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Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: USS Ulysses

Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson entered the shuttle bay wearing an EV suit. Along behind him was Warrant Officer Goda Bhalet in his suit as well. Upon hearing that he would be going over to recover survivors on the USS Ulysees, Goda insisted on coming along as well. The doors opened again as four security, and two nurses entered into the shuttle bay as well. They all had on EV suits. The Chief Strategic Officer turned his attention to everyone.

"Alright people," Tony spoke. "We have confirmation that we have survivors on the USS Ulysees. "We're going in and extracting them in the quickest and safest way possible. The ship is falling part, so let's be extremely careful over there. Any questions?"

The small group looked around at each other, but no one said a word. Turning back at the Commander, they all had an eager look to get moving. "Let's get onboard." The group then proceeded to enter the runabout.

Within minutes, the runabout was cleared for launch and quickly exited the shuttle bay. At the helm, Goda navigated through the debrief from multiple ships. There were parts of Federation and Dominion ships all drifting by each other. Tony Johnson couldn't help to realize that this was nothing more than a graveyard, spread as far as the eye can see. "Coming up on the Ulysses now," Bhalet reported. "Attaching to the hatch and we have a good seal."

The team put on their helmets and soon exited the runabout. Moving the corridor there was the flashing of emergency lights. There were several bodies all over the place, which never made to whatever destination they were heading. Pulling out their tricorders, it was confirmed that all those poor souls were dead. The team continued to move forward, until they reached the area where the life signs were coming from. Life support was extremely low at this point throughout the ship.

Pulling out oxygen masks they began handing them out to the survivors. Pulling out the medical board, they began hetting those seriosly injured ready to be carried back to the shuttle. The medical staff quickly did what they needed in order to get them ready to move. After getting the first two ready, they nodded for security to bring them from the runabout. It would have been convenient to use the transporters, but there was too much interference from the damaged warp core.

"Those of you not in serious need of attention help get the others to the runabout," Johnson instructed the survivors. The away team began to push on into the ship as they followed the directions of the tricorder to more personnel.

As they entered into another room, they found another small group huddled together struggling for air. The Warrant Officer quickly provided them with a set of oxygen mask. After quickly looking them over, medical gave them the green light to proceed to the runabout. "Commander, I am picking up five life signs three decks below up. But very faint." The team proceeded to move forward onto they reached the turbolift. Prying it open, the team stepped inside.

"Crewman give me a boost," Tony instructed.

The tallest Crewman knelt down so the Commander could stand on his shoulders. Once on top, he proceeded to reach up the top pf the turbolit and removed the panel. With it open, Tony managed to climb up. "Goda hand me my backpack."

Once handed the bag, Tony pulled out a device attaching it to the turbolift. This device would allow the turbolift to go down and back up upon their arrival. This would be much better than dragging injured bodies through jeffrey tubes. Tapping on the controls the turbolift proceeded to go down, until arriving at its destination three decks down. Hopping back down, he pulled out his phaser as the doors opened up. The group strategically made their way down the corridor to their next destination. On their track, they passed by a hole in the bulkhead that was secured by a forcefield that flickered, clearing holding onto dear life. The fact that it was still going had to be the work of the survivors of this deck. Turning the corner, they found the five. Three were barely alive, while the other two were badly injured did their best to hold things together. Once again, they went back to handing out oxygen masks.

"I take it you two are the ones who have that forcefield holding?" Johnson inquired.

"Yes sir," one of the guys. "But not sure for how long. Phaser rifle powers packs are almost on empty."

"Commander, we have to get these folks back to the Resolution ASAP," the nurse spoke up. "Bring me some gurneys." Security pulled out the gurneys and assisted medical with getting them strapped on.

Walking back over to the forcefield, the Commander opened up the panel. "Goda one of the power converters should do the trick, giving us time to vacate the deck."

Taking a knee, the Rigellian opened his pack pulling out a converter attaching the power source. The forcefield immediately went from flickering to holding steady. "It's good to go."

As they stood the doctors and security already were up and moving towards the turbolift. Following in suit the Commander and Warrant stepped in the lift as well. Eight minutes later the group found themself boarding on the runabout. Securing the doors, Tony and Goda sat the helm. "Once we get close enough to the Res, let's start transporting the three we brought back to sickbay. If there's anybody near critical, we can transport them as well. I believe the others should be good for treatment in the cargo bay."

"Aye sir," both nurses replied.

As the runabout detached from the ship, they set a course back to the ship. In the distance, they noticed several Starfleet escape pods making their way over in the distance. "What's the status of those pods?"

"They have impulse and are able to navigate to safety," Bhalet reported. "But I have a Cardassian escape pod and it's in the condition to make it."

Everyone in the runabout looked around at each other. The look on their faces was one of very little concern for the enemy. Out of nowhere a single male voice spoke out. "The bastards wanted war. Let them die out here."

"I second that idea," a female survivor replied.

Goda looked over at the Commander. "They would leave us out here to die or even worse. But I know that were better than that."

"You're right about," Tony replied with a sigh. "Lock on a tractor beam and we'll pull them back to the Resolution."

There were a few voices from the back who clearly disagreed with the decision. Normally Tony would have been quick to shut that down immediately. But considering what these people had just endured, he simply allowed them to vent among themselves. It wasn't as if they were actively trying to stop them. Locking on a tractor, the runabout began making its way back to the ship.


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