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The Stubborn Patient

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 12:12am by Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels) & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Counseling Office

The Resolution was on its way to meet with the small fleet. Since leaving many of the crew had been on edge wondering what they would find recovering survivors. But before everything went crazy in a few days, Diana had scheduled an appointment with her new patient and was eager to see how the results would be. The man was known for being stubborn, even though reluctant, he did agree to counseling.

Moxley was livid that Antonia was making him see a flaming shrink and in the counselling office as well. He was used to people coming to him not the other way round. And walking was still a bit painful so he had to take it easy. Thankfully the looks he gave the staff who came towards him in the hallways to see if he needed help were enough to stop them in their tracks.

When he finally made it to counselling he was actually glad to be able to sit down in the waiting area. And very glad he was here alone.

Stepping out of the office, Diana seen her next patient. "Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel."

"Present." Moxley said, coming to his feet. Another woman, but he was pleasantly surprised that she used his rank. Of course he was still entitled to it even though he was retired but it was a mark of respect not everybody used.

"Come into my office Sir." Leading him into office, she indicated the comfortable seat. "You can have a seat if you like, unless you prefer to stand for this session. Whatever you are comfortable with?"

"You sure you are not a marine?" Moxley actually smiled at her. So far the counsellor had said all the right things. "Give me a moment to get going, the darned leg is a bit stiff. But I will come and sit in your office."

Diana laughed. "Just have a lot of experience work with different people."

He slowly walked in and sat down. Moxley had the charm turned on today. "You meant to say difficult people didn't you? I am sure somebody warned you about me."

"Your reputation and charm gets around."

He laughed now. "And has it made you nervous to talk to me, counsellor?"

"Not at all," she admitted. "I actually was looking forward to meeting you."

'Oh really? I haven't heard that in a long time from a shrink. Usually they are quivering in their boots afraid I will say something mean to them."

"So, what do you have to say?"

Mox waved a finger at her. "Nope that is not how it works. You invited me here, you ask the questions and try and get me to talk about my private life."

Morrison simply smiled. "So let's go with the basic of questions. How do you feel about being here?"

"frustrated. I am not someone who likes being taken care off. I want to go back to earth and reenlist and make a difference."

"Then why not just do that?"

"I will when I have a clean bill of health. For now I let myself be bullied into the idea that this is the best situation for everyone. That I would be in the way if I stayed and a security risk." He was fast loosing his good mood.

"You gave in," she brought up. "Which tells me that you saw the logic in what was suggested. You're a man with a history of strategy and tactics. Seriously doubt you would have given in to a crazy idea."

"hm." She had stroked his ego again. "Well I was unwell and that meant I was more of a hindrance until I get completely well again. I was staying with my son and his family and if I am there too long we get on each other's nerves. So... here I am."

"So the plan is for you to jump from family member to family as you get on their nerves?" Diana inquired. "At least until you're completely well."

He snorted. "I don't hope it will take that long. No I hope to connect with my son in law in the hope he can serve him as advisor."

"Tell me about your son in law. I am unfamiliar with him."

"Antonia's dad. He married my daughter. Richard is a good lad, He started out in my staff, that's how he met Alexandra. Only he has not been succesful keeping his women folk out of danger. I guess he is just as unsuccesful as I am, since Alexandra is a marine as well. Thankfully she served mostly as a staff officer, less dangerous. Richard's only fault is that he encouraged Antonia to have a career in the navy."

"And what do you have against the Navy?"

"Nothing. You people are very useful in getting us where we need to be fast. But it is the marines that do the real work."

The counselor chuckled a bit. "What is the real work?"

"Fighting fires. Keeping civilians safe. I was fighting wars before you were born lass."

"You will get no argument from me there," Morrison agreed. "So after doing all of that. What are you doing to actually enjoy your retirement?"

"At the moment not much." He growled again. "And I miss being out of the loop on current affairs."

"When was the last time you went out on a date?"

"Excuse me?" Mox was totally unprepared for this question from a young woman.

"A date," Diana repeated. "You know where to people go out and enjoy each other's company. Doing various activities."

"I know what a date is, young lady." He grumbled. "I don't date. I can get enough women when I feel like it." Which was true. Women found him attractive and he had never had to pay for sex ever. But it had been a while since he had slept with a woman more than once and formed some kind of bond.

