by Lieutenant Commander Hunter Carey & Lieutenant Commander Aalis Rinne
Current |
Planetside |
Why do you want asylum
by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels
Interrogation room |
aftermath counselling
by Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels) & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson
A Different Kind of Chat
by Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London
After "A Chat" |
Kay's quarters |
When failure hurts the most.
by Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton
Backposted |
Medical Research lab |
by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels
Current |
Captains ready room |
a chat
by Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels)
After "Command Centre" |
Transporter Room 2 (and surrounding corridors) |
you did well
by Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London
After "Command Centre" |
Deck 2, Etan's Quarters |
patching up
by Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)
Problem solving
by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Talsi Carey & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet
Current |
Deck 39, Cargo Bay 4 |
Rescue Gone Slightly Wrong
by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Ensign Cobal (Johnson) & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet & Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)
Cardassian Warship |
by 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Captain Xavier Carey
Planetside-which way to go
by Lieutenant Commander Hunter Carey & Lieutenant Commander Aalis Rinne
During the Battle of Chin'Toka |
Chin'Toka system |
by Lieutenant Talsi Carey & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels) & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & Ensign Gregory Turner
before away team |
Bridge/Cargobay |
Backpost: Captains place is on the bridge
by Captain Xavier Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London
After Arrival |
USS Wellington |
Check in with ops
by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Ensign Xavier Hardy
Current |
Ops/Engineering |
En Route
by Lieutenant Commander Hunter Carey & Lieutenant Commander Aalis Rinne
few days prior to battle |
Shuttle |
Asylum? Its going to be complicated
by Captain Xavier Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Ensign Cobal (Johnson)
Prior to meeting with the dr |
Interrogation room |
We have a mission for you
by Lieutenant Commander Hunter Carey & Lieutenant Commander Aalis Rinne
Prior to the battle |
Starfleet Security Offices |
We will get what you need
by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton
Main sickbay |
Prisoner Arrival
by Captain Xavier Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Ensign Cobal (Johnson)
Cargo Bay 2 |
Family time {Backpost}
by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Talsi Carey
Carey Quarters |
a word
by Captain Xavier Carey & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels)
Back post before arrival of the battlefield |
Corridor |
Thank You
by Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London
Colonies and their Clusters |
Kay's quarters |
To the boarder and beyond.
by Lieutenant Oasis Troilin
Concurrent |
Front sensor grid max range/ USS Mckoy |