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Thank You

Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2024 @ 6:19pm by Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Kay's quarters
Timeline: Colonies and their Clusters

OOC it would be funny if he thinks she hits on him while she only wants to thank him. She is getting over the breakup she had with her first serious boyfriend and she thinks that because of that she is no use in a relationship so she would not hit on anyone even if she would be feeling something LOL


Kay was so grateful for Etan stepping in and helping her the other day in the bar. She was so proud of her friend. He had come so far, from totally socially awkward he could now hold his own and he also grew so much as an officer. So she wanted to thank him by inviting him over to have a nice dinner in her own quarters. She guessed that as an introvert he still did better in a smaller setting. So Kay had send him a message to come to her quarters tonight for dinner.

Etan didn't really know how to take the invitation from Kay. On one hand, she'd certainly saved his life. But on the other, he knew he wasn't really ready for anything to go further than friendship. It wasn't that he didn't like her - he did, certainly, she was a good friend and a caring person even beyond her duty. Still, the invite to her quarters bugged him. What was she intending? He took a breath, having to put his PADD down, and getting dressed in a reasonable civilian outfit. A single-breasted three-piece suit with a mustard-colored vest might have seemed conservative, but it was the most casual he could tolerate. He looked at the rank pips on the collar of his uniform as it hung, and after a deep breath, walked out. The turbolift ride seemed to at once take an eternity and no time at all. But a few minutes later, he pressed the bell on Kay's doorway. "Miss London? It's Etan."

"Hey Ethan, come in, the door is not locked, dinner is nearly ready." She called out from her kitchen area. "I cooked myself, I hope you like it, I am not a kitchen princess." she came out to greet him and nearly did a double take to see him in a civilian suit. He did clean up nice but hell was that overdressed. She looked at her own jeans and shirt. "Uhm, maybe I should change into something else."

Etan waved a hand with a smile as he walked in after her invitation. He stepped through and joined her in the small kitchen. His eyes glanced to the range and his mind started calculating the heat and energy use without meaning to. What she was doing meant a lot to him - she was spending a great deal of energy from the ship's engines on him. And that, to him, cemented his thought of her intentions. "No, you don't need to change at all. I just prefer this." He smiled and removed his jacket, and then untied the tie before shoving it into the jacket pocket. He didn't take off the vest, preferring to roll up his sleeves neatly. He still looked reasonably formal, but it was now more of a business casual appearance and certainly less stuffy than the suit. "I'm sorry, I should have asked you if you would prefer casual clothing. My apologies."

"I should have been clearer." She waved his excuses away. But her brain was going in circles. Did she give him the wrong impression? Did he see her as girlfriend material? Impossible, Kay knew she was bad at relationship, her only boyfriend had ran away from the ship and she had not heard from him in months now. That message was clear enough. Right now she just wanted to make friends and it irked her that she may have gone about that the wrong way. "Why don't you sit down while I finished dinner. Want something to drink?"

The Efrosian shook his head with a smile. "It's not you, I should have asked." Etan had hoped in some part of his mind that Kay would see him potentially as an intimate partner. In some deep part of himself, that was something he wanted - but had never seen himself as a viable partner to another person. He straightened a bit and smiled. "I can handle a replicator as well as you. Would you like something while you cook?" He approached her replicator, his instinct leading him to look it over. "Oh, and tomorrow, could you put in a service ticket? I'm seeing filament buildup here. Nothing serious, but enough that it's worth cleaning."

"Will you stop working!" Kay gave him a playful swat. "But yes I will do that." He really was handsome in that shy efrosian way of his, it was so good to see him come out of his shell. Etan would make someone a terrific boyfriend and make some person very happy. "And I would like some water while I work."

Etan smiled at her insistence that he 'stop working', and shrugged. In many ways, this wasn't work to him, it was a matter of pride in his ship. Working would have seen him rolling up his sleeves with a sonic scrubber and making sure the replicator was cleaned to his maintenance standards. The Resolution was a ship worth taking pride in, and he did so. But an order of two glasses of water was simple enough, and he watched the replication process closely, ensuring that everything went smoothly. He passed the glass over to her when it had fully resolved, and took his own. He decided to try and make a joke - not that he was any good at it, but he could try. "At least I'm only looking at the replicator; I'm not inspecting your sonic shower for a loose casing."

"Now I know what I can give you for your next birthday." Kay joked back. "A coupon to completely check and upgrade my quarters." It felt so good and natural to banter with him. She felt really comfy as she continued with dinner.

Etan chuckled at Kay's offer to let him check and upgrade her quarters. Still, he couldn't help but think ahead toward it. He smiled at her as he stayed standing, leaning against the table gently as he took a sip of his water. "I wouldn't mind that at all. Let the Captain be jealous of your quarters when I'm done with them."

She hid a grin. "The captain does not visit the quarters of a lowly marine lieutenant. Dinner is nearly ready! Go make yourself comfy at the table. I have made cawl and some bara brith to fatten you up a bit."

tar-Lexros smiled softly and shrugged. "You're not a lowly anything. You're one of the command staff on the ship, and you've been executive-level in two different departments. And you're a good person, too." He walked over to the table and sat down, waiting for her patiently. Those dishes didn't sound familiar to him. "Oh? I've never heard of those. Where are those foods from?"

"Awww." Kay blushed under all his praise. "I will go back to being a nobody when the major gets back. I kinda get shuffled around the ship." She still wasn't too happy with that fact. "From Wales on earth. That is where both my parents are from and they were raised in Wales. It's really pretty, I have been on visits."

Etan shook his head with a smile. "You won't be a nobody. You might get shuffled, sure. But if anything, the fact that you can be anywhere is just another reason to respect you. You've been a big help to me personally, and to everyone on this ship." He nodded at the location she named - Wales. "I've never been there, but I would like to visit it with you."

She blushed. "I would like that."


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