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granddad medical

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 2:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels

Mission: Those who are left behind
Timeline: (Back Post )

Toni walked into Rutherford's office while she nodded her greetings to the nurses. And then knocked on the open door of his office.

"Hey Milton, I have a huge favour to ask."

"If it is a favor you might call me RJ like normal." Milton rose from his desk. "Please have a seat, s this that family member of yours I have some..." He lifted a PADD. "Slight warning about through the data grapevines?"

"Oh god." Toni groaned and sat down heavily. "He's been here less than a day and he is getting on my nerves. But he is an old man and hurt. Since he does not follow rules he would have been in danger on earth and he and my uncle would have killed each other. My uncle is really severely hurt and he and granddad do not get along. You see he is a little old fashioned. Grandda does not believe women should be in combat or in danger positions period. So you can also imagine how well he gets on with my mum, his daughter. Why did I think this would be a good idea." She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Old bear, lonely and pessimistic I presume, something wrong with everything?" Milton smiled. "I had one of those more than once so if he is not that kind then he will be fine to deal with." He winked. "Nothing worst that a stubborn old Country Doctor who is sick and in need of being under medical career. You do not have to worry Tony; he is your family and you are my Kin so he gets a little latitude."

"Thank you, RJ. Do you want his file first or visit him first? He is in my spare room in my quarters. I think it is best if I don't go with you."

"I'll skim it then go to see him. I have done a few cases not so dissimilar so you need not worry." Milton replied. "And you not being there is good for confidentiality."

"Yes I agree. Thank you for doing this, RJ. And let me know if he gives you any trouble.

"Then leave it to me." Milton winked. "I do have clearance to enter your quarters as a guest or do I need my Medical authority; it does not sound like he would allow me in?" Milton asked.

"You absolutely have clearance." Toni said with a grin.

[Tony's Quarters]

Milton had dealt with old 'coots' in his past, so it was unavoidable that the Grandfather would be guessing Milton, or some other Medical Personnel, would be stopping by and with it so easy to know who is at the door Senior Stoffels could just act like he is not there and refuse to answer the door.

After several Buzzings of the chime Milton took his Trump Card and entered the Quarters.

This is Doc Milton, anyone here?" He was polite and gavae the old man a chance before pushing proper decorum a little.

Moxley Sorrel was bored. He had been bedbound for many weeks now. Even their advanced medicine couldn't do everything. And he was not a young man anymore. He was in his eighties. Before this attack he had still been a very active man keeping his body and his mind fit. And railing against the stupid starfleet rule that senior officers had to resign when they reached 80. People could easily live to be 120 now and in good health so the rule struck him as ridiculous. And during these tense times starfleet could use his experience. After all he had retired as the senior marine general, a five star. He was till working on friends in high places to get some kind of job back.

Right now he had freshened up in the bathroom. Antonia had wanted him to stay in bed but he felt well enough to move around a bit. Although he was dismayed at his lack of energy. He had heard and ingnored the chime, Mox was not in the mood to meet any of Antonia's friends right now. But he was shocked to see a stranger in her quarters when he exited the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing in my granddaughters quarters?"

"She is kin to me and my Wife." Milton explained. "Toni suggested that I stop around and meet you ; maybe get to know you since we will be seeing each other a bit."

Pix's glow wet up a little as she kind of hovered behind Milton; negitive emotions are not her favorite thing and the Grandfather was not giving happy vibes one might say.Still using Milton as a partial shield Pix smiled brightly and waved to him out of politeness,

"what the hell! I am her grandfather and I do not know you, sir. And what the hell is that." He pointed to Pixie.

"SHE is Pix."Milton corrected politely but with stern emphasis. "You have not been around when she was adopted into the fold. I am just passing along current events to answer your question."

Moxley grumbled a little. "Antonia is not here, if you are looking for her."

Pix moved hover just off the Doctor's shoulder and tilt her head as she gaze at Sorrel, she had the emminations he projected naturally and those he forced upon the universe at the same time. Like a shy person who acts the clown to hide something. This is what Pix got from the elderly but somewhat better shape mna for the most part, just what is ailing him at moment did affect him slightly.

