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The Fighter Situation

Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Oasis Troilin & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Strat OPS office


Troilin had taken the time to plan out what she and her Birds can do for the ship. This being a new type of Command; the Galaxy Class do not usually have a Fighter contingent on the ship. As they are getting closer to the Operational Area Triolin had been drilling her pilots for the duty each one is expected to fulfill.

It was getting to the wire and maybe she should start getting a better idea of the expectations; thus time to seethe Strat-Ops Officer. Making sure that her projected schedule is set in the database she sought out Lt. Commander Johnson.

The door opened as Tony Johnson stood right in front of Troilin. He had been on how way down to speak about the Fighters and their role in the upcoming mission. "Lieutenant Trolin."

"That is good timing or a near miss." Troilin winked. "I am glad I caught you before you left. Might I get a moment?"

Troilin figured she had caught the Officer on his way out and wanted just a little time.

"Or did I come at a bad time?"

"I was actually about to meet with you," he responded. "Perhaps come up with an more effective way to make things go smoothly."

"That would be lovely." Troilin replied. "I did have a few projected uses if you have a minute or two?

"Let's sit down and take a look. How many fighters do you currently have on board?"

"Twenty fighters active with six in reserve or for special duty." Smoothing her skirt before sitting with one hand while reading. "The six in reserve I have committed to aiding in rescue and transport efforts. ""Looking up. "The Operation Personnel are adapting torpedo casings for special duty."

She offered the PADD.

"The CAP and pilot rotations are also projected. I would like to adpt some od the Air Patrol to the outer quadrants of our sensors to gve us an Earlier Warning System."

Tony looked over her PADD, while jotting down some information on his own. "I like that idea with the early warning system. Even though we should have the safety of the fleet. Who know what the situation might be and we would have to look out for ourselves."

"I figure as the Strat Ops Man you would rather know what you need to fight that scrambling to get resources together?" Troilin noted. Early information is likely to save lives in the log run."

"My thoughts exactly," said Johnson. "How is morale looking?

"The pilots are trained, new Birds to their names and have not been burned by combat yet." Troilin reply. "I would say it is good and will be until combat taints them."

"Wish we could say that is unavoidable. But we both know that's not possible. But it seems like the intent right now is to keep the Resolution out of the fighting for now. Which prolongs being involved in major battles."

"If you will note, there is also where the fighters will be on the edge of our sensory net as advance warnings and several of my pilots are with the rescue and recovery units." Troilin noted. "I hope to be of morale support in the support we give the task force as well as the crew of the Resolution. If the pilots have more chances to help it could help deter tainting also I believe."

"So how does your people feel about not being directly in the fighting?" Tony inquired. "And being used for salvage."

"Being of help is a positive. Yet the duty of having to help wounded and fallen has yet to be seen. Eager to aid while not deployed, I think it will do them good ; Morale wise, to not be idle in the Flight Ready Room."Troilin explained. "With the ships present; will we be the only active fighter contingent. That fact will play in the morale by how responsible the pilots are for the safety of the task force?"

The Commander thought about her response and nodded in agreement. "The number one duty for any of us is to save lives. And rescuing those stranded in escape pods is saving lives. How are you personally handling everything?"

"I could be better, the anticipation is not easy and I do worry about my Birdies." She nod. "SO I am normal for what is going on around me I think."

"It's never easy at first," he admitted. "But I got the feeling this is something that were about to get used to."

"That is what makes life interesting." Troilin smiled. "The fact life changes."

"As a former security guy, stuff like this does make life interesting. One reason why I was in that field."

"Post battles are not easy, better to be in the fight, not see the aftermath." Troilin commented. "Sight might make you want to ... quit fighting and save the carnage by ending it.

"Point taken," Tony admitted. "How many battles have you been through?"

"22 on record.'Troilin replied. But I think compared to this escalation they were more skirmishes in comparison." She noted. My other flight combat is really just encounters with light combat support."

"Skirmishes are smaller battles but those are several battles nonetheless. Not every crew has been in a battle. I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't eventually called for your expertise."

"If that the case i believe we are desperate as I am not an expert; still fear combat just fight through it. Call it still learning it." She admitted. "There are better suited for that than I ." SHe smiled gently in expression.

"I find extremely hard to believe, " Tony replied. "But it seems like you got everything handled without any real help from me."

"If I do my job correctly I am called upon, not the need for constant Supervision as I am here to support. Simply put I should be ready to do my job upon request." Troilin nodded. "I want to work with you as a partner, that means I do my job and you can look after other things knowing the Fighters are ready when you need."

"My job is basically trying to figure out where everyone needs to be and relay the message to the necessary people. And to help out if the need arises. I definitely consider myself a partner and never one to supervise. Supervising is a job that you're already doing."

"Okay Macro..." Troilin teased. "Micro here should get back to her managing the fighters."

Tony burst out laughing. "I'll leave you to it."

Looking back over her shoulder she winked. "See you later Macro." She bid as she exit

*Macro and Micro type managing styles.



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