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Special arrivals

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey) & Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Talsi Carey
Edited on on Sun Jun 2nd, 2024 @ 6:57am

Mission: Brief Stay
Location: Sickbay

Sky had been up on her feet early this morning. Her usual Braxton Hicks had woken her from her sleep, that and the sudden shock of her waters breaking during her morning shower. She hadn’t wanted to worry Xavier knowing he had enough on his mind with the mission, but now she was feeling something wasn’t right. Finishing getting dressed she headed out of the door, making her way straight to Sickbay.

Stepping through the doors she looked worriedly around for Rutherford. “Rutherford, Are you here!?”

Kiara popped her head around from where she was organising supplies. “ everything alright?”

Sky was about to speak when she had to pause to practice her breathing techniques.

Kiara nodded. “Ahh okay, how’s about we get you to a nice private room?” She gently gave Sky a helping hand to where she could have some privacy. “Okay you rest right here, I’ll go get Rutherford for you, and I’ll call your family too.”

Making sure Sky was safety settled she quickly headed to get Rutherford. “Doctor...” Kiara she offered a smile. “Sky has just walked in, she’s in delivery room 1.” She tapped her comm badge. “Sickbay to Captain, and Lieutenant Carey, please report to Sickbay.”

"Then it is time." Milton rose from the eat and pix was already just entering the Sick Bay in her usual fashion, he was sure she rousted from being on Jennifer's pillow. "I will get prepped and be there in a second." He spoke as he put his Lab coat on.

Heading into the room with his usual grin, he took a good look at Sky and made eye contact to give her the fact she had his full attention.

"Well I see we have a couple of little Oes ready to make a debut." He strode to her side and with a wink took her wrist to feel the pulse; even though the Monitor of the Biobed would yield the sme information, he liked to give his Patients the 'Personal Touch' in hopes it helps ease their mind just a little. "SO what signs brought you here, how do you feel Sky?"

Sky was feeling a whole mix of emotions, that and the contractions that had started as well. “My water broke, about err...20, 30 minutes ago?” She paused. “But something doesn’t feel right...” she gave Rutherford a worried look. “I can’t explain it, something just feels...wrong!”

Milton, in his gut, wanted to agree with Sky, he checked the monitor as he pull his probe out and started a more detailed scan.

"You know your body better than anyone, just let me do my Doctering to catch up." He winked to her despite his concern.

The scans showed blood flow and intake by the babies to be in the acceptable range, but closer to the bottom percentile. Knowing Sky and her following all the directions made that fact stand out. Running the probe over the area for better penetration and extended data and moving in along to her side he caught something.

"You are correct, there is something not normally seen at this stage." He made eye contact. "That is why Xeno-Biology is a separate skill set, humans and Betazoids are fne to have healthy children and the babies are ... Fine." He emphasized. "Now, yo said they are active and I can see that as their movements has it harder to come out." He explained. "They have slightly tangled their cords, no harm really but if they come out normally it will stretch the cord of the second baby and that is a problem so we have do an old fashioned C-Section to assure the cords do not interfere with Birth."

He grinned.

"You are lucky that your Doctor is an old hand at this, this is one of the lesser problems, it has been done for centuries and the success rate is so high I would not mention it but some have vanity about being operated on. " He took her hand and squeezzed it. "An extra hour in the process is about all the complications I see."

Sky was giving Rutherford a worried look, but his reassurance was all she needed. “Do it...whatever you have to do Rutherford.” She paused as more contractions came and went, taking her time to breath it out. “I need...Xavier and Tal. They need to be here!”

"There is not an immediate rush, we have a little time for them to get here." Milton assured. "I am keeping both eyes on that monitor, until the time is really here ; if you do not mind enduring the contractions, we can wait a few more minutes." He gave the sly grin. "The ship is not that large where they need transport to get here."

Sky nodded. “I can wait. I need Xavier!”

Xavier, along with Tal in tow walked into the sickbay, In a state of semi panic. "Sorry we are late... are there complications?"

Sky breathed a sigh of relief seeing Xavier and Tal arrive. “Rutherford needs to deliver the twins by c section..” she looked to Rutherford letting him explain for her.

"Your active children managed to slightly tangled their embilical cords. Taking one out would stretch or even break the other twins cord so I need to get them both together and carefully cut the correct cord for the first baby so to protect the second child." Milton said almost casually."this surgery has been done for hundreds of years and quite safe for all involved."

