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Need some Torpedo shells adapted.

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant Oasis Troilin & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:59pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Operation Section.


Troilin tugged her Flight Jacket that matched Fleet Colors and smooth her skirt before entering the OPS Center to find the chief. The PADD with her authority and Signed Captain's request, in hand to help show she is not pulling a chain or anything. The emotional impressions just lingering in the air were more duty connected than tensions of the impending mission. Luckily for Troilin was only half Betazoid and well trained with her defensive filters in place.

Asking about she quickly found the target.

"Lieutenant tar-Lexros." She offered a hand for a shake. "I am Oasis Troilin; the CAG, and I was hoping to get some aid from you concerning some Torpedo Casing adaptations for the upcoming Recovery Efforts?"

Etan took her hand and nodded at her. "Uh, sure, Lieutenant. How can I help you?" He checked the work orders for the day and saw that there was a ticket there from the Fighter Wing, which was one of those unusual departments that was neither fish nor fowl, and so often ended up working through Ops when they weren't connected to Security or Tactical. Given the situation with Kay, until there was a fight or a training session, he'd handle the situation. He didn't know much about the torpedo casings, but assigned the initial consult on the project to himself, hoping he'd follow it. "Um, what sort of adaptations are you looking to make to the torpedo casings, Lieutenant?"

"These casings that are used for casting 'remains' like caskets; if you could adapt them with a Pylon connection adapter like we do on live Torpedoes for attack." She began. "We want these to be sort of transport casings; be it remains or even cargo and in standard form they cannot be attached to a fighter Ordinace Pylon. If we make these empty casings adapted to that purpose, then we can use the Fighters perform Cargo Runs like a shuttle. Load the casings then the fighter transports it between points like cargo containers."

Triolin smiled brightly.

"Then my Birds can aid the OPS department and medical by shuttling either remains or equipment from the salvage ships to the Resolution; like you will have 6 extra shuttle runs on a given shift. And my spare pilots get flight hours and can cut the over all time of the tas by the flights we add."

Etan considered the situation and nodded, thinking about how best to accommodate her needs with the torpedo casings. He walked over to one of the terminals, and called up the specs. After some typing and adjusting the initial adaptations, he turned to Troilin. "Considering how our torpedo stocks will be in use, it might be best for non-precious cargo to be loaded into Type IX probe casings instead, which we can adapt more efficiently. What do you think?"

With a twinkle in her eyee she winked with a bright smile.

"That is why I come to experts, you can make it work, Thanks." She gave a courtesy.

tar-Lexros nodded at Oasis, starting to get the fab ready for the probe cases. It wasn't going to be instant, but they would be ready by the time the ship had reached the destination point. "They're in the fab queue now, Lieutanant. By using modular probe casings, we'll also have the standard cargo sensors that we'd have in a heavier shuttle on your fighters. You'll have to let the Ops team on the flight deck know if you're planning to go above, um, Warp 3 while in cargo loadout. We'll have to install additional inertial dampeners if so - because cargo is heavier than torpedoes."

He turned and pulled out a small isolinear storage chip, handing it to her. "This is the job number, and everything you'll need to get make sure the fab team knows you're authorized to know project status. As soon as they're ready, Ops will get them to the deck. I'll, uh, call you so we can do the loading and live testing. In the meantime, I've also set up holodeck training program parameters set so you and your team can try the cargo mode out in simulation. I'm pretty sure you'll lose some, uh, some sublight maneuverability when under full load, I don't have exact info at the moment, but you will be a little overloaded if you take a full cargo load in the probes. Like I said, Warp 3 is your upper warp safety limit without additional components."

"You are so through." Troilin complemented. "I do not see us using them at warp, first trials id for the after engagement duties, so should stay in sub-light." She thought for a second. "And having the holo adaptions for the simulators will really help." She winked to him. "And if we need sub-lght maneuvering means we are in combat; the casings will be jettisoned for combat."

Catching her mindset again she nodded.

"If we need use them for ambulance runs to starbase of between task groups we can adapt a small number if needed." Troilin smiled brihtly. "I have the feeling you aree going to be one of my favorates, a Good Logistics Officer; I mean OPS, is worth your weight in treasure."

Etan smiled at Troilin with an appreciative nod. It'd be obvious to anyone that he'd been through counseling, and had learned, thanks to the counselors on-ship, to finally take a compliment. His slightly copper-tinted cheeks turned a little redder though, in a blush. "I do try to be thorough, Lieutenant. It helps when I have a full scope of work as you provided. As far as ambulance runs, I would strongly suggest putting the injured person in stasis or an EV suit first, or using the fighter's deflector as an annular confinement beam to tag them for the ship to emergency transport. I don't know much about piloting. I've piloted an atmospheric shuttle when I was younger, but that's nothing compared to the speeds or accuracy you have available. But yes, Ops is always available to support you, we do maintain the flight deck and your wing of fighters, as well as the standard shuttles."

"Please do not think it is not wholly appreciated. " She winked. "I am well aware of how much Operations support my Birdies."

Etan nodded and smiled again in response to her wink. "We're glad to help, Lieutenant. Especially with the little shakeups like this. It's a brilliant concept, frankly. If it works as well as we both think it will, we should submit it to the SCE together, to make this modification standard across the fleet."

"After we play with it a while and get the bugs out of it I do not see why not?" Troilin grinned brightly. "If we want to play then I should let you get to work." She nod and readied herself to leave.

Etan nodded with a smile. "You say 'playing', I say 'testing'. We mean the same thing."

Lt. Oasis Troilin
Group Commander

Lt. Etan tar-Lexros
Chief Starship Operations Officer


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