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blowing off steam

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 5:03am by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:58pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Carey Quarters

"Dear god I swear I am going to kill that oldfashioned, stubborn southern son of a...." Toni stopped talked after bursting into Sky's living room. She had made sure that Xavier was out with the kids before coming. "I must have been crazy to bring him on board. But I could not leave him behind, I can't help but love my grandda."

Sky was sitting on the sofa relaxing when Tony entered, she smiled as she listened to what her friend had to say before motioning for Tony to sit down. “Okay, tell me what this is all about.”

"I brought my granda on board." She sighed. "If I had left him on earth he and uncle Pete would have killed each other. And you know grandda does not listen. He would have wandered off and got himself and others in danger. Loads of people are still intimidated by him and can't say no to him. I had to do something."

Sky offered a smile. “You felt obligated to bring him aboard and now you’re regretting it?”

"Yes! I don't know." Toni threw up her hands. "I couldn't leave him to die on earth. There was nobody else who could take him."

Nodding. “It’s okay, you did what you felt was best, no one can blame you for that. Perhaps we can arrange for some extra help for you?”

"What do you mean, extra help?" Toni asked frowning.

“Someone to visit him every now and then, to have a cup of tea and a chat or something just so he’s not alone.” Sky offered a smile. “Either that or get him out to the lounge, or the holodeck.”

"Oh yes, if you can do that or find someone to do it I would be eternally grateful." Toni said with relief.

“I’ll have to arrange it with Rutherford, see if someone from medical can drop in. I can drop in from time to time as well, as could Diane.” Sky smiled warmly.

"I have asked RJ to check him out already and counselling as well. Kay won't touch him with a ten foot pole." Toni finally laughed. "They should sell tickets when those two have a shouting match."

Sky couldn’t help but grin at that one. “Family dynamics, just wonderful aren’t they?” She paused. “Would you like a drink or anything? I forgot to ask.”

"Yeah. Alcohol would be nice. Only joking, tea will do, I can get it myself if you need to rest."

“If you wouldn’t mind?” Sky smiled. “I don’t know about an ordinary birth, but from the caesarean point of view I still hurt.”

"No problem. Can I get something more for you? Food or drink?" Toni asked while she walked to the kitchen. "You have to take care of yourself, Sky."

“I’m doing my best” Sky smiled. “I had something to eat earlier so no thank you to that. To be honest I’m so happy Xavier has taken some time to dedicate to spend with me and the twins, it gives us more bonding time too. Right now he’s gone for a walk with them, I think he said he was going to the arboretum but I could be wrong.”

"I am glad he is such an invloved dad. And Talsi?" She still was not sure how it worked with three parents in the mix.

“She’s being a big help, emphasis on the big!” Sky grinned. “I think she finds it awkward with the twins being so tiny, but she treats them like they’re her own. To be honest it’s strange, I don’t mind but there are times I have to resist the temptation to let me do things. I don’t want to feel jealous or over protective, but at times I do. Does that make sense?”

"I guess so. It's a unique situation and you were not around when her child was young. If you both want to have a chat let me know." Toni still saw herself as Sky's therapist most of the time.

Sky nodded. “I’ll remember that, thank you Tony. So how are things with you besides between you and your grandfather?”

"I'm good. Busy with Xavier taking a break and RJ so green in command. So I have very little time for a social life."

“Well at least with Rutherford taking his command spot it’ll give you a break from always being on the bridge” Sky offered a smile. “Xavier is keeping an eye on things even though he is taking a break to be with us.”

"You know... that was even more nerve racking than doing it myself. To not interfere and to trust that RJ could do it. I felt like a motherhen." Toni admitted. "It must have been hard for Xavier the first times when he gave me command. He is a good teacher."

“He is indeed, and so are you” Sky smiled warmly. “Tony...Xavier said that if we reach a point of needing to remove families from the ship, he’ll do it.” She hung her head. “Which means I’ll have to leave with the twins. I know it’s for our safety, but I’m having a hard time accepting that , if it happened, I’d have to be away from Xavier and Tal.”

"But you are not a civilian. Will you be included because you are on maternity leave?" She asked her friend gently. At moments like this she was glad she did not have children. What she did not tell Sky was that in war civilians weren't safe anywhere either.

“I know I’m not, I wouldn’t want to send the twins away even if they were going somewhere I knew they’d be safe. Xavier’s answer was that, if it became necessary, I’d have to go with them. To protect all of us.” Sky sighed. “Just where do you call safe in war time? Nowhere is entirely safe in war time.”

"No." Tony said softly trying to get rid of her childhood memories. 'But they would have you with them, that will make a difference. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

Sky nodded. “Let’s hope not” She offered a wry smile. “I’m still getting used to the whole routine with the twins, it’s proving to be quite a learning curve.”

"I bet. I couldn't even do it with one, let alone two babies."

“It is difficult, but Xavier is keeping me sane!” Sky offered a wry smile.

Toni sighed. "I guess I had better get back to work. You take care and if you have time to look in on my grandad I would be very grateful." She came to her feet.

“You don’t have to rush off, although I guess you are in charge of the whole ship right now.” Sky offered a smile. “Don’t overdo it, you need to look after yourself too.”

"I know." Toni waved it off. Resting was for later, when Xavier was back in control.

Sky offered a smile and a nod of her head. “You know where I’ll be if you need anything, you’re welcome anytime.”

"Thank you. You know I will drop by when I need it." She smiled. "Get some more rest." And with that left her friend.

Sky smiled as the familiar sound of the twins stirring from their nap filled the room, right now it was the most precious sound in the entire universe.


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