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Paying a visit (backpost)

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 8:00am by Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels)

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Tony’s Quarters
Timeline: Backpost

Sky was out for a walk with the twins, both having fallen asleep during the stroll she decided to stop by Tony’s Quarters. She had promised Tony that she would check in on him, and also organise some extra help for Tony as well. Arriving at the door she double checked her two little ones were still napping before she pressed the chime.

Moxley recognized the woman standing on the other side of the door. He had talked to her once or twice some months back and those talks had not gone well. If not the twins would have given her identity away as he had met them with her husband just recently. "Tony is not here." He said trying to be civil.

“I know” Sky smiled. “Actually I came to see you, do you mind if I come in?”

"If you have to." He said with a theatrical sigh. "But you don't have to, I know what you think about me." They had clashed pretty badly about Toni's brother.

“I don’t think anything about you Sir” Sky offered a polite smile. “I don’t hold grudges or harbour opinions or bad will against anyone.”

"That would make you unique." He said as he walked slowly back inside. "So what can I do for you?"

“Actually it’s what I can do for you” Sky smiled as she followed wheeling the twins inside and parking the pushchair out of the way while they slept. “Tony is busy with her duties, and she’s worried about you. I told her I’d arrange some drop in visits just to check on you from time to time.”

"Antonia worries too much. I am not in my dotage yet you know." Gruffly he indicated for her to sit down.

“That I can see Sir” Sky smiled as she sat down. “Is Tony not supposed to care about you?”

"She knows you don't like me so it was not very nice of her to make you come. What do you want to drink?"

“I don’t dislike you Sir” Sky offered a warm smile. “A lemonade would be lovely, thank you.”

"Coming right up." He poured her one and then got some coffee himself before walking over to the living area. "And you are a bad liar. Women either adore or hate me."

“So in your opinion there’s no in between ground?” Sky gave Moxley a curious look as she sipped her lemonade.

"Not that I have ever noticed no. Except from family maybe."

Sky nodded. “Then I’ll be the exception to the rule then” she smiled before sipping more of her drink. “How have you settled in? Is there anything you need?”

"I am fine." He muttered. "But if you can call off your dog, it would be very much appreciated. There is nothing wrong with my mental health."

“For starters I don’t have a dog as you can see” Sky grinned playfully. “I also don’t believe a word of that Sir, how long has it been since you actually talked to someone about how you truly feel?”

"Look dear lady, not everyone is as touchy feely as your lot are. I do not have to talk about my feelings. I have lived a full life without doing so."

Sky nodded. “I understand Sir, there weren’t always Counsellors aboard ships but these days we’re considered to be a normal part of a crew. Plus talking about your feelings can help if there’s anything bothering you.”

"I can solve my own problems, thank you very much. I have no use for this touchy feely stuff."

Sky could see what Tony meant about her grandfather, he was certainly stubborn. “So you do have problems then?” She offered a wry smile.

"Not really no. Oh yes one. If you could tell your employee to clear me for active duty I would be in your debt. The woman is a nuisance." He said with a smirk.

“Active duty?” Sky gave Moxley a surprised look. “If you want to be cleared for duty Sir, then you have to pass a psychological evaluation as well as gain permission from the chief medical officer.”

"I am working with the doctor and I had a meeting with your girl but she refused to clear me after it, she wants me to come back for more talks. So I need you to fix that."

“If a member of the counselling staff has already stated the fact that you need more sessions, then that is what is required. I’m not here to override that, besides I’m currently on maternity leave.”

"She is being childish." He plowed on. "There is nothing wrong with me. The only reason she will not clear me is because she does not approve of me."

“I doubt that Sir” Sky offered a shake of her head. “Counsellors are trained not to let personal feelings interfere with our duties.”

"Oh come on! I have been around enough of them on and off duty to know that that is not true."

“Then let me re-phrase that, Counsellor’s on this ship do not let personal feelings interfere with their duties.” Sky offered a smile.

"Ok I will give you that. But still I find it hard to believe she is giving me a fair chance."

Sky smiled. “Just give Diana the benefit of the doubt Sir, you won’t regret it.”

"If you won't help I don't have a choice, I guess."
“It’s not a case of won’t, it’s a case of can’t” Sky offered a polite smile. “Right now I’m off the clock so-to-speak, I’m officially off duty on maternity leave with the twins.” She gazed over checking both were still sleeping peacefully.

"It's hard to stay totally away from work, isn't it?" He said softly.

Sky nodded. “Yes it is, but then my mothering instincts kick in and it helps me to separate the two sides of my life. I’m still figuring out how I’m going to juggle childcare and my career.”

"You could retire and just be a mother." He suggested.

“Retire?” Sky shook her head. “No, I’m not at a point where I want to consider that I’d go stir crazy!” She offered a smile. “Anyway I should get going, the twins will be waking up soon and I want to enjoy what peace and quiet I’ve got.”

He decided against giving her the lecture on women working. "You take care of yourself and them."

“I always will Sir” Sky smiled warmly, before nodding and heading on her way with the twins.


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