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We will get what you need

Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 6:26pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton
Edited on on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 12:52pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Main sickbay

Xavier walked into the sickbay, one of many at the moment, considering their mission, the Wellington didn't bring much hope, sure there was a few survivors, some of which were in the room. The screams, still haunting him, the crying, the phaser fight with one of the survivors. It was a mess.

He paused as he watched the medical personnel, attending the injured, watching as one, covered the body of one that succombed to their injuries. From what he could tell, by the uniform, he was not much time out of the academy. "Captain to the Doctor... which med bay are you located in at the moment." He replied as he tapped his combadge. Seeing as he wasn't there, he figured he would ask before going to another.

=^= Heading to my office in Main Sick Bay. =^= Milton said as he was entering the Bay.

Stopping abruptly he gave a nervous chuckle.

"We can talk with one another in my Office if yo do not mind?" Milton asked. "Fresh Hazelnut Coffee in the Perk by my desk." He offered.

"Ill be waiting," Xavier replied as he walked over to another injured, his chest was badly burned, but the slow raise and fall, did indicate he was alive.

Arriving at the office Milton crossed to the coffee pot.

"Captain, what can I do you for?" Milton asked. "Only real time you come in here is when there is a need to." Milton turned with two mugs of coffee, moving to offer one to the Captain, Sugar and cream on the desk."

"Well if thats the only time, I think I should make it more often so you don't feel so lonely." He replied taking the mug. "With the survivors, mostly off those ships, and now the prisoners coming onboard including Jem Hadar, we may have an issue with the Ketrecel white... the supply is short... and we have way too many jem hadar onboard than what im comfortable with to deal with a short supply. Any chance we can synthesize."

"That is a good question." Milton pointed out. "Nothing documented thus far and I will need a fair sample to run analysis. Luck for you I am a Research Physicians and effective in a lab. It is among my 'Happy Places' to experiment and learn."

"I will bring as much as I can without depriving the current Jem Hadar. I am unsure how long we have before they have withdrawal symptoms." He looked around medbay... "So its bad isn't it? I want the truth."

"If they do not get the White they are very irrational, I know some biological ingrediant is needed to truly replicate it." Milton explained. "With no sample I am guessing what it might be?"

"Nodding, if it comes down to us or them... its us obviously. But how do we choose which to eliminate... it comes down to me... in the end. You have an oath to uphold. Commander Stoffels, has sworn the same." He took a drink. "Ill bring a sizable sample for you. Now, about our survivors here, what's the word. Ive noticed at least one succumb since I arrived in sick bay." He took off his prosthetic finger, the doc had designed for his hand almost a year ago now. Scratching the itch of the non existent finger. If it wasn't his strong hand nor his index, hed be fine without it.

"Given a sample I could figure out how to cook one up." Milton assured. "Given some time to break it down of course."

"Ill get it right away." He replied as he placed the finger on once again. "You never get used to the casualties, from friend or foe. Its hard to differentiate when they are all bloody and needing help."

"That would be great." Milton grinned. "No, you can tell who is who under the blood, trust me." He said solemnly.

"Well thats why your the doctor, and my background is security." he kinda let out a dry chuckle.

"Both seen our share of Blood and lost friends." Milton felt the kick of Pix in the back of his head from nowhere. "Okay... okay... no melancholy..." He told the hovering {ix with her hands on her jips staring back angrily at Milton.

"Something to toast to when this is all over." Xavier replied as he looked at his empty mug.

"Yes, when this is over." Milton agreed with Pix giving him an appraising eye. "Yu can expect some overtime on this Cap." Milton joked. "And you might need to give me some liberty to spend with Rissa and Jen Jen after."

"You are a family man Milton, you have plenty of help, family time, helps keep even the craziest of us sane..." Xavier replied. "We are clean up crew, we shouldn't see any battle. But if there is, there is plenty of warning."

"Cleaning up a mess is sometimes harder than making it." Milton noted. "But I am glad wife and daughter are not in danger."

Smiling. "I promise you, if there is any small chance that may happen... I will let you know... and I will get them off the ship, as well as mine if I know before hand."

"I can live with those odds Xavier." MIlton agreed. "Just never a pretty deal being clean up crew."

"I don't suppose it ever is." He adjusted his uniform top. Stood. "I will let you get back to the patients. And I will head straight over and get a proper sample of the white for you to hopefully synthesize."

"THanks Xavier; you are a pal and a Captain you know?" Milton admit.

"One can only hope." Xavier replied as he nodded and watched the teams work their magic. "You have a good team..."

"WE did get luck of the draw with them for sure." Milton chuckled. "And I should be getting ready for Bridge shift Sir."

Nodding. He departed the sickbay to allow the doctor tend to his duties.



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