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Awkward Meeting

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 1:02am by Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Security Offices

Diana walked into the security offices clearly with a goal in mind. Before the Res shipped off, she was wanting to have a conversation with Kayleigh London. Considering that she returned and took the Assistant Counselor position from her was likely to make this conversation awkward. But it was best to rip the preverbal band aid off. Upon reaching the destination, she pressed the chime.

"Come in." Kay said looking up from het computer. Gods there was so much to catch up on and to learn. She was still pretty overwhelmed with it all.

"Lieutenant London," Diana spoke as she entered the room. "I hope this isn't a bad time to speak."

"Uhm no. Come in." Kay waved her in hoping her office did not look as chaotic as her mind. "What can I do for you?"

"Honestly I came to see how you were doing?" the counselor answered.

Kay blinked. "How I am doing? That is usually my line." She was puzzled by this unknown woman.

Diana realized that Kay had no clue who she was. "I'm Diana Morrison, Assistant Chief Counselor."

"Ah." That killed the conversation flat. Kay was not able to keep her anger off her face. "I see."

"Yeah this is a bit awkward and played out a little better in my head," Di explained. "But I feel that I owe you a face to face."

Kay took a deep breath. "Honestly, I can't say I am happy to see you. I enjoyed myself as assistant chief and I think I did a good job. So to be replaced by someone else hurts. However I have come to see that you had nothing to do with this decision and it would be childish to blame you."

Diana simply nodded. "If you don't mind me asking. You are a Marine, so why work in counseling?"

Kay was never going to give her the real reason, she had not given it to anyone. "My mum. She is a shrink as well. I guess she inspired me. But as my parents are both in the navy I chose the marines as a career path."

"Shink," Di repeated. "I haven't heard that in a long time."

"It's what my dad calls my mum affectionately. He is not a fan of the profession." She grinned.

Diana smiled. "Are they married?"

"Yes and very happily so. In fact they met when da was mum's patient. He had lost his temper and hit a fellow officer."

"So where does your temperament fall. More like your mother or father?"

"Hmmm that is a hard one." Kay had to think for a few moments. "I think I take more after my dad in temperament. And I am also more extrverted. My mum is an introvert. My dad he loves to entertain."

"So you like to entertain as well?"

"I haven't had much chance to entertain yet." Kay admitted. "I should warn you that as a counsellor you don't make many friends on a ship. But yeah I would like to throw parties."

"I've experienced that before on previous assignment," Di admitted. "But I learned how to get around that issue."

"Oh? I haven't yet. I have made a few friend but it always feels like it is against the rules. Now with a few more counsellors it will get easier I guess. Before especially when I was a marine, everyone I spent my days with could end up being my patient. And you can't be friends with patients."

"That's why there are several counselors on board to possibly avoid those conflicts."

"Yes and that is new for me as well. When I started out there was just Sky and Toni helped out if needed. And Toni is even stricter about that rule. It took her years after therapy ended to finally start something with Ren and then he died and now she is back to..." she shut her mouth realizing she had said too much. "Anyway she is XO and she can be tough."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "Sounds as if you have some concerns about the Commander?"

"Oh no, god no. She is my best friend. I would never say anything against Toni." Kay said quickly. "She is great. Only she has a tendency to overwork and to downplay her own problems. That is all I am going to say."

"Having concerns isn't a bad thing," the counselor chuckled. "Like you said, it just means that in her case that you may feel she needs to relax. And even take time for herself. I believe a lot of us our guilty about that."

"Hell yes as Toni is worse then most people I know." Kay said from the heart.

"i guess whenever she's ready, she'll make her way down here," Diana spoke.

Kay snorted. "That will be when hell has frozen over."

"Does she have issues with counselors or just plain stubborn?"

"She thinks she can heal herself as she is a psychiatrist. But also she really does not want to bother others. Toni is a weird mix of tough and sentimental." Kay said with affection.

Diana nodded. "At times mental health professionals can make the worse patients. Especially when it comes to treating ourselves."

"You are so right." Kay kept a straight face not wanting to alert the other woman. "So my door is always open if you ever need to talk."

"Thank you. I extend the same courtesy to you as well."


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