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Welcome to the 29th fleet

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 11:05pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Current

Xavier sat back as he had called the doctor up, at the moment, all he knew was that the Resolution was being taken out of the 11th fleet. Which was fine. The reason was yet to be given, however it was soon to be discovered. It was suspected that they would get their orders today, and with the doctor on his way up, it was bound to be something involving a medical emergency. This seemed to be the norm for the Resolution.

Tony came in after the captain had called her. She had no idea what was going on. "Anything urgent, sir?"

The door parted as Milton entered.

"I have Sick Bay at the ready and squared away." He announced as he entered. "Howdy Xavier and Tony, what is all the need to meet." His face reddened. "Did I forget to tell you, Thought I did while on the Honeymoon on two continents?" He questioned. "Have not had a chnace for formal Introductions with preps but I thought you knew Larissa and I got ... Married." Looking to Xavier. "Am I in trouble here?"

"You got married! Without telling me?" Tony shook her head as if she was angry. Then grinned and moved over to give him a hug. "Congrats doc, you deserve it."

"I am surprised Pix did not send up a Pixie Flare." Milton returned the hug. "You should come round and meet Larissa and the Baby; Pix has been taken with her as well.

"Baby, you move almost as fast as I do Doc." Xavier replied as he turned. "Big changes to your life... I am positive you are going to like it."

"I would love to meet them, doc." Tony said, I will come by soon." She turned to the captain seeing what the urgency was.

"Did I miss some staff meeting while I was gone and we have some new mission I am unaware of Captain." Milton asked.

"I was just informed of a change in the Resolutions fleet status... Hearing something about the Resolution taking command of the 29th fleet. Which is mainly ships being assigned to rescues, and after battle missions. A lot of medical expertise needed for the missions. I was asked to bring you up to ready room for the briefing..."

Tony was surprised. "Sir is that a demotion? Taking us out of the battle missions?"

"We have fighters and weapons. So we cannot be a Hospital ship with a Red Cross on the side advertising we have wounded." Milton pointed out. "Yhe after battlemissions is what tips my interest."

"With the war going on, and the enemy being ruthless, the way they have no hesitation for suicide bombings to make a point." Xavier replied. "Fighters are going to remain... weapons... well... can't have a war without weapons. as for after battle missions... I guess we are the clean up crew, looking for survivors, taking care of the injured and claiming the dead."

"You are right Captain." Admiral Chakotay replied walking in. "We dont want people going into an area of space, to look for survivors, only to be ambushed by remaining enemy. Which is why we are choosing to keep the fighters, and the weapons. Fighters can also help with the patrolling of the space as a safety measure incase the enemy decides to return. Its not the most glorious mission for our fighters, but a necessary one I fear."

Tony greeted the admiral respectfully. "Thank you both for explaining." She said to the captain and the admiral. "It makes more sense now, and it is a task the ship is up to."

"My job will be a constant." Milton offered a hand to the Admiral. "Doc Milton, at your service Admiral." He hesitated for a second. "I just completed the Physicals for the Pilots by Troilin for her 'Birdss as she called them to have extended CAP operations. That is what she said at least."

"Don't get me wrong, the ship isn't going to be out looking for a fight, but we will take medical needs over action. We want a ship that can take care of herself if the need arises." Chakotay replied taking the doctors offer. "Your Captain thinks highly of you Doc RJ is it?"

"We have never been scared of a fight Admiral, not bound to start now." Xavier replied.

"Didn't think so." Chakotay replied as she turned. "Bout our second officer position, you are currently lacking in that department... Being assigned to the 29th fleet, we would like someone in the command position that has medical knowledge. If they should be required to they should be able to make extensive medical decisions should a large scale medical need arrise, that needs a position and rank in the command position."

"RJ is fine, or some just call me Doc." Milton nodded. "Never been one fer Formalities outside those meetings that require using rank as yer name to keep who is who is who is who straight."

"Turning, "Well I don't see anyone more qualified than the Doctor here." Xavier replied. "Given the missions we have been on, and his vast experience prior to his station on the Resolution."

"Just doing the job I was assigned, though I do admit there have been some higher stakes. I am just glad the situations worked out for the best."

"Will you do the honours then Captain?" Chakotay replied handing him a box. As well as a padd.

Nodding, "Doctor, for your exemplary service onboard this vessel, and to her crew, I hereby on this date and time, promote you to the rank of Lt Commander, with all privilages that accompany it, as well as the role of Second Officer. Not many ships physicians can say they are also third in command, but you have earned it."