"They are already at each others throats. Sounds familiar." He recalled many families reporting their kids fighting onboard.

(( Later ))

"I hate to break the moment." Milton interrupted. "I think those little Darlin's are wanting to be brought out to see their parents." He nod. "I need you both to go outside the room; I need to put up the sterilizing field and get to work bithin' the babies."

Xavier took a breath, "Alright Doc," He brought tal over to the waiting area, and they sat down. Neither said anything as they let the doc do his miracle.

Kiara smiled as she passed by on her way to help Rutherford. “Don’t worry, they’ll all be fine.”

Sky was feeling a whole host of emotions, fear being the worst of them. She trusted Rutherford to do what needed to be done, but she wanted Xavier at her side. “Can Xavier sit in with me!?” She gave Rutherford an almost pleading look.

"We're this natural Ah would have him coaching you by your side, but this is an Operation and no ..." His gut urged him to be kind. "He can stand in that corner out of the way, but not a peep out of him as I do need to concentrate." He gave in.

Turning to Xavier.

"This is my bridge and at red alert during surgery my friend. Only because we are friends and Sky needs to feel you close do I do this. "I say scoot you be gone." He grinned. "Don't make me clear the bridge."

"Your the Captain Doc... your command is as good as followed."

Just at that moment Tony appeared in the doorway, she had just come off shift handing the bridge over for the graveyard shift and decided to look in on the Careys to see if the babies had been born. "How is it going here?"

Kiara offered a smile. “Good timing Commander, Sky is about to undergo surgery and I think her family could use some support.” She motioned to Xavier and Talsi.

"Surgery, is it dangerous."

"C-Section is normal practice." Xavier replied as he assured her. "Just a safer option sometimes."

The lighted missile came out from nowhere as Pix streaked into the area, heading to Tony ; orbiting her at a meter distance before hovering in sight; her arms wide like asking Tony for a hug.

"Hey Pix, I have missed you!" Tony said as she returned a very careful hug. "We should hang out together again some time soon."

Pix generated a warmth while Tony held her, showing her contentment.

Sky was feeling more at ease knowing Xavier was nearby, she wished he was holding her hand but she trusted Rutherford. In all honesty she was so tired she was looking forward to the pain of labour being gone.

"You resdy to expand the family." It was a more an acknowledgement of the events by Milton than anything else. "You should be holding them soo enough... Promise.

"Why don't you two come with me and we let the doc do his work." Tony said to Xavier and Talsi. "I'll buy you both a drink."

I believe it might be you and Talsi, it would help Sky if Xavier stays in a corner close; empaths seem to do better that way if you don't mind Tony?" Miton asked. "Sky asked and I agree it would help her calm a bit."

"Of course." Talsi still was not the crew member she was most comfortable with but this was an emergency.

Xavier nodded, Talsi could sense the first officers uncomfortableness... "I will refrain of anything that is not... appropriate."

"I know." Tony smiled. "Come on, let's go and let them do their work." She turned to Sky. "I know you will be fine and we will be back soon."

Sky offered Tony a nod of her head from where she lay. She knew Rutherford would take good care of her whilst delivering the twins. “

"Now are we ready to expand the family by two?" Milton winked.

Tal nodded, kissed both Sky, and Xavier as she turned towards to XO, "Ready to be uncomfortable Commander?"

"I will get used to you yet." Tony chuckled and started to move out.

Once the Operating Room was prepared and the Sterilized field in place Milton's demanor change, the more light hearted man who likes magic seemed to fade away as he donned the gloves and mask with the gown for surgery. A type of determined focus replaced the usually jovial face.

"Time to bring new life to the universe." Milton said to the three nurses that had come for the operation. "Rosalyn, you are with me Donna and Tulsa will care for the babies as they come forth, Sky, it will just be a little longer.""

This is a well practiced team; each knowing their task and ready to perform as needed. Taking their ready places while Milton admistered the sedative, that will allow Sky to be aware of herself and her children but the nerves of her body not registering the surgery.

Sky trusted Milton putting her faith in him to deliver her children safely. She barely registered the numbing sedative as it entered her body.

The moment the readings confirmed the feeling in his gut; that Sky was ready for the surgery, all Milton needed to do was raise the hand and Rosalyn placed the laser scalpel in his hand.

