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Family Introductions

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 12:58am by Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Milton Quarters
Timeline: concurrent

Slight backpost


Pix was insistant, she was all but dragging Stoffels along the corridor, a golden glow of excitement from the small Pixie like being. It had been a while since Pix had brought her BFF to 'her' quarters; the same one that is now the home of the Milton Family. Two newpeople that Pix could not wait to bring together.

It was an invatation from Pix's Rutherford to Tony to come by for some dinner and a chance to meet the family. The Captain and Sky were busy with their own additions that Milton decided it is time to let Tony meet the Newly wed and baby. It seemed the next generation was coming in growing numbers. Pix flew to collect Tony; her own little excitment could not be containded so easily to 'wait' The BFF's arrivial.

* COme on....* Pix motioned with a strong feeling that seemed to emphasize haste like a child like glee from Pix to Tony. *They are waiting... * a stong feeling of a baby's contented heartbeat was projected towards Tony and an almost distinct word close to "JENN-Boo' seemed to linger in the projection.

"I am coming." Tony said with a laugh. It was good to see Pix this happy. It made her ache a little for Soran, the pain of losing him was still so fresh. And then the uncertainly of the safety of her family. It was good to do something else for an evening and be around happy people.

Pix flew to the door and opened it, not surprising Milton stood expectant of the arrival.

"Hallow Tony, glad you could make it." He offered a hug

"Any time for you my friend." Tony said returning the hug. "Now I can't wait to be introduced to the rest of the family formally."

The glow of Pix on the shoulder of Larissa as she came from the spare room which is now the nursery in a light sundress holding a baby cradled in her arms.Walking to stand beside Milton. her brown eyes seem to catch everyone who sw them dark to the point of liquid chocolate.

{ix was glowing in a soft sunlight toe as she excitedly pointed to the baby. WHen one looked at the baby who favored her mother's dark hair but paired with little eyes the color of Chocolate drops.

"Tony , This is Larissa; my wife and little Jennifer." Milton began. "And this is Pix's Best Friend Forever; or so I am told Antonia. Our dear Family friend."

"It is a pleasure to meet you both." Tony said smiling. "She is lovely." She admired the baby but did not dare ask how Milton acquired a wife with such a young child.

"RJ has spoken of you often and..." Larissa winked at Pix. "Whenever your name is mentioned this little Pix had a perk up in her glow."

"I am being a bad host." Milton jumped in. "Come and sit down, can't have a conversation standing around You'all know." He chuckled.

Larissa looked at Tony. "Would you like to hold her, she is really a good little girl, very social." Glancing to Pix who had her hands clasped and nodded.

"Uhm." Tony was not that used to babies but she did not want to disappoint Larissa or Pixie so she nodded. "Ok then." She just hoped she would not drop the baby.

"I have the perfect chair right here." Milton interjected. "Best for the first time to hold a baby sitting down, they don't fall while in a chair.

Tony wondered if he could read her mind. "I don't have much experience with babies." She admitted as she sat down.

Pix landed on Tony'sleft shoulder as moral support.

"I will show you the easy way to hold her." Larissa smiled and while cradling Jennifer like a pro in one arm helped adjust Tony's arms into position.

"Now you are ready to have her..." pix noded agreement. "Jenny is not a fussy one." Larisda assured and placed the baby gently with Tony.

Tony held the baby very carefully as if she was made of glass. She had almost never thought of having kids of her own. Until recently she had never had a relationship and then losing Soran ... she felt a tear escape her eye. Had that been her one chance at happiness. "She is lovely, you are lucky." She said softly.

"That is a definate as neither of us..." Glancing to his New wife."were really on the search."

Larissa shook her head and blushed a bit.

"I was trying to be a good Mother so it was a Curve Ball of sorts."

Meanwhile Jennifer was returning Tony's gaze with those Chocolate Drop eyes of her's while Pix made faces and her glow luttered. Jennifer seemed to see right into Tony... Jennifer sounded a toothless giggle at Tony.

Tony did not want her friends to know how sad she felt. Of course she felt genuine happiness that they had found love but somehow this baby drove her own losses home. "I uhm, I guess I can't stay too long, work you know." she said feebly trying to hand the baby back.

Pix turned to look Tony in the eyes.

"Come to Mama." Larissa smiled and took the child, a glance from MIlton and she winked. "I understand; I really should see to this little one. I am so glad yo came over..." Larissa forced the polte tone as she was confused. "COme by anytime, Family always welcome Mate."

Milton had a gaze se on Tony as his wife left.

"Okay Tony; Family to Family; you want to tell me and Pix something, I know it has been hard on you. I do have a kind ear I am told you know."

"Oh god." Tony groaned. "I have offended your wife." She burried her head in her hands for a second. "I am so sorry Milton. That was not my intension. Life is a bit hard on me at the moment and seeing Larissa and the baby it just brought the loss of Ren home to me. I.. I should go."

"Family share the load Tony." Milton winked. "And my Mermaid was more nervous by thinking she was forcing Jennifer upon you." He explain. Give her a bit to feed and put Jennifer down and she will be back out and her jubilant self.

Pix confirmed his thoughts making sure Tony got the impression that Pix wanted her to stay for a while.

