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To the boarder and beyond.

Posted on Sat Sep 21st, 2024 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant Oasis Troilin

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Front sensor grid max range/ USS Mckoy
Timeline: Concurrent


Troilin had the fighter dancing around the rubble, the twisted ships and wrecked hulls. The nimble craft followed the slightest impulse from the pilot, her heritage sensing out as she flew. Stars are stars no matter where you go, banking slightly as a minor glitch signal a indeterminate reading off axis at two o'clock low.

=^= Katana One, off scope reading, heading to confirm.=^= Troilin report. =^= Ready Fighter take point Alpha One.=^=

The flight trajectory slowed as the Blip came up in view. The chunk of remaining star Ship was floating afar from the tattered main body; obviously blown clear of an explosion the pitted piece was three decks high roughly thirty by twenty seven meter uneven square. The llook of it had to be the outer hull according to the smoother surface plating. Troilin slowed her fighter again ; hitting the exterior spotlight while moving along the hull debits.

The sensors sgave a faint registration of life.

Closing the light caught a Life Pod nose dome with a faint light, angling the lateral drift Troilin peered into the portal to see three occupants, but none moving. The Pod had not released from the hull.

=^= People trapped! =^= Troilin screamed. =^= Need shuttle support, three lives detected, critical condition.=^= she reported.

=^= Resolution Control, all shuttles committed, you will have to wait drop off and the reroute.=^= The command channel came over her comm. =^= All resources in flight, we need to break one loose.=^=

=^= Katana One understood; am going EVA and see if control jam of physical.=^=

Maneuvering her fighter to magnetically clamp to the hull structure near a hatch Troilin went out of her fighter and through the open back section of the deck in question to the Pod location. Looking at the display the Ejection controls read as tripped yet the clamps are still engaged; the connection seal is ruptured so the inner hatch would not open.

Opening the panel beside the Controls Troilin noted the Manual over-ride, pulling the handle the explosive bolts fired and kicked the Pod out of the hull slot.

No retro fire, the pod just appeared to drift as she watched from the portal.

*Gotta get back to Katana One.* Troilin scolded herself and started back to her ship.

Once in the control chair she brought the ship to full power ; revved the engines and let go of the hull. Directional thrusters pushed her away until clear enough to engage Impulse drive. Using her targeting computer she had a lock on the pod. It was a simple process to hit it with a tractor beam and pull her back towards the closest vessel.

Going through the battle field was not as easy with a 'Trailer' in tow, the off-set in the center of gravity shifting due to the dead weight of the pod assured that despite her rush Troilin took a slow and easy trajectory. Avoiding shuttle; salvage craft, junk and star ships made the area seem crowded.

The USS Mckoy wsa her closest support ship attached to the Resolution; with the faint life signs Troilin used every second and several moments to make it to her Base Ship semed a waste of time.

=^= USS Mckoy, ths is Katana One in bound with casualties, damaged Life Pod.=^= Troilin reported.

=^= Occupant health very low, life support system on minimal. Please give me clearance to hangar bay to be able to crack this open and rescue personnel, full medical team for three casalties required. =^=

=^= Confirm Katana One , Hangar Bay two ready for your approach, Medics on stand-by. =^= The flight Control of the Mckoy responded.

Easing the two craft through the force field and then a little rougher a landing due to gravity instead of Vaccuum was the only problem she faced.

Shutting down the tractor and powering down the Fighter Troilin popped off her flight helmet and unfastened her restrains to get out of the fighter as the Pod hatch had opened and the three personnel were being brought out.

"Are they going to be okay?" Troilin was nervous s she crossed to the Medical team putting the three on stretchers.

"They are not good, but could have been a lot worst." A nurse answered. "You the one who found them?"

"The pod ws stuck, easy to miss as it did not clear the fractured hull. Luckily it was a clamp problem so I managed to get it loose." SHe explained.

"Leave it to us, they are serious but not yet critical, you got them here in pleanty of time." The nurse assured.

The three are being wheeled away.

"Gotta Go." The Nurse departed.

"The 2XO wants to see you for a debrief." AN OPS person told her. "Computer will lead you to it."

"Care for my Birdie?" Troilin asked.

"WE take good care of t." She is assured.

"See you in a bit." Troilin wave to her fighter.

Officers never like waiting.


Lt. Oasis Troilin
Group Leader
USS Resolution


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