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Trauma, Appointments and the Future

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 1:52am by Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Alexis Martin (Johnson)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Sickbay

Petty Officer Alexis Martin walked around the sickbay taking the names of all the individuals who were brought on board in need of treatment. Also she took the names of all the individuals who were a part of the prior battle. There was a look of horror on the faces of many of the people in the room. Obviously it was trauma based from what they had just been through. There were a few who clearly were angry. Shouting that they needed to get back to the fighting, which was long over at this point. For those who Lieutenant Morrison-Johnson and the rest of the counseling staff couldn't talk down, found themselves being sedated by the medical staff.

The Assistant Chief Counselor found herself talking to one of the wounded who was lying on the biobed. He was one of the angry ones that she managed to talk down. Ten minutes prior, he was fighting with the medical staff and trying to get out the door. To return back to fighting the "Goddamn Dominion and Cardies" as he put it. Now the man was calm and compliant.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier, Lieutenant," the Chief Petty Officer spoke softly. The man clearly was ashamed of his prior actions.

"There is nothing to apologize for Chief," Diana assured him. "You have been through a traumatic ordeal. All you did was exhibit one of many unexpected responses." Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, she assured him that it will be alright with time. She then walked over to the counseling aide. "So are things going Alexis?"

Alexis took a deep breath before answering. "As well as can be expected. Not sure half these poor folks would even accept counseling."

"In order for them to be cleared for duty, they will need to be cleared by counseling," the Lieutenant reminded. "Its war, so we'll ensure that their good and have them cleared to return back to duty. For those who are good enough to return to duty, but we still have concerns about. They will be recommended weekly therapy. The others will be off duty until cleared through therapy."

The Aide nodded as she jotted down some information on the PADD. "I've already been setting up the appointments. Everyone will be getting a notification of their appointment day and times as they check out of sickbay."

"Thank you, Alexis. It's going to be a very next couple of days, if not weeks ahead. And this is just one battle. Wondering how our own crew is handling this. Many have never experienced what were currently working with right now. How are you handling everything?"

"To be honest," Martin replied. "Just trying not to say the wrong thing. Not trying to add to anyone's trauma."

Diana smiled at the Aide. "You worry too much. Saying the wrong thing is inevitable. There is no perfect thing to say to anyone. Especially in these types of situations. If you upset someone then all you can do is apologize. Whether they accept that apology is on them. We work in counseling we don't perform miracles here."

Alexis couldn't help but to chuckle. "You make it sound so easy."

"It's just spending years in this career field," the counselor responded. "People assume that we have answers and at times resolve years' worth of problems in a session or two. Neither one of us are Betazoids. Most counselors aren't which would make solving people's issues a little easier."

"I can concede to that," Alexis gave in. "Guess I still have much to learn about this career field and life in general."

"You've been in Starfleet for a while now. And honestly you have all the qualities of a good leader. Starfleet needs good leaders right now. Just as much from the Enlisted personnel as the officers. I want you to take a more serious look at your career and ask what you want from yourself. Whether it's staying in this Department or transferring to another at some point."

Raising an eyebrow, the Petty Officer didn't know if this was some kind of test. "You want me to consider leaving this Department?"

"No Alexis," Diana said as she laughed. "The job everyone in a leadership position is to bring up the future leaders of tomorrow. To steer those people in the right direction to their goals. It's not that I want you to leave, but I want you to have a plan for your future. And if that involves you cross training to another Department, then I completely understand and hold no grudges."

"To be honest, I never considered where to go from here," the younger woman admitted. "When I enlisted in Starfleet and chose to be a counselor aide. Didn't look any further. Don't get me wrong, there positions that have interested me. Just not sure how that would work for me."

The counselor smiled. "I've seen Enlisted security switch to engineering for example. And the great thing with working in counseling is that you are trained to be great working with people. We are required to be better at it than most. Many people in our line of work have transferred to be diplomats. There have been a few of us who have been recruited into intelligence work."

Alexis raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"We're trained in body language and to read people. Are we not?"

"Ma'am, you have given me quite a bit to think about."

"Here you go with that ma'am stuff again," Diana joked. "When things calm down around here and I get some free time. I will send some positions that aren't too difficult to transfer over. You could probably train here on the ship without having to attend Earth to be retrained."

"Thank you, Diana."


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