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patching up

Posted on Wed Dec 4th, 2024 @ 9:06am by Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Sky Jansen-Carey & Lieutenant JG Kiara Rahl (Jansen-Carey)

Mission: Those who are left behind

IC - slight back post after the away missions

By the time they made it back to the ship Toni's throat was really hurting like a bitch and she felt incredibly tired. So for once she was ok with others taking care of the prisoners and doing the debriefing. All she wanted was a few hours of sleep.

Kiara made sure Toni was taken directly to Sickbay, she wasn’t going to take any messing when it came to the health of the ship’s XO. “Okay settle yourself down here Commander, I’m keeping you for observation for a few hours at least.” She offered a smile as she pulled out a tricorder and more pain relief. “A mild analgesic it’ll help with the throat pain. Don’t worry I’ll have you sorted in no time. Would you like me to call Sky?”

Toni nodded that she would like that. Then she got the PADD out again. *Throat may be damaged. Choked me until I lost consciousness."

“I can see that” Kiara nodded as she ran a scan from head to foot just to be thorough. “There’s some minor damage, and swelling, nothing that can’t be fixed. Lie back and I’ll get to work on it, either way it’ll be a bit sore and uncomfortable for a couple of days. I’ll put a prescription for pain killers through to your replicator for you. She tapped her comm badge. “Sickbay to Counsellor Jansen-Carey, Commander Stoffels is asking for you.”

Sky was just finishing off changing a nappy when the call came through. “I’ll be there as soon as I can Kiara.”
Re-dressing her son she quickly grabbed what she’d need and headed for Sickbay with the twins.

Toni bit back tears, she did not understand why she was so emotional right now, this was all part of the job. But somehow it hit her hard, she tried not to look at Kiara and let her do her job.

Kiara had learned to be quietly observant of her patients, noticing that Toni was upset she paused what she was doing to to raise a privacy screen around the biobed. “You don’t need to hide your emotions here Commander, your privacy is assured.”

Walking into Sickbay Sky could feel Toni’s emotions, she’d felt them all the way along the corridor as she’d approached. “Seems like we arrived just at the right time” Sky offered a smile as she brought the twins around inside the screened area with her.

Toni grabbed the PADD again. *Talking hurts. Feels suffocating not to be able to express myself. Behaving like a baby.*

“You are most definitely NOT acting like a baby!” Sky smiled. “There’s two of them right here and I’m sure they’d agree if they could.” She smiled warmly. “Kiara will have you sorted in no time.”

*Sorry.* Toni typed in and wiped her eyes. *Close to panic attack.* But she did not want the babies to witness that so she tried to pull herself together.

“Okay” Sky looked around motioning to another nurse who was obviously smitten by the twins asking her if she’d mind watching them for a few minutes for her. Once they were sorted she turned back to Toni. “Okay now, you remember how to help calm panic attacks, slow deep breaths, you can hold my hand if you want.”

*Should know how to do this. Stupid stupid* Toni typed at once embarrassed that she forgot her own therapists skills and overwhelmed by what had happened to her.

“No you’re not you’re just overwhelmed” Sky offered a warm smile. “Now relax and stop worrying, I’m not going to leave you until I know you’re alright.”

Toni nodded and felt her throat again it was still soar and hurting so she hoped Kiara could do more for her.

Kiara was busy finishing off her scans particularly of Toni’s throat. “Okay, scans all done. There is quite a bit of inflammation in your neck and throat area so I’ll run the dermal regenerator over and get that down for you, that should ease your pain, but some discomfort may remain for a couple of days or so. As I said I’ll put a prescription for pain relief through for you if you need it. For now just lie back and relax, I’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

*My voice* Toni typed. *When can I talk?*

“As long as you don’t go shouting at anyone you’ll be fine to talk once I’ve finished.” Kiara smiled. “Though as with any sore throat you may want to keep it to a whisper for a little while. Better still just rest and relax, give yourself time to heal.”

"Shyte." Toni thought. *What about work? Not talking over a whisper would make her work harder. We need all hands.*

“Don’t even think about it” Sky gave Toni a knowing look. “You need rest before you go off back to work again. I know it’s frustrating but that’s how it is.”

*Not working.* Toni swallowed. *We are too busy for me to sit at home and do nothing just because my throat hurts a bit.*

“A brief rest, a few hours won’t hurt.” Sky offered in response. “Trust me I know how frustrating it is, I feel exactly the same whilst trying to work out being a mum.”

*In my own quarters?* Toni typed. *And then I can work?* She looked at Kiara as well.

Kiara offered a warm smile. “As long as you don’t overdo it, or Rutherford will have my hide!” She grinned.

“See? Not so bad.” Sky offered a smile.

*Thanks.* Toni sighed and then closed her eyes for just a second. She was suddenly feeling very tired.

“No worries” Sky smiled. “Get some rest and I’ll come back in a little while to see you home safely.”

Toni was asleep before Sky left.


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