The Counselor simply smiled. "What do you mean by feel like it?"

He actually felt very uncomfortable talking to a young woman about this. Hell this was one of the reasons he did not like women in the military. "Sex."

"Is there any other reason that you might wish to communicate with women other than for sex?" Diana questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No, not really." He said honestly. That was one of the good things of being retired. He did not have to be politically correct anymore.

For a brief moment, the counselor could understand why someone might actually be trying to kill him. Uncompromising, selfish, misogynistic and probably xenophobic as well. "So, what is your take on the Klingons?"

"Most houses are very honourable and they are proud warriors. Overall I like and respect Klingons a great deal."

"That's good considering that they're allies in this war."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "You did not expect me to say that, did you?"

"I have no expectations...Sir," the counselor replied with a smile. "My goal is to figure out your line of think, which would allow me to best assist you."

"I bet you don't. And call me Moxley or Mox. Too few people do these days."

"Alright Moxley. Do you have expectations?"

"Well retirement sucks, especially if you can't move around freely. So reenlisting seems the best option for me." He had had some fun in joining a reenactor group in his hometown but putting his new friends in danger was out of the question now. As was doing historical research on location.

"With the war beginning, the Federation could use all hands on deck," she admitted. "Have you discussed this with your family?"

"My son is still in no condition to talk about anything." He kept his face impassive but inside it hurt so badly that the boy had nearly died again. "And my son in law is sector commander here so I hope to talk to him about it. I hope he can use my skills somehow."

"Anyone else?"

"The others don't matter in getting my commission back." Moxley said. Honestly not even thinking about how his daughter and granddaughter could help him.

"Well good luck getting your commission back," Morrison replied. "I'm sure that there are so many people who would be eager to have you return."

Moxley watched her. "You don't like me much do you counsellor?"

"I don't like or dislike you. Honestly you come off like a relic from three hundred years ago."

That made him laugh. "No my dear, I have an honor code and I live by a code of chivalry. I have a deep respect for women, I just don't like to see them in danger."

"Though you have no use for them, unless you need someone to sleep with?" the counselor was clearly confused.

"Not true." Moxley said. "Those I just sleep with for one night." He made a gesture of dismissal. "But my mistresses have always been strong women. I like to talk to women, I enjoy their company very much. My wife...." No he did not want to talk about Marguarite after all. It surprised him that after years of separation her death had still hurt. Well she was the mother of his children after all. "Nevermind. She was a good woman."

"Sounds like you were fond of her and hold her high esteem. Even after all this time."

"She gave me three children and helped my career along for many years."

"How many years were you two together?"

"Too long. Towards the end of our marriage we made each other very unhappy Marguarite started to drink and had an affair with my best friend. But I had affairs long before she did. We got along better after we divorced and the last years were friends again."

Diana took a moment to think about her next question. "So why the affairs?"

"Maybe I like a little danger." He smiled thinking back of some of the women he had been with. "You can have a good time with someone without the strings attached."

"There is some truth to that," the counselor admitted. "But was it worth the consequences?"

"I think so. When I started to have affairs our marriage was basically over. We were very unhappy with each other but stayed together for the kids."

"And her messing with your friend?"

"That was messy for a while. Especially since he served on my personal staff as well. It took me a while to forgive him but we have been good for years now. I should not have been angry at all since I could not make her happy any longer." Mox said honestly.

"That's very mature of you to say," Diana spoke. "And we should probably end the session on that note. Think I heard enough for now in order for initial observation."

"Initial?" He raised another eyebrow. "You want to come back?"

"I definitely want for you to come back."


"You definitely can use further counseling," the Lieutenant replied. "Also, if you intend on returning to service. Your mental health will need to be cleared as well."

"Whatever made you think that! I have been honest with you. I am a sane person." Moxley was not amused.

"There are people out there trying to kill you currently. And honestly are your current outlook on life will have you in someone's HR Office."

"There have been people out there to kill me since I became a general. It's much worse they are out for my family. I can take the heat. And what is wrong with my outlook on life, I am not depressed."

"Its your ability to get along and not alienate others."

"Nobody has been able to change met yet." He got on his feet and walked to the office door. Women he muttered under his breath.

Diana simply shrugged and jotted some notes on a PADD. The last thing, she was going to do was approve him to return to duty with his current mindset of women and xenophobic views.


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