, knew they amount but never shared the information with her. Of course, she never bothered to ask what he was jotting on that PADD he was currently looking over.

Kay stared straight ahead, not trying to think of the vast numbers involved. Of friends and family involved in the fighting.

"As we have already known in battle, since the dominion sided with Cardassia, there will not be anyone coming for their survivors. We are also going to assist with rescuing Cardassian survivors, and bringing them back to federation space... Not an order from starfleet. But, we can't let those people die."

“No we can’t” Sky agreed with her husband. “But won’t they see us as the enemy? It could be a huge risk. Not that I’m saying leave them there.”

Etan looked over at Sky. "We can convert Cargo Bay 2 into a makeshift brig for our POWs with a few hours of prep."

"That we can do... we aren't going to be the only ship going thank fully the USS Evolution, the USS Marie Curie, the USS Montgomery and the USS McKoy will be accompanying us. Perhaps coordinate with them as well to make the same changes with their cargobays." He turned to first Lt. "Make sure we have enough people in the cargobay for when we need to transport over. I also want vents set up with sedative gas, so if any of them tries to fight their way out, they are safely knocked out."

"I will have security guards ready as well." Kay said. "But if I am also needed in medical and counselling, just let me know."

"Will we be salvaging ship parts and equipment as well?" Johnson inquired.

"Triage is something my people can handle." Milton began. "My question is that of priority, the most injured get treatments na matter whom or do we care for our own then the Cardassians? It is a risk during transfer of wounded from protection to care and back again that will cause Security the biggest headache so I need to know our Care Orders?"

"Stabilize them for transport, make sure they will survive. Further treatment can come when we deliver them to wherever starfleet sends them." Xavier replied. "Its more than what our people would be given, if it was the other way around." He turned to Johnson. "In war, any ship parts can come in handy. Whether it be federation, Cardassian, or dominion."

Etan nodded in agreement with the Captain. "Yes. Most equipment from a Cardassian ship, we can refit and make work. Especially torpedoes, shuttlecraft, and missiles."

Tony nodded in agreement. "Also will they be sending anymore ships to hold the system or will the 43 ships be left to hold things down here?"

"The fighters are most welcoming for missiles if the salvaged ones are available. "Troilin put in. "Also I have six birds for aiding in the Salvage and rescue Operations."

"The counseling department will be available to those coming on board and dealing with severe mental truama," Diana added. "But we can also with medical needs, if the doctors need additional hands for assistance."

Sky was sat listening but couldn’t help but feel out of things as she was still on maternity leave. She wanted to be there with her son & daughter, but she also wanted to be back at work. For now she had to be used to the fact that until her leave was over she wasn’t in control of the counselling department. Though she was glad Diana was back to take the reigns.

"The 43 ships will be there. What we have learned from previous battles with the dominion, they don't necessarily try and retake a system immediately, given that the system, is slightly out of the way for reinforcements... it is thought we have a little room to go in. Also we have a few friends remaining under cloak while we do our job." He sighed a relief after saying that, the brief but bloody war with the klingons, could have went so much worst. "We will have reinforcements heading to the planet, that the battle was over, to reinforce the base that so many died for. Lets hope its worth it."

Commander Johnson simply nodded in agreement with the final statement. It was early on in the war and there were already plenty of causalities. Jem'Hadar were grown in a biological assembly line. And were expendable to the Founders. Starfleet personnel weren't considered expendable and each life valuable. And they each felt that loss.

"If there's no further questions, let's get it sorted people." Xavier got up, "arrival is in a few hours, I'll be on the bridge."

Milton had his marching orders; and now a few hours to make final instructions and such to his staff as he rose to depart.

Troilin was up and on her way to the door; the fighters had so much preparations to get for the final deployment. She would have her hands full.

Kay shook her head no and made for the door in order to prepare. Toni waited until everyone else had left, as command staff she tried to be one of the first to enter and one of the last to leave.

Sky nodded and headed out of the door, there was a pang of longing to be back at work but at the same time she wanted to be at home with the twins.


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