"Did you and I not promise to help each other after our losses Tony?" He tilt his head. "You are part of the family and I am here for you. Pix was just excited by Jennifer and wants everyone else to share her... enthusiast over her." He sat back a bit. "I see this more as hope for us both; if 'I' can find someone that means you have much greater potential for finding someone you know. you have family to be an annoying helping hand you know?"

Tony smiled through her tears. "I don't do well with relationships Milton. He was my first serious boyfriend. I don't trust easily. Now with so many of my family still in danger it is even harder. Someone has it out for my blood family and it is bloody scary. I will apologize to Larissa of course for my bad manners. I was raised better."

"Do not sweat the little things." Milto said casually. "Trust is a hard thing, the heart is mostly a good judge ... if you actually listen. That part is hard for us all, it took Love slamming me over the head with a very nice figure in the Skirted uniform for me to note. Not many are as stubborn as I am so I hope it will be easier for you." He made eye contact. "WHen You are ready to take the chance."

"For me it is too soon. And I have too much going on. My granddad and uncle are still critically injured. And most of my family on earth is heavilly guarded. But I am also so worried about my dad who is out in the field. He really shouldn't with his rank." She rubbed her eyes again. All in all there had been too little time for self care during her leave.

Pix gave Tony's neck a squeeze.

"You really should come by more."MIlton mentioned. "You are not alone nor do you have to think you are. If nothing more than to decompress for a time and think of other things."

"I would like that." She smiled. "But I don't want to be a third wheel. You have your new family, Xavier and Sky have theirs." All her friends were busy and happy.

"That is why they are called God Mothers and such." Milton smiled. " Besides, Pix already called her 'Dibs' on

"Pix makes big difference in my life." Toni said with a genuine smile on her face. "I honestly don't know what I would do without her."

Pix snugged closer into Tony's neck with the warmth that impressed more of a contentment while being close to Tony.

"Without you Pix might have to put up with my company all the time." A Swirl of the hand procured a short stemmed white rose. "Now you are never a third wheel and you should know that." Handing her the rose. "My dear Larissa seems to be the only one wanting all my time so Pix chose you a long time ago. SHe only has one BFF."

"Thank you." Toni took the rose. "Pix is more than welcome to stay the occasional night if you both want to. Hell my quarters are large enough, I could even give her her own area to decorate."

She loves closet shelves." Milton joked. "And old vintage style Barbie structures." Her needs are not that large for the most part, just lounges and small funiture on a table and such. Quite unobtrusive when yo think of it."

"I can do that. Would you like that, Pix? We can go through a catalogue together and you can pick out what you like."

What reply came in the form of a Pixie jongled squee from pix with a relay of excitment at the potentially fun time with Tony.

"You just hot her hot button." Milton said. "Manipuldating the computer is what hinders that little Shop-a-Holic from acquiring mote than she could really want."

Pix stuck her tongue out at him..

"Then we will do that this weekend, Pix." Toni said. "Don't mind him, you are going to get what you want." She grinned at both of them.

"I know when I am in a losing operation." Milton joked.

"Who is losing?" Larissa asked as she entered the common area and took a seat close to Milton on the couch. "We have a contented and sleeping baby and a Mamma that can be an adult conversation now>" SHe snuggled a bit more into Milton.

"Pix is going to do some moving into Tony's place and shopping for her Barbie furniture." He relayed.

"I am not driving Pix to move out?" Larissa asked almost nervously.

"Oh no. Or course not." Toni said. "Pix is just going to spend some time with me so you can have a bit more privacy. And don't worry, she likes it. And I owe you an apology for my behaviour earlier." She finished sincerely.

"THis is all sudden all the way around." Larissa reply. "Kind of a shock to us all, so no worries Mate. Jenny and I just jumped into your a d RJ's lfe so we need to get to know one another." SHe grin. "I am still trying to get used to more than me and Jenny."

"We can all learn together." Toni smiled. "I am genuinely happy for all of you."

"I do admit it is starting off on a high note." Milton said. "So Toni, you realize family events will include you and all that kind od thing?"

Larissa nodded.

Toni smiled a happy smile. "Thank you all, I really appreciate it."

"Just the natural way of things, Pix is your BFF; when did you not realize that made you ... family/' Milton asked with a chuckle

"I didn't. Like I said I don't have many close friends. Kay and her family are one of the exceptions."

"YOu have always had family." Milton chuckled. "Just call it 'Extended Family' and with Rissa and Jen Jenn, it grew a bit. Just know we are here for you same as we would be Kin Folk."

"Thank you so much. I sure can use some more family at the moment." She said. "And if you guys can be extra nice to Kay as well. She really is like my little sister, we grew up together and I know she is lonely as well."

"Bring her by." Milton suggested. "Be more comfortable to her if you came with her rather than one of us seeking her out. He gave Rissa a peck on the cheek. "I have a Mexican meal that I found in a small part of Mexico city that is almost to die for. I'll get started on it.

"Okay My Mage." Larissa smiled. "Another of your tricorder projects will be great. "Turning to smile at Tony. "You have to try his replicated dishes; I swear they are genuinely real tasting; not replicator tasting.

"I will ask kay if she wants to come around for dinner." Toni yawned. "I think it is about time for me to knock off for today."

Pix sat on Tony's shoulder and pointed towards the exit.

"Might be good idea for us all." Milton said as he came back. "Sleeping babies and all."


Lt. CMDR Rutherford Milton
Chief Medical Officer / 2XO


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