Putting her hands on her hips and 'Puffing Out' to act gruff like the old man, she spoke and moved like his out burst then gaze back at him a sly knowing grin as though to say 'You think that intimidates me, without her desire to chuckle at it luckily. The jingle of her speaking mixed with the scolding right nad and pointed index finger added to what she meant.

Pix pointed towards some of the 'Doll-looking' furniture around the quarters that were for her comfort from Toni while admonishing him with the implied message before pointing to herself and the furniture of 'I live her part time too...' being the message. Then Pix look at the man for a second before flying to the boarder of his 'Personal Space and facing him.

Smiling she winked and blew him a kiss.

Mox was perplexed at this tiny person who had no respect for him at all. And yet... no he would not show it that he was a bit intrigued and interested in her. He kept a straight face as she blew the kiss at him.

Pix had a slightly sly grin as though she is aware of something that is normally not displayed to her.

"Well we can make this easier for you and allow me to do a House Call request by Toni." Milton crossed his arms. "Or i can have you report to Sick Bay for evaluation and let you deal with 'why you are a guest to the XO?" Milton nod. "I try to be more nice and do favors for Kin, but that is up to you Sir."

Milton chuckled.

"Did I forget to mention I am the Chief Medical Officer?" Milton grinned.

"Of course. Antonia would go straight to the top." He could not hide a bit of pride from his face. "Well let's get this over with, doctor. So you can leave me alone again."

"Not the top but Kin."Milton corrected. "I am a country Doctor by training and I also happen to be CMO. She asked a friend to look in on you
so here I am." He took out his tricorder. "Why not take a seat and this will painless I assure you."

"I konw how doctors work." He grumbled. "My son is one. Although the boy was hurt worse then I was. Bloody cowards with their bombs. I can give you the details, doctor. I broke a lot of bones on my right side, arm and leg and ribs. It is healing nicely but I have to take it easy."

"Those are in your records." Milton said as he began the scans. "I am more concerned in what you are not telling me or is omitted in your talks with Doctors?"

Pix flew to hover near teh man; her arms crossed and a sly grin as she seem to be giving him a once over.

"Anything you want to tell me in confidance; you know I cannot tell anyone, not even my Wife anything we share here right?" Milton wanted verified.

"You had indeed better not gossip to your wife. And should she be here." He looked at Pix having the sneaky feeling that the small being could look right through him.

"Are you having problems with your Computer?" Milton kept scanning. "She is a Computer Analyst, nothing medical in her."

"No, my computer is behaving just fine. Or rather Antonia's computers are." He looked around the room in dismay. "You would think that by now she would have learnt to decorate a bit more feminine." Although he liked the ancients swords, he did not like them in his granddaughter's livingroom. "This way she is never going to land a man."

"No computer problem so left her with the baby."Milton replied. "You know that Command is not the best for having relationships." Milton took the man's wrist for an old fashion taking of the pulse. "Toni is still young and able to attract men; just being in the Hot Spot we are right now thing can get complicated."

Hesitating to make eye contact with the Patient, he took a breath to think.

Pix landed on Milton's shoulder to keep an eye on what is going on

"Until Pix came along and have little Pixie style furnishings about and my Wife and Baby are in my life my quarters looked almost like an examination style room." He motioned to the small bit of furniture Pix brought into the quarters. "Look around you, Toni is letting you and Pix into her inner self, Is that not a good beginning?"

Moxley looked at the tiny furniture and then back at Pixie. "well, young lady, you certainly have better taste than my granddaughter, maybe you can be a good influence on her."

Pix gave a courtesy with a wink.
Ilton knew what he suspected from reports and the scans, not as much picture of health as the man projected.

"You should talk to her more, she has had heartache, means she is open to it."Milton commented. ";Now to your health, you want to be honest or have me do what I think is right despite bravado?"

"I never liked that boy. He was not good for her." He growled. "But i am sorry he is dead. And I don't heal as fast as I used to." Moxley admitted. "Maybe I get a few headaches that are a pest."

"Good thing you have a. Hard Head or itcould be worst." Milton grinned. "I have often heard from Veterans it is not the Age but the Miles. Do you verify that?"

