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Prisoner Arrival

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 10:12pm by Captain Xavier Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London & Ensign Cobal (Johnson)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Cargo Bay 2

Cargo Bay 2 was filled with security personnel on standby waiting for the POW's from the previous battle that had taken place. The bay was filled with cots. Outside of the bay was a medical team on standby, waiting to receive the green light from security to render aid. The more critical of the POW's would be transported directly to sickbay. But those who needed to be simply patched up would be transported to the cargo bay. Ensign Cobal walked around the bay, giving one last inspection. The last thing, they needed was for the Jem'Hadar to get loose on this ship. After everything checked out, the Bolian officer waited for the arrival of Lieutenant London to proceed with the transport.

Kay arrived seconds later. She tried not to show that she was a little nervous. In her career she had not met many cardassians so it was a race she did not know too much about. She nodded at Cobal. "Everything ready?"

"Ready to transport on your command."

"Yes." Kay said. "Let's do it."

"Cobal to transport beam in the prisoners." A few moments later the cargo bay was filled with a bunch of wounded Cardassians. Among them was a handful of Jem'Hadar and a single Vorta. The first reaction of the Jem'Hadar was to reach for their weapons, which had been removed during transport. Their second movement was to get into a fighting stance, but quickly found themselves staring down the barrel of several phaser rifles from the security team.

"You are now on the USS Resolution." Kay said with the help of the universal translator. "You are prisoners of war. As such you will be treated as such. Those of you who need it will receive medical attention. We will use force if you try to escape. Cooperate and all of us will be much happier."

One of the Jem'Hadar proceeded to rush forward, but immediately was taken down by phaser fire from Cobal. "Anyone else interested in receiving the same."

The Vorta looked at the other four Jem'Hadar. "Stand down and do as the Lieutenant instructs." Without hesitation the Jem'Hadar did as instructed.

Kay nodded. "Cooperate and your stay with us will be as pleasant as possible." She looked at Cobal who had the tactical command here of the prisoner of war operation.

Cobal looked over to the Chief Petty Officer. "Divide the prisoners up as planned."

The Chief nodded as he led the team into dividing up the prisoners.

The Bolian turned in his attention to Kay. "A Vorta is one hell of a prisoner. The Captain might want to personally meet with him."

"Right." Kay said. "What do you recommend ensign. Have the captain come here or escort the prisoner to him." This was new to her and she would rather ask for help than make a mistake.

"Separate the Vorta from everyone else," Cobal suggested. "The brig for him and leave everyone else right here. Everyone of the prisoners will need to be interrogated at some point. The Jem'Hadar likely will remain silent and the Cardassians might talk. The Vorta are hit and miss from what we have been told about them. We inform the Captain of his precense on board and begin to interrogate. As the Commanding Officer on his own ship, Captain Carey would likely wish to speak with him."

"Thank you, ensign. That sounds like a plan. Let's keep the races segregated and start the interrogations. I will inform the captain."

The Ensign turned his attention to security. "Separate the Jem'Hadar from the Cardassians. You two grab the Vorta and bring him to the brig. Lieutenant are you coming along with us?"

"I will join you after I update the captain." Kay said.

Kay went to find a quiet spot and then hit her com badge to contact the captain. *Sir we have the prisoners secure and segregated." She filled him in with a few more details. *They are ready for you to join the questioning.*

Xavier read the reports, another ship, handful of survivors... of the many that were assigned to her. "Understood I will be right there."

*Right sir.* Kay walked back to Cobal. "He will be with us shortly."

The Ensign nodded as they made their way to the brig. "I will never understand the purpose of the Vorta," Cobal spoke. "You think the Jem'hadar would be more than capable of leading themselves without being led by them."

"Their culture is a mystery to me as well. There must be some reason why it works, the anthropolgists might be able to tell us more. I will delve into some reports when I have some free time. It might be useful for the counselors to understand this as well."

As they entered the brig holding area. "Change of plans, take him into the interrogation room and secure him for questioning."

The Vorta simply gave the Lieutenant and Ensign a smug look, before being pulled into another room. Considering that he was a prisoner behind enemy lines, he didn't seem to phased by his current predicament. Either the Vorta were trained well or he genetically was created not to be intimidated.

"I hope he will talk." Kay said when the prisoner was in another room. "We have rules to follow when it comes to interrogation and they may know that."

"They were infiltrating and learning everything about us," the security officer replied. "Perhaps we should have been doing more of the same."

"Yeah. We have been caught napping. I have the feeling they know a lot more about us than the other way around."

"The only thing we were caught off guard with, is the cardassians joining the Dominion." Xavier replied walking into the room. Looking at the Vorta. "Did you scan for any changeling before transporting over?"

"Yes sir." Kay said. "We followed all protocols. All races are segregated as well as ordered."

"Have you recovered their supply of Ketrecel white. Without them, security will have their hands full before the Jem Hadar succombs to the lack of the drug."

Kay looked at Cobal for confirmation.

"Yes Sir," Cobal answered. "Though there is a very short amount. Probably three days at best. Perhaps science and medical could find a way to synthesize it?"

"Thats my next stop... ill check with the doctor on just that."

"Do you want to start the interrogation first, sir?" Kay asked. "I have not taken the interrogation training yet so I would prefer to leave this to professionals and oversee the big picture myself."

Cobal stood there waiting for the Captains answer. Hope it entailed, beating the life out of him.

"Vorta aren't exactly the most forthcoming with information. Jem'Hadar would rather die. We will have more luck if we begin with the Cardassians."

The Ensign thought about what the Captain just said. "Aren't the Vorta also known for killing themselves upon getting captured?"

"Starfleet has captured a few, they seem to value life. Just not very talkative."

"Sounds like a weak link among the Dominion," Cobal mentioned. "Vorta valuing their own lives over the system. The Cardassian prisoners seem to be all low ranking individuals."

"They may give us the information if it is worth interogating the Vorta as hard as the rules allow." Kay said thoughtful and which one of them is the top dog."

"Its too early to interrogate the Vorta, the Cardassians... on the other hand will be easier." Xavier replied. "Whos the leader."

The Bolian pulled out his PADD, looking over the names of the Cardassian prisoners. "Very low-ranking officer. Gil Youri Molek."

"Gil Molek?" He raised an eyebrow. It had been a while since he had heard that name. Although it was a common name, the chances were good that this was him. "Bring him to me."

Cobal called for security to bring in the POW. Within a few minutes the doors opened as security brought Gil Molek. The Cardassian was definitely a fairly new officer which was obvious due to the low officer rank and the fact he did look fairly young. Molek looked around the room, spotting a familar face before speaking. "You wanted to see me, Captain Carey?"

"Long time no see."


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