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Surviving of the Nelson

Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 11:02pm by Ensign Gregory Turner & Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Sickbay

Ensign Gregory Turner sat in the corner waiting to be seen by any of the medical personnel who were all over the place treating survivors. Fifteen minutes ago, he and the six others in the escape pod they shared were brought in. The more serious injured in the pod were immediately attended to. Gregory had experienced some minor burns to his upper left arm and insisted that the other be attended to first. The man endured the pain but had to admit that it hurt like hell. If there was more time before the USS Nelson blown up, he would have killed as many Jem'Hadar as humanly possible. Before this battle, he knew nothing of war outside of simulations. But with the real thing there were no resets. Just screaming and death all over the place from people who alive and well just moments prior.

Kiara had finished with her most recent patient, making her way over to a man who was obviously in a great deal of pain. “Ensign you are a very generous man letting everyone else go ahead of you, but you’re not waiting another moment longer.” She offered a warm smile as she picked up a hypo and pressed it to his neck. “Just a little something for the pain, it should ease off shortly.” She put down the hypo and picked up a tricorder scanning his arm. “Okay, shouldn’t take too long to get this arm sorted out.” She motioned to a biobed that had come up free. “Hop up on the biobed and make yourself comfortable.”

Sighing as the pain somewhat subsided, Gregory did as instructed and hopped up on the biobed. "Thank you." Looking around the room, everyone who needed it more than himself was getting the attention they needed. At the moment, he allowed himself to relax.

“Okay” Kiara offered a warm smile as she returned to his bedside. “Let’s get this sorted for you, it’ll take a few minutes for the dermal regenerator to heal your burns.” She gently began a sweep along the burns with the regenerator. “So tell me about you.”

"The name is Gregory Turner," he answered. "And yourself?"

“Nice to meet you Gregory” Kiara smiled warmly. “I’m Kiara Rahl, feel free to call me Kiara saves on the ranks.”

"It's good to meet you Kiara. How bad are things around here?"

“Well, we took on a lot of injured as you know. Numbers are...high, but fatalities amongst the survivors are low. At least at this point anyway.”

"So how long have you been in Starfleet," he inquired.

“12 years and counting” Kiara smiled. “How’s about you?”

"Actually, just graduated the Academy a few months back. If you don't mind me saying. You don't look old enough to have served twelve years."

“That’s very kind of you” Kiara smiled warmly as she paused the repair process to check how the burns were healing.

Greg looked down at his arm. It was definitely feeling much better already. Looking a lot better as well. "You truly are a miracle worker doctor."

“Miracle worker? Nah!” Kiara grinned. “It’s the miracle of the tools of the job.” She kept running the dermal regenerator over his healing arm.

"You also took my mind off wanting to kill the Dominion," he joked. "That there is a miracle."

Kiara smiled as she finished her work. “I’ll count that as a blessing then. Okay your skin is healed, but be warned it’s still fragile. It will continue to heal as normal from here, but you will experience some pain and discomfort for a few days. If there’s excessive pain, swelling, or any problems come and see us. I’ll provide you with some pain relief before you leave Sickbay, use it sensibly.”

Gregory looked around the room as he rotated his arm. "Could you use some help around here?"

Kiara looked around. “We most certainly could!” She smiled. “Ever triaged people before? We could do with someone assessing injuries so that those who need to be seen the most don’t get missed.”

"Only in training scenarios."

Kiara nodded. “It’s pretty simple, anyone with minor injuries who can wait stays in line, anyone with more severe injuries gets to be seen first. The more severe the sooner they get in. Just use your own judgement, and if you’re not sure ask me, or any of the medical staff.”

"Sounds simple enough," Gregory chuckled.

“Well you’ll have a medical tricorder to help you if you think there’s any internal injuries that aren’t apparent.” Kiara smiled. “I’m probably making it sound complicated.”

Gregory picked up the tricorder. "I'll get to it then. Thanks for fixing up the arm."

Kiara nodded and smiled. “My pleasure, and thank you for helping out.”



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