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Here we are

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 10:50pm by Captain Xavier Carey & Lieutenant Talsi Carey & Ensign Sherri Element (Carey) & Field Marshal Moxley Sorrel (Stoffels) & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & 1st Lieutenant Kayleigh London

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

Ensign element looked at her readings, "Captain, we are 2 minutes out. Dropping out of warp."

"Thank you Ensign." He paused and looked around. What they were about to see was something no one wanted to see. But there wasn't a choice. He called senior staff up, to witness what they were up for. Many sacrifices were made today, on both sides. Though it wasn't mandatory to come up as they had their own jobs to do.

"Sensors indicate no ongoing battles." Tal replied from tactical.

"Maintain red alert and keep your eyes open." He stood, it seemed wrong to sit many dead leay just before him..

"Switching to impulse. Field on screen now sir." Element replied, noticing the Captain stand. She felt the necessity to stand as well.

Toni was standing way back so most people would not be able to see her. As a therapist she dreaded the coming hours and she hoped she could keep her face impassive.

Kay was at parade rest with a totally impassive face. She was glad she had marine training along with her therapist one.

Tony Johnson stood from the strategic ops station and walked over to where Talsi was standing. Staring at main view screen, he kept his composure. He had a couple of friends who were in this battle and was still awaiting word from a few of them.

Entering onto the bridge Sky turned to look at the site they were facing. “Good heavens...” she was horrified by the sight, but she kept her composure just like everyone else. “I err...” she paused. “I’m sensing...injured, and dying out there...” she was starting to wish she’d stayed in their quarters, where she wouldn’t have witnessed what she was seeing.

Milton stepped upon the Bridge; he knew his duty is more in Medical but also getting a glimpse of what they are jumping into would help greatly. He made sure to be out of the way as the Captain is in His element and Milton no more than a observer. He would leave with the first away teams departure.

[Fighter Bay]

Troilin was the first to her fighter; her Crew chief help strap her into place.

=^= Katana Wing, when we stop launch will begin. =^= Troilin explained. =^= I want the twelve birds out, six to parameter patrol and six surrounding the Resolution until the danger is confirmed as safe. =^=

The six rescue fighters would launch with shuttle and be guard dogs while the shuttle teams accessed the danger.

All seemed in order.

TAGS Arrivals reactions...

"Open ship wide communications Lt." He replied looking over to the ops chief.

"Attention crew, we have arrived at our designated coordinates, and our task is simple, rescue as many of the survivors as possible. I know this may not be easy, but there are many people waiting for our help." He turned. "Lt London, I can't sit idly by and watch while people need rescuing... give me a few of your people, and I’ll lead an away team to one of those ships out there."

Johnson stepped forward. "Sir you mind if I can assist as well. No need for me to be sitting around waiting for information to come in. While I can be of some use in other ways."

Nodding, "Very well." He looked over to the screen. "I’ll take the USS Wellington, you take the USS Ulysses."

"Sir, Both of those are without power, there is no gravity."

"EV suits it is." Xavier replied, looking over at Toni. "Commander Stoffels, you have the bridge. Anyone need me, patch them through." He knew she would be better off here, for right now, and for later on. She would need to be at her best, if this was any indication, there would be a shortage of counselors.

"Sir with respect. It is usual that the captain stays on the bridge. Allow me to suit up and take a team." Toni said. Didn't Xavier trust her yet?

Kay had already rushed off the bridge to get ready, eager like a puppy.

"Commander," He paused as he looked out there. He'd seen worst. But that was another time. "I need you to be ok with what's out there, and be able to function at 100% after, But we also need to get people over there to as many ships as possible." He looked over to the ships. "The USS Sherbrooke needs someone... assemble a team and head over."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." For a moment she had thought he would deny her. But thankfully Xavier understood how important it was to her to be seen as a capable officer, especially with her granddad here.

Looking around the bridge. Operations would be getting ready for their assignment, figuring out what ships were good to salvage, and if any could be brought up and transported back to the nearest repair yard. "Lt Carey you have the bridge. Keep open coms with all the away teams." Her station was tactical so she would be remaining on the bridge.

"Aye sir." Tal replied as she stood at her station.

Sky was worried about her husband going but Tony had already voiced an opinion about that. “Begging the Captain’s pardon..” Sky looked to Xavier. “Given the situation, isn’t the Captain’s place on the bridge? Especially with Commander Stoffels off ship as well.”

Johnson was making his way to the turbolift when he suddenly came to a full stop. Turning he waited to hear the Captain's response to the question.

"Usually yes... but time is of the essence, people are out there dying. If I can help rather than standing on the bridge, stuck to protocols, then what use am I."

I do have open coms and a transporter lock if he's needed." Tal assured her.

"Let me hold the bridge." A voice used to command spoke up. Moxley Sorrel suddenly stepped forward. He had come onto the bridge some minutes ago without anyone noticing him. During his time on board he had been making friends amongst junior personnel or some may have been overawed by the reputation he had. And today nobody had tried to stop him when he accessed the bridge. He was dressed in marine uniform without rank signs. "I can assure you that I have done it before."

Sky turned to look at Moxley, as far as she knew he hadn’t yet been cleared for duty. “Captain, Field Marshall Sorrel hasn’t yet been cleared for duty by the Counselling department.”

"Emergency breaks rules, counsellor. And I think technically you should not be here either." It was not said unkindly. "I am at your service, captain." He stood ramrod straight exuding confidence in himself and the crew.

"Fine... I wouldn't exactly call this routine. If you are worried Lt. You can remain here with him." He didnt want to argue with a general and his wife.

Sky looked towards her husband. “No, that’s alright Sir. As the Field Marshall said I shouldn’t be here.” With that she headed for the turbolift to return to Quarters.

Knowing the tone, he knew he would be getting a talking to when he returned home. Whenever that was.

"Dr, I will tag those for transport to med bay, as soon as I get over there, Bodies... can wait until the injured has been taken care of."

"I will be in Sick Bay readying for action." Milton announced before turning to the Turbo Lift to depart.

"Sounds like we all have our orders," Tony replied. He proceeded to step into the turbolift with Doctor Milton.

=^= Katana Parameter Flight Ready for Launch.=^= Troilin announced over the Comm.

All her birds needed was clearance to launch from Flight Control.

"Captain, the birds are set for departure."

"Set them free Lt."

"Bridge to fighterbay, you are good to go." Ensign element replied over the intercom.

"Go Carey." Moxley said as he moved over to the centre chair. "I have things in hand here."

Nodding, he turned to the lift. Not really looking forward to the away team. "All hands, to your stations, prepare for injured."


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