Tony beamed at Milton as well. "Congratulations. I think we are a rare ship with a counsellor as first officer and a doctor as second."

"I am honored with your'all confidence in me." Milton mentioned. "It seems that we have a man who can fight the battles ahead; a Doctor to heal the wounded and someone to deal with the Post-Tramatic effects on the same Command Crew." He chuckled.

"There is also a matter of your chief security, she will be needed for a full debrief with starfleet security, her temporary replacement will be someone you already familiar with... Lt Commander Tony Johnson. Upon her return he will assume duties as your new chief strategic operations officer."

"If you don't mind Admiral, I'd rather choose.myself who I want as chief, even temporarily." He paused. "It could help boost the officers moral especially after I removed her from a previous dept because I felt her abilities.were better used elsewhere."

Nodding. "Very well, at your discretion, it is your ship after all."

Tony hoped the captain was speaking about Kay. Her friend had been so devastated about being removed from counselling, Tony had wanted to bring it up with the captain but had been just too busy.

"Life seems to be an upheaval with this ship; new fleet assignment and duty, and Personnel rearranging and an Admiral of great renown giving us the new purpose." Milton commented. "Not that we have any big shoes to fill here Admiral."

"If only it was this ship. There are transfers of ships to different fleets all over the board. Fleets 2 2 and ten are now one. Will be departing for Chin Tok A sector tomorrow. Apparently there is a dominion communications array which can assist us. Unfortunately, high casualty rate will be high... Which is where you come in... you go in after battle and assist with the clean up, find any bodies, and help with the survivors. Your engineers will assist with determining what equipment will be salvagable and what is no use."

Tony felt her heart beat faster. She hoped her father would not go into action. He shouldn't as a four star general of marines but dad had been known to get himself into places were a four star should not go before. "We are ready for anything, sir." She said out loud.

"Looks like not only the survivors will need the doctor after the mission. Is the crew up for the influx of casualties, Doctor?"

"We do have a cargo bay or two I have been eyeing as Triage Centers should the need arise." Milton interjected. "AS for the Medical staff; it will be good to see how they grow and change under the challenge."

"If you need a hand let me know." Tony said. The kept her counselling and medical licenses current for these situations. She decided not to bring up kay now before she had a chance to talk to Xavier about that herself.

"Very well... I believe Operations will be able to assist you with anything that you may need done to fix that up." Xavier replied, as he made a note in his pad. "Anything else that needs to be addressed Admiral?"

The admiral paused. "That is it. Good day Captain, Commander. Doctor." She replied as she turned and left.

Xavier looked at the door closed. "How about the two of you, any thoughts?"

"it's not what I expected, sir." Tony said honestly.

"I like the concept of us coming in to rescue people and recover." Milton said. Most Capitol ships are vested in the offensives and our firepower will assure we can stay long enough to be effective." He chuckled for a second. "Though getting to know the weapons and their use will be a new one on me."

"Its not going to take long before you are a pro." Xavier assured him. "There are training scenarios on the holodeck, and when you are on bridge duty there are training modes, that we can run through to help as well. Get you... accustomed to giving orders as well."

"And we will both help you as much as we can." Tony asked. "And Pix can hang out with me when you are busy."

"I think between you and Jennifer Pix will be well cared for." He chuckled. "Now wxplaining it to the New WIfe might take a bit of My Gentleman tact to get that one.

'it's a promotion so I wouldn't worry too much." Tony said.

"Work delegation is a lot more expected with the extra pip... so you can choose to be home more."

""I think she will be more surprised than anything, Larissa is a great sport about things so far." He chuckled. "But I do apprechiate the confidence you are showing, I really do."

"Support makes it go smoother all the way... I am glad you found someone to do so."

"Little much for Newly Wedded Bliss, a lot of big changes, we will see how it pans out."

Tony had refrained from laughing. She had certainly not been working less since her promotion.

Noticing the obvious forced refrain of a laugh... Xavier turned. "You can choose to delegate some work... some people choose not to..." He replied. "We get our full debrief of the next mission in two days... which will include the other members of the crew... is there any questions before we finish up here."

"I am quite overwhelmed enough for now Sir." Milton joked.

"My door is always open." Tony said meaning it.

"Very well." Xavier replied to both officers. "Dismissed."


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