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Asylum? Its going to be complicated

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 10:24am by Captain Xavier Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Ensign Cobal (Johnson)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Interrogation room
Timeline: Prior to meeting with the dr

"It has.." Gil Molek replied looking around the room. "Last time we met was the great hall on cardassia prime"

Xavier nodded. "That was one of the best moments of my career, that got me headed to where I am today."

Molek leaned forward. "But look at us now, at each others throats. Both sides, rivers run red with the blood of their fallen. Families torn apart. All this bloodshed... Ive seen three of my brothers slaughtered by klingons today... before we finally killed them. I don't blame the klingons... I don't blame the federation... I don't even blame my government or fhe dominion."

Ensign Cobal stood on the other side of the room. The Captain actually knew this sorry bastard. But hearing about how three of his slaughtered, actually made Cobal feel good strangely enough.

Kay was watching seemingly impassive. With her family history she understdood interspecies friendships, even difficult ones. So she was able to look at the interrogation without too much emotion.

Looking to the officers, "Ensign, First Lt, this is Gil Molek... during the Cardassian war we met on a mission I was sent on, that ended up changing my entire career." "Although when we first met he was but a teenager, not yet a soldier."

"You mean the mission to slaughter the parents the children of the governing council of the cardassian government." Molek replied, calmly. "All of us bound and tied and knelt before the starfleet officers, determined to end our lives."

Kay somehow managed to keep her face impassive.

"It was only because of your captain, that we live. He turned against those who wish to slaughter us. Then turned himself in." Molek replied sitting up straight. "I was wondering what had happened to you, after we agreed to return you to Starfleet as a thank you." His demeanor relaxed a little. "I joined not because of want. Cardassians are military from an early age. I go where they send me. Much like you do."

Turned against those who wished to slaughter them. It wasn't an easy choice. Turning to Cobal and London. "To be clear, the one I turned against was my father who was responsible for countless atrocities against the cardassian people during the war..."

"Must make holidays difficult the Human put it," the Bolian responded.

"No I killed my father, and his team before they could slaughter them." Xavier replied, it was the only way to save countless innocent lives. He had already slaughtered many, many starfleet refused to acknowledge. Many that were not sanctioned by starfleet."

Ensign Cobal was clearly speechless by the revelation. The man killed his own father to save this guy before them who had grown up to kill Starfleet. This was one big ironic moment. If that Captain had known about this moment, would have still killed his own father?

Kay gave the captain a worried look. She had never seen his pysch file, it was above her paygrade but she now understood while he had seen Toni in the past. That was all she knew. This was enough to drive sane men crazy.

"I do not want to see war, I will fight, but only when necessity requires it." Malok replied, "It is why I became a medical officer... I help my people, by looking after the wounded. My ship was dispatched to the battle, I could not ask for transfer..."

"So what about the treaty with the dominion." Xavier replied as he leaned forward.

"I don't speak for my government, nor do I wish. But if I had to, it is a mistake and since we have lost almost everything that we have fought for, just to appease them." Looking over to the other officers. "We are the same, just different sides. But I wish not to see anymore front line battle."

Xavier looked over to security, then back. "We can make sure that can happen. In this instance... I believe its a guarantee that you wont see frontline. But we can make sure it goes easier on you."

"You want information? Betray my people."

Xavier said nothing.

"Fine, but one condition... I request Asylum, on this ship. I do not trust starfleet... But I can deal with you."

The last thing this crew needed was this guy on the ship. But instead of speaking, Cobal didn't interrupt the interrogation.

"Asylum, that is a serious request." Xavier replied. "Given the circumstances... this isn't a run of the mill request." I would have to discuss it with my staff, and with Starfleet."

Kay was also thinking about the security implications. They were maxed out already and they had so many wounded and traumatized people on board. She also hoped the captain would say no.

"I will discuss it." Xavier replied, "No promises." He turned to his people. "Return him to the brig. Ive got other stuff I need to deal with before looking into this."


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