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a word

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 10:39pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Corridor
Timeline: Back post before arrival of the battlefield

Moxley was exercising his stiff muscled by walking as much as he could. Each day he tried to get a little further. And it was also a good way to get to know the ship. He had no idea how long he would be on board so better get to know the lay of the land.

It was by accident when he ran into the captain on one of his walks. He remembered to man from one of their brief video chats a few months back and seeing the two babies with him he was sure who he was facing.

"Captain." He said politely. "Mind if I walk with you for a bit?"

"Sure thing, Marshall. a bit of company does a body good."

Mox nodded politely and looked at the babies. "Congratulations, captain. They are beautiful."

"They take after their mother, in that regard."

"I haven't had the pleasure of meeting your wife yet. But I understand you have two?" He tried to keep his voice clear of judgement.

"I have three, with... these two and my other one, with my blue skinned wife."

"Right." Moxley managed to say. "And everyone is happy with that situation?"

"Absolutely. Not everyone agrees with it on the ship, but it is what it is."

"Well it is your life." He tried very hard not to try to show any disapproval. "So captain, you have an interesting way of filling your officer positions. Both your senior officers come from the medical field. Why that choice?"

"Partly not my choice but considering the role of the Resolution... head of the 29th fleet. Its main duty is to respond to medical emergencies. I figured, it was probably the best choice. I am sure if it came down to it, the officers can come down hard in a battle if need be."

"Hmm. I have found they are usually soft hearted and find it harder to make sacrifices when it comes to it."

"You will be surprised, they know of the needs of the many quote."

"Let me be clearer, captain." Moxley said. "I do not like the thought of my granddaugher in so much danger. I have lost too many family members lately. She would be safer working in counselling."

"Let me be clear as well Moxley. Shes your granddaughter, but also a starfleet officer. This war is causing too many families to lose loved ones. Its what she signed up for. Plus being on the search and rescue task force, our job isn't going to be directly in the front lines. We go in after the battle."

" will do your best to keep her out of danger." He found himself to be more emotional than he had ever been in his life.

"We will do our best to keep all of us out of danger, but we are fighting a war, you know that more than anyone that casualties are sometimes necessary."

The older man nodded. "Please do what you can, captain."

"Only thing we can do." Xavier replied trying to reassure him. But his thoughts of the mission came to his mind. "We shall see."

"And if I can help out in any way, I am at your disposal."

"An officer without a mission... A war where you can only be an observer... people telling you, you are too old to be of use." Am I right Moxley?"
His eyes narrowed. "I can run rings around most of your officers, captain. I only retired a year ago. I am up to speed."

"Not saying you can't. But I would be bored as hell if I was in your position."

"I am bored as hell." He admitted. "Retirement is not the fun I hoped it would be."

"Not from what I recall thats been happening."

"Even before I was getting bored." He admitted.

"Ah well... I am sure we can find something."

"Thank you captain." The older man said genuinely grateful.


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