The incisions were practiced hundreds of times; the procedure almost routine to Milton as he worked silently for the electronics in the background. Carefully opening the womb to the first baby closest to the front. With dedicated care and soft touch Milton moved the baby just enough to see the Umbilical Cord from the Belly button , following the line to where he saw the single twist of the two lines. Enough to cause more concern but not sufficient to hinder either baby.

"Clamps..." Milton requested.

"Clamps..." Rosalyn echoes while handing the devices.

Placing them on the cord of the first baby at 2 Centimeters apart, the cut off the flow to the baby from Sky and assured neither would bleed out once he made the cut. Then with loving care he eased the First Born out of Sky and moved to whre Sky could see her Baby.

"You have a lovely Baby Girl Sky. Meaning to give the New Mother a moment to relish her newest member of the family. "It is a girl Xavier Milton made sure the expectant Father heard.

Sky glanced at her daughter as best as she could from where she lay, the emotion of the situation bringing tears to her eyes.

"She looks just like her mother... Slightly less pointy ears however."

Donna wrapped the now colder and complaining child in a blanket to taker for the Father to see then would be off to clean the baby.

"She is lovely." Donna began. "More so once I give her a bit of a clean, no lady likes dirty you know?"

"Ladies worry too much if you ask me... a little dirt never hurt anyone." He refrained from reaching for the child, so the nurse could do her thing.

"Now you have a strapping son. Milton told Sky when he had eased the second child out of her a mere 3 minutes and twenty seconds later.

”Thank you Milton...” Sky looked at her son in awe of just how small both he and his sister were. All she wanted now was to hold her children.

Tulsa the larger and tanned skin woman from the North American Indian decent took the baby to his Father for a first view.

"He hass good lungs." Tulsa commented. "He will be a strong son Captain."

"Very vocal as well..." He replied as he looked over his son as well.

Milton made the closing proceddure and dermal regearator repairs to Sky before stepping to her and whisper in her ear.

"You all did great Milady, now I can let Xavier hold your hand a bit before you transfer to Post OP." He kissed her cheek. "I'll see you all once I get cleaned up and such.

Straightening he winked as Rosealyn. "You want to tell Larissa while I tend to the Family matters?"

"Sure thing Doc." She smiled. "That was ... flawless..."

I had a good team and healthy patient." Milton replied a little bit of fatigue; the nerves and all the assorted emotions that come with operating dissipating. "I just need a minute to clean up and will call Rissa when I am calmer."

"Of course Doc." Rosalyn noted that Mlton gave a polite but tired grin. "I will get the room reset."

Thanks. Milton said as he took his leave.

Sky looked towards Xavier holding out her hand whilst wiping away a few emotional tears, she hadn’t expected to feel such a sense of overwhelming emotion. “Can I hold them?”

"If anyone says no, they will be heading straight to the brig." Xavier smiled as he handed her their son.

Sky marvelled at her tiny son, he was so perfect. “He’s amazing! They both are!” Her smile and tears eyed look said it all. “We haven’t even finalised their names yet!”

"So what were the names?" Xavier replied, just looking at them, he didnt know if they looked like anything."

The two nurses returned with two tine bassinets for the babies to be kept close to their mother.

"They do need to be noted on the New Crew Roster" Rosalyn commented. "The Doc is in his own Recovery Room, Sorry, he is kind of wiped out from this all. " She commented. "He tends to make it look very easy."

Sky nodded. “I’ll thank him later, how long will I need to stay in Sickbay?” She was understandably eager to be able to rest at home.

"Standard 24 Hours to assure Mother nad babies are well; they are a bit tiny as being twins." Rosalyn said. "That is more a standard cautionary time period than anything else."

Sky nodded, at least she’d have the first 24 hours to rest after surgery.

"More if you need it." Xavier replied

“Of course” Sky nodded still marvelling at her two tiny babies, stifling a yawn as she did so.

“How’s about we try a feed for these two little wonders, then you can all get some rest” Kiara offered a warm smile. “Don’t worry if you can’t breast feed straight away, we can provide baby milk for the first feed if required. “It’ll give dad a chance to have a go as well.”

Smiling, "Think you can hold off sleep for at least a little while?"

“You bet I can!” Sky nodded and smiled. “We need names! What are we going to name them!? I had a list of names I know Chloe and Connor were two, but I can’t remember the rest.”

"Those two would be perfect." Xavier agreed.

"I will be close by when you have spoken about it and decided on their name for registration. The nurse bid her farewell. "Just call me when you are ready."

Sky nodded. “I think we just decided. It’s Chloe and Connor.”


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