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Family time {Backpost}

Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Talsi Carey

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Carey Quarters

Xavier walked into the nursery as Sky was with their two, it was feeding time, and of course, they were being greedy. "Need some help?"

Sky nodded offering a somewhat flustered look. “Please! It’s hard enough trying to produce milk for one of the twins without trying to feed two at the same time!” She had planned to breastfeed both of their children, but she was finding difficult as it was. “I replicated some formula milk just incase.”

Gently taking their daughter, he walked over to the counter and grabbed a bottle. Once she was settled feeding. "You are doing great... don't be too hard on yourself."

Sky shrugged her shoulders as she sat feeding their son. “I guess I’m just used to everything going the way I plan it, it’s all so new to me. I know it’ll take time to adjust, hell I’ve counselled enough mothers over the years I’ve been a counsellor.” She smiled. “I still can’t believe I’m a mother!”

"That is never fun, we want things to change." he replied as he turned. "Nothing makes it more real than doing it yourself."

“That’s very true” Sky smiled and nodded as she looked between their son and daughter. “This is a feeling that I can barely put into words, it’s just...incredible!”

"That it is." Xavier replied as he leaned against the arm of the sofa. "So hows mat leave."

“It’s...” Sky shrugged her shoulders. “It’s okay I guess, when you’re snowed under with reports and appointments you look forward to a rest. Now I’m here I’m finding it hard not having that routine, I guess once I’ve worked it all out I’ll feel more in control.” She sighed. “ emotions are a mess right now.”

"Routine is not something you get when your a parent. So I would enjoy this time while you have it."

Sky nodded. “I’ll do my best, besides I’m a Counsellor I’m trained to organise things efficiently. I’ll get used to this, I just have to work out a routine.” She offered a warm smile as she motioned to their son who’d fallen asleep mid feed. “Looks like this could take a while.”

"Ill get him to the crib." He replied as he took the boy, handing her their daughter next.

Sky smiled as she got Chloé settled, breastfeeding twins was a full time job in itself.

Tal walked in. Noticing the babies one feeding the other being put into their crib. "How was everything today?"

“Not too bad” Sky offered a smile. “I’m slowly getting used to the routine, but I’m glad I have the two of you to help.”

Routine was something Tal wasn't really about. She was more do on the seat of her pants kinda deal... preferably without pants. But all in all. "Well, they say three are better than two."

“True” Sky nodded. “We’re a trio partnership in all ways, I’ll be honest I’m finding it difficult coping on my own right now, but at this point that’s to be expected. I’ll accept all the help I can get.”

"And I doubt it will only be three raising, the ship has plenty of teachers and guardians." Xavier replied walking back over.

Sky nodded. “That’s true, I guess I just have to get used to all the help. It is appreciated, I just need to relax my overpowering mothering instincts is all.”

"You are new, that will come. Adjustments will be needed as will we all need to." Xavier replied

“Of course” Sky offered a smile. “Right now I’m enjoying being a mother first and a Counsellor second.” She gently sat their daughter up to be winded, gently rubbing and patting the tiny infant’s back.

"Time will come soon enough where you are needed so don’t rush, and never wish these days away.'

“I would never...” Sky shook her head. “I intend to enjoy every moment of being a mother, our babies are precious to me.”

"I know." Xavier replied with a smile, giving both Sky and Tal a Kiss... You guys catch up on sleep I’ll be on the bridge."

Sky nodded and smiled. “We will, don’t work late okay?”

"You know me... do I ever."

Sky nodded. “You most certainly do especially in situations like the one we’re about to face. For what it’s worth I understand.”

Smiling, he turned and walked out.

“So...” Sky turned to look at Talsi. “How much do you want to bet he works late?”



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