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Departing hours

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Etan tar-Lexros & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:59pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: varied

OOC Milton: I had an idea for the crew to post the last two hours preparations for departure then we can jump to meeting the other ships and get the mission pushed. Just some last fun before the Plot Clock starts ticking.


Milton was taking a time on the bridge, his first rotation since being promoted actually, stepping onto the bridge was a bit of an emotional jolt. While smiling and trying to seem more professional and not as nervous as he is. Crossing to the Command Chair he took a breath before speaking.

"2xo has the bridge, change of shift ready." Looking around. "Start the two hour countdown to departure. Have all sections report readiness as they come on line."

It seemed right.

"Now that we have time let's start getting the last preps ready." He sasid calmly. "Two hours may seem like a long time until the clock dwindles. We all have done this before, just another departure. I know you all have the skills and training to make this a smooth departure." He took the Center chair for the first time. "Make ready."

The turbolift doors opened to reveal the familiar sight of Sky, even though she was on maternity leave she was helping out on light duties when she wanted. Hearing Rutherford was on bridge duty she wanted to drop in and see how he was doing. “Commander” she smiled warmly as she sat down.

"Hello Counselor, Glad to see you out and about." Milton greet. "Welcome to my Parlor... of sorts. Seems I get the duty of all the final sign offs before departure. Hope I am up to the task?"

“Of course you are Rutherford” Sky smiled warmly before stifling a yawn. “Sorry! The twins have us up every four hours wanting a feed, it’s proving to be quite a learning curve!”

Kay was next. She would have preferred to stay in her own office and keep an eye on things but she knew she had a good bunch working for her. Coming on to the bridge she was surprised not to find Toni there knowing what a control freak her friend was. "Security ready for departure, sir!" She informed the second officer.

"Good to know Lieutenant." Milton acknowledged the Security Personnel. "You get the Prize for first ready out the gate." He nodd then turned back to Sky.

"As a Doc I can give you average projections, but as a New Father of a three Month old I am not much better off than you." He winked to Sky. "Though my wife might be a veritable book of insights as she does have a three month head start over you and she is a Mother where I am ... not."

Kay continued to stand at attention looking a little bewildered. Had she just been made fun of? Was anybody laughing at her. Her face flushed just at the thought of all the navy officers staring and laughing at the silly marine.

Sky smiled at Rutherford, “No, you’re a father and I’ve no doubt you’re a very good one. It’s a learning curve for both of us right now, I have to learn to fit my routine around the twins which I’m sure I’ll learn to do eventually.”

Milton pat her hand.

"Seems that Jenn Jenn does have a handle on when she needs to eat and Rissa trained to abide." Winking to her he turned to 1st Lt London. "I am glad to have Marines aboard and ready for action, you did well London. My complements, you can stand at ease, I run a little less formal bridge while things are good. I will rely upon you IF we need you."

She moved to a parade rest stance. "Thank you, sir." Kay said.

"When we are in what can be Combat situation; during the salvage and rescue mission I would request two of your security guarding the Bridge during my watch if that is possible?"

"No problem, sir." Kay responded promptly. She would have to ask her people if that was customary already or if this was a new request.

Sitting at the strategic operations station, Tony Johnson his attention to the Second Officer. "Strategic Operations is ready for departure."

Over time comm came the voice Diana Morrison-Johnson. "Counseling reports ready for departure."

"Keeping things on course and we are ahead of schedule.

Troillin came onto the bridge; her flight suit and jacket this time. Moving gracefully to the 2XO.

"Counselor." She acknowledged Sky. "Glad to see you well." The Betazoid side of Troilin was actually projecting the emotion to support the statement. Her focus was of course on Rutherford though.

“Thank you” Sky smiled warmly at Troillin

"Commander Milton, this PADD shows the readiness of the Flight as well as progress on the Support gear that you helped approve." Troilin handed over the PADD. My birds and I are fully capable of taking action upon command and Ready Fighters on Pad should they be needed. " She nod to him. "Fighter wing is ready for departure."

"That is good to know." Milton scanned the PADD. "I hope we do not require you and your fighter while departing or in the near Earth but it will be an option of course." Milton chuckled. "Thank you for the report and look around if you like before going back to your Flight, you need to get used to the bridge as CAG you know."

"Yes Sir, tank you." Troilin gave a slight bow and moved away to take a look about.

Etan had been on the Bridge - well, actually, he'd been working on the Captain's terminal in the Ready Room, but the spirit was the same, and he had all the relevant information coming to hand. He walked onto the bridge from the Ready Room and nodded at RJ silently before taking his station. "Commander, Starship Operations standing by. All sections report ready for departure procedures. We also confirm reports of readiness for departure from coordinating departments. Shall I request departure pre-permissions from Starbase, ETD one hour fifty, sir?."

"You all but read my mind, Make it so." Milton suggested.

Tony Johnson looked over at Milton in the centre chair, nodded with a smile. Then returned back to work at his station. At the moment, he was going through the current ship movements and coming up with the best way to prepare for when they arrived on scene.

Toni had been listening in from her quarters. She had kept away and leet this be RJ's show. But it was nailbiting to stay away and let another make all the decisions. For the first time she wondered how Xavier had done it when she herself had been green. To trust her to do the right thing. Well at least she had had a good teacher and she would do the same for RJ.

The last clearances were made and the Galaxy Class vessel departed on her way to the assigned destination.



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