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A counselling request

Posted on Tue Jul 23rd, 2024 @ 1:36am by Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: counselling office

After heaving a big sigh Toni entered Lt Morrison's office. The woman made her a little nervous but there was nobody else who could handle this. Sky should not be working and Kay knew her granddad too well, it would not be ethical to have her do it so that left Diana.

"Lt Morrison." She started. "I have a civilian staying with me for this tour. He has recently been severely wounded and suffered some losses. I wondered if you would be able to take care of his mental health. I would be very grateful if you could."

Diana looked over schedule. "I definitely have some free time. Who is this civilian?"

"My grandfather." She handed over a disc. "Here is all his information, and what you need to know about my family. He was injured severly during an assasination attempt that killed his ex-wife, my grandfather. It also severely injured my uncle and several of his children. I took my granddad on board to keep him safe."

Accepting the disc, she thought carefully. "Was the assassin caught?"

"No. It is all on there." Toni said. "All the background info. this has been going on for twenty years. It is a feud between one of the Klingon houses and my family and Kay's. It is a long story." She sighed. "A few months ago they tried to kill my younger brother and Kay's brother. Thankfully that was averted."

"I'm glad to hear that your brother is alright."

"He will be." Toni said. "He was so traumatized that it will take a lot of counselling, but he is on the road to recovery. But it is taking it's toll on my family. And I have to warn you that my grandfather is not the easiest person to get along with."

"Has he always been like that?" Diana inquired. "Or has these attacks hardened him?"

"He's always been difficult." Toni did not have to think about it. "My mum had a very hard time getting to the academy as he did not want his daughter in the marine corps. Women should stick to safe jobs in his view. Yeah he missed out on a couple of centuries." She rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure that you want him onboard living with you?"

"Not having him with me would be an even bigger disaster for the family. I will just grin and bare it." She exhaled. "And he is not all bad. Granddad can be a lot of fun as well."

"Now do you think he would be willing to participate in therapy?" the counselor asked.

"I told him that he had to if he wanted to stay with me." Toni said flatly.

Diana simply smiled. "I'm impressed."

"How so?" Toni was taken by surprise by this reaction.

"Some might call it therapy by coercion," she chuckled. "But I call it following the house rules."

"Very smart of you." The other woman produced a wolfish grin. "I would not do it with anybody else but with grandda I have to stand my ground."

"When are you looking to have him start?'

"Honestly? As soon as possible would work fine for me. To be honest he did go through a lot." Toni finished a bit softer.

"I can see him as soon as tomorrow." Pulling up the calendar, she waited for the go ahead to get him scheduled.

"Thank you." Toni came to her feet. "I owe you one."


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