"Absolutely." Moxley agreed. "I have been fighting wars for over fifty years. It gets to you, killing never gets easier. The higher up you get, the more rests on your shoulders." As marshal of marines he had been ultimately responsible for all the marines serving under him. All the lives taken, the lives lost. Not everybody could handle a burden like that.

"I am noticing that just being promoted from Chief Medical to Second Officer." Milton noted. "I think it might be good to check a few things, make sure you are healthy as you say... for the records
I can be discreet and test what I can here so to limit your Sick Bay visits?"

He nodded his agreement as he felt one of the headaches come on. It always happened during the day when he started to get tired. "Second officer hmmm? Why that choice?"

"Sometimes you volunteer and others you are Volunteered." Milton nod. "Seems that Command saw fit for higher responsibility with my Latest promotional rotation." Shrugging. "I find myself supporting as 3rd in command now."

"So it was not your choice? Are you happy in the role? Seeing that chief medical is a full time job as well."

"I am getting used to it." Milton put his tricorder away and pull up a stool to be at eye level with his patient. "Between us, you are a tough man ad I do admire the shape you are in despite your career." Looking him in the eyes. "If you really want to get as healthy as you can you need to be bluntly honest with me from now on. I cannot help if you tough through everything and I do not get the clue I need to know everything so I can best deduce how to help. It will be under Doctor Confidences and not even yo Grand daughter will only be told what is required to save your life. Nothing else will be outside you and I, good enough for you , I can help."

Moxley looked him in the eye for a few seconds. It seemed the doctor was toughter than he thought. "I have daily headaches, they start in the afternoon and get worse and worse. Today's one has just started."

I will prepare a small dosage of a Beta blocker that should help a bit with the iron in the blood coagulating on the pain nerve endings. Keep the magnetic properties down chemically so the pain receptors do not get too much iron to make the pain impulse as often as they do now." Milton said as he prepared a hypo. "This with a saline solution allows the body to absorb it better and should help dull the pain if not cancel it entirely."

"What will?" Moxley asked. "Time and rest or am I stuck with it?"

"Honestly I think you will have some chronic symptoms due to your age and 'The Miles' you have traveled in life. Getting older does mean some ailments naturally." Milton explained. "Now my job is to keep you healthy towards maintaining your Lifestyle and help you age with the grace that I can. So you will have symptoms; long term as I know your health better I will tweak it so you live better."

Moxley gave him a startled look. "You are talking as if I am a dotering old guy. I am trying to get back into the service, doctor. I have many good years left in me and a lot of knowledge."

"I am referring to your not being the twenty five year old you want to project to your troops; the I can do it better than you ."Milton commented.

He seemed mollified by that. "you are right there, doctor."

"We can work at you passing a physical for a man of your age bracket after we get you a bit more healed up." Milton stated. "Injuries do not heal as when we were younger."

"you have got that right." Moxley relaxed a little now the other man seemed willing to work with him. "That is most annoying. Thanks for you help, doctor it is much appreciated."

"That is what I am here for; got my start with an Old country Doctor who still makes House Calls on Earth in my Home Town."Milton mentioned. "My job as a Doc is to help you be able to meet your goals. The treatments are to that end."

"You are my kind of man." Moxley said approvingly. "So what do you recommend I do to heal as quickly as possible?"

"Let me check these scans and we get a number on the recurring headaches first, then help the wounds heal." Milton explained. "Get you as healthy and your vitality up before we throw you back into the thick of it."

"Good, good." Moxley said. His headache was a little less and he felt his body relax a little. "I can't wait." His mood was improving as well and he even smiled at Pixie.

Pix had that little look she gave with the radiant smile that warmed the heart.

"I will not keep you waiting, my job is to work myself out of a job." Milton joked. "I am a little behind on that though."

Mox nodded. "Just go."

"I suppose you have had enough for today."

"Just let me know what I need to do for my health once you figure it out, doctor."He did have enough of doctors and therapists for one day.

"I will keep you apprised." Milton smiled. "Just take it easier and we'll get you better. I will check in later." He turned to leave.

Pix flew up and pecked the man on the cheek in 'Good-bye' then zipped over to rest on Milton's shoulder as they left.



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