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Amassing Forces

Posted on Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Strategic Operations Office

Lieutenant Commander Johnson, Warrant Officer Bhalet and several staff stared at the large screen on the wall. On the viewer was Federation and Cardassian which was now part of the Dominion. All the different planets, outpost, Starbases, space stations and current fleet movements. This was the most recent update that Starfleet had sent them before shipping off. The Dominion was definitely making moves and currently holding their positions. It was the early going of the war, but they moved forward with the few battles that had taken place.

"The Resolution will be leading a small fleet to the Chin'Toka system," Johnson spoke to the group. "The seventh fleet is amassing outside the system in order to take the system. There seems to be a Dominion communications array that the federation has learned is on one of the planets there. After the battle is complete, the system is clear, we will go in for survivors. Also, it will be determined what ships are salvageable, and which will be scrapped."

Goda scratched the back of his neck as he looked up at the screen. "The Chin'Toka system. Going to be a tough one for the Seventh Fleet to clear out."

The Commander looked around the room at the Enlisted personnel. "I know it looks bleak, but the Seventh is a tough fleet and they will get the job done. We just need to do our part and be ready to arrive. So, I need you all to get back with me tomorrow and we can discuss things further.
We'll have an idea on what we're dealing with after the upcoming battle."

"Yes Sir." the group spoke simultaneously.


The group left the room, leaving Johnson and Bhalet behind. The Jelna Rigelian waited to the last person left the room before speaking. "I'm interested to see how this plays out in a few days."

"Tell me about it Goda," Tony replied. "Just my brief run in with the Dominion they are effective and vicious. And from reports from run ins that Captain Sisko and a few other Captains have experienced. They're not one to retreat either. Jen'Hadar will fight to the last ship and even to the last man standing."

"Basically expect a lot of casualties on both sides," Goda sighed. "Started my career in Starfleet right out of training thrown into the war with the Cardassians. And here I am again. Even after seeing how evil they could be, the Federation still wanted to work things out with them. Probably should have helped the Klingons finish them off quicker. Prevent them the opportunity to going to the Dominion."

Placing a hand on Goda's shoulder, Johnson shrugged. "The Federation doesn't work like that. But I admit, that looking back on it, things would be much easier." Tony knew of Goda's war record against the Cardassians. By the time the Commander had graduated the Academy the height of the war was coming to an end. Everything afterwards was skirmishes here and there. But nothing to the battles that the Warrant Officer had been involved in.

"Are they certain these mines by the wormhole will hold?" Bhalet asked, while pointing to the viewer.

"Sounds too good to be true, but apparently they are self-replicating. Makes you wonder what evil genius came up with that idea on DS9." Both men looked at each and burst out laughing. These were complicated times, but it was nice to know that the two of them maintained a sense of humor.

The Warrant Officer then took a more serious tone. "Thanks again for considering me for the Strategic Operations position. I enjoyed spending my entire career in security. Always figured I would retire as an Enlisted man."

"Starfleet can use more good people like yourself," Tony replied. "Which is why I wanted you to become a Warrant Officer. Moving up would provide you with much more opportunities, but I knew you never really wanted to be an officer."

"You're right about that," Goda laughed. "But I honestly have been wanting more since becoming a Warrant Officer. And this role is a step in the right direction. If we survive this was of course."

The Commander burst out laughing. "It's nice to know that you continue to maintain a sense of